波利比烏斯 Polybius: 11 books

Book cover of The Histories of Polybius Volume II
by Polybius
Language: English
Release Date: August 29, 2014

The Histories of Polybius Volume II Polybius , greek historian of the Hellenistic Period (264-146B.C.) This ebook presents «The Histories of Polybius Volume II», from Polybius . A dynamic table of contents enables to jump directly to the chapter selected. Table of Contents -01- About...
Book cover of The Histories of Polybius Volume I
by Polybius
Language: English
Release Date: August 29, 2014

The Histories of Polybius Volume I Polybius , greek historian of the Hellenistic Period (264-146B.C.) This ebook presents «The Histories of Polybius Volume I», from Polybius . A dynamic table of contents enables to jump directly to the chapter selected. Table of Contents -01- About this...
Book cover of Complete Works of Polybius (Delphi Classics)
by Polybius, Delphi Classics
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Polybius was a leading Hellenistic historian, whom many regard as the natural successor to Thucydides. The great theme to his ‘Histories’ was a study of ‘what made Rome great’, exploring the rise of the Republic, the destruction of Carthage and the eventual Roman domination of the Greek world....
Book cover of The Histories of Polybius (Complete)
by Polybius
Language: English
Release Date: March 8, 2015

This is the first English translation of the complete works of Polybius as far as they are now known. In attempting such a task I feel that I ought to state distinctly the limits which I have proposed to myself in carrying it out. I have desired to present to English readers a faithful copy of what...
Book cover of The Complete Histories of Polybius
by Polybius
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2012

Written in the 2nd century by the Greek historian Polybius, "The Histories" is a multi-volume work detailing many of the events, people, and ideas of the Hellenistic Period. While his focus is the space of time in which ancient Rome became a world power from 220 to 167 BC, Polybius also discusses his...
Book cover of The Histories of Polybius
by Polybius
Language: English
Release Date: June 3, 2018

The Histories is a multi-volume work written by Polybius who was taken as a hostage to Rome after the Roman defeat of the Achaean League, and there he began to write an account of the rise of Rome to a world power. Polybius' Histories begin in the year 264 BC and end in 146 BC. He is primarily concerned...
Book cover of The Histories of Polybius (Vol.1&2)
by Polybius
Language: English
Release Date: November 2, 2018

This eBook has been formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. The Histories is a multi-volume work written by Polybius who was taken as a hostage to Rome after the Roman defeat of the Achaean League, and there he began to write an account of the rise of...
Book cover of The Histories
by Polybius, Brian McGing
Language: English
Release Date: November 11, 2010

'no one else in our times has attempted to write a universal history' Polybius' ambitious goal was to describe how Rome conquered the Mediterranean world in less than fifty-three years. This great study of imperialism takes the reader back to Rome's first encounter with Carthage in 264 and forward...
Book cover of The Rise of the Roman Empire
by Polybius
Language: English
Release Date: August 28, 2003

The Greek statesman Polybius (c.200–118 BC) wrote his account of the relentless growth of the Roman Empire in order to help his fellow countrymen understand how their world came to be dominated by Rome. Opening with the Punic War in 264 BC, he vividly records the critical stages of Roman expansion:...
Book cover of The Ultimate Hannibal Collection
by Charles River Editors, Jacob Abbott, Livy
Language: English
Release Date: December 31, 2012

Includes:•Charles River Editors original biography of Hannibal•Cornelius Nepos biography of Hannibal from Lives of Eminent Commanders•Jacob Abbotts biography entitled Hannibal•Livys History of Rome Volume III , which discusses The Second Punic War•Polybius Histories Book III, which covers the...
Book cover of 羅馬帝國的崛起
by 波利比烏斯 Polybius
Language: Chinese
Release Date: July 4, 2012

西方史學傳世精典,華文世界唯一譯本終於問世! 希臘政治家波利比烏斯(POLYBIUS)四十卷的《歷史》整個主旨在於回答:何以羅馬能在220-167B.C.年的五十三年間統一當時所知的世界!   波利比烏斯的《歷史》從第一次迦太基戰爭(264B.C.)開始鋪陳直到第三次迦太基戰爭(146B.C.)為止,紀錄羅馬人如何迎接每次嚴峻的挑戰,從不知大海為何物到打敗海上強權的迦太基,歷經三次慘敗後如何擊退一代名將漢尼拔,也讓高傲的希臘人願意臣服於羅馬帝國,並且使地中海成了羅馬人的內海。作者一生(200-118B.C.)與這一時代有部份重疊,其政治軍事長才讓他有機會接觸一些最具政治影響力的羅馬人,並且陪同小希奇皮歐.「非洲征服者」參加第三次迦太基戰爭,親眼見證文明古國迦太基的覆滅。   羅馬征服東地中海對當時候的希臘人是驚心動魄以及萬分挫折的經驗,但並非每個人都瞭解這新關係的嚴酷事實。波利比烏斯主要是為了教育他的希臘同胞,而設法去解釋那種造就羅馬主宰全世界過程中,所具有人力資源、軍事技能及道德謹慎自持的無比結合。   波利比烏斯的普世史紀錄公元前三世紀及二世紀為羅馬帶來霸業的大事,呈現出第一部綜觀性的歷史。因為地中海世界就是在這時期變得如此糾結,構成一個有機整體,所以他相信僅侷限在某地的歷史將無法適當地診斷出事件之因果。他因此以在公元前218年爆發的第二次迦太基戰爭做為敘事的起點,貫穿歷史,直到146年毀滅迦太基以及攻佔哥林斯為止。本書從現存的《歷史》檢選了相當規模的節錄,並附導讀、註解及地圖。   《歷史》全書對羅馬崛起的見解主要歸因於羅馬採行了能達成平衡穩健的混合政體,此點見解對後世產生了深遠的影響,多少人都企圖從中受得啟發。西塞羅的《論國家》、李維的《羅馬自建城以來》、普魯塔克《布魯圖斯傳》、馬基維利、16世紀的布丹(Jean...
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