彼得.戈弗雷史密斯Peter Godfrey Smith: 5 books

Book cover of Other Minds

Other Minds

The Octopus, the Sea, and the Deep Origins of Consciousness

by Peter Godfrey-Smith
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2016

Although mammals and birds are widely regarded as the smartest creatures on earth, it has lately become clear that a very distant branch of the tree of life has also sprouted higher intelligence: the cephalopods, consisting of the squid, the cuttlefish, and above all the octopus. In captivity, octopuses...
Book cover of Otras mentes. El pulpo, el mar y los orígenes profundos de la consciencia
by Peter Godfrey-Smith
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 9, 2017

El libro del año para mentes curiosas, lo más parecido a un encuentro alienígena. «Una fabulosa mezcla de encuentros a lo Cousteau con cefalópodos, apasionantes discusiones científicas y reflexión filosófica. Maravillosamente escrito, estimulante y audaz.» Olivia Judson, The Atlantic En...
Book cover of Philosophy of Biology
by Peter Godfrey-Smith
Language: English
Release Date: December 20, 2013

This is a concise, comprehensive, and accessible introduction to the philosophy of biology written by a leading authority on the subject. Geared to philosophers, biologists, and students of both, the book provides sophisticated and innovative coverage of the central topics and many of the latest developments...
Book cover of Darwinian Populations and Natural Selection
by Peter Godfrey-Smith
Language: English
Release Date: March 26, 2009

In 1859 Darwin described a deceptively simple mechanism that he called "natural selection," a combination of variation, inheritance, and reproductive success. He argued that this mechanism was the key to explaining the most puzzling features of the natural world, and science and philosophy...
Book cover of 章魚,心智,演化:探尋大海及意識的起源
by 彼得.戈弗雷史密斯(Peter Godfrey-Smith)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: September 7, 2017

★美國Amazon 4.4星好評推薦! ★《紐約時報書評》、《洛杉磯時報》、《衛報》、《經濟學人》、《科學》雜誌(Scientific)、《今日心理學》雜誌(Psychology Today)、《書單》雜誌(Booklist)、《出版人週刊》(Publishers Weekly)佳評如潮! 頭足類和我們分處生命樹上遙遠的兩端,藉由牠們迥異於人類的演化故事,探索數億年來心智演變的奧祕。 「人類何以有主觀經驗?」 「章魚擁有高智能?」 最原始的生命,是以單細胞的形式,存在於海洋。單細胞生物獨自度過了一段非常漫長的時間,才因為基因突變,無法正常分裂成各奔東西的細胞,或其他未知原因,而有了多細胞生物相伴。這些彼此黏在一起的細胞,組合出各式各樣的生命形態,包括植物、動物,以及真菌。其中有些更離開海洋,上到了陸地。這些生命若要生存,功能各異的細胞便得依靠神經系統彼此協調,以應付外在環境變化,發展出所謂的智能。 在這個過程中,可能是在六億年前,人類和頭足類分家了。在頭足類那一端,牠們放棄了外殼,擁有無拘無束的行動力。漸漸地,牠們演化出適應這種生活型態的各項本領,包括傑出的變色能力、擁有「感覺」的腕足,甚至是做出各式各樣調皮搗蛋行為的「高智商」,奇怪的是,牠們多數似乎異常短命? 一般認為除了人類以外,地球上擁有較高智能的是哺乳動物和鳥類。但我們越來越清楚知道,人類在生命樹上遙遠分枝的親戚——頭足類,也展現出驚人的心智能力。當我們在探討心智的奧祕時,或許應該納入其他動物也具有意識的事實,特別是頭足類。 身為科學家、哲學家與潛水員的作者,爬梳大量海洋科學、動物行為學、心理學、人腦科學以及哲學等等研究,藉由討論頭足類的心智演化,帶領讀者以更廣闊的角度探索「意識如何躍入生命」。 【導讀】(依姓名筆劃排列) 洪裕宏...
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