William Shakespeare: 2151 books

Book cover of Richard III
by William Shakespeare
Language: English
Release Date: September 15, 2015

A historical play by William Shakespeare describing the life and death of Richard III. The play begins with Richard describing the accession to the throne of his brother, King Edward IV of England, eldest son of the late Richard, Duke of York. Richard plots to have his brother Clarence, who stands before...
Book cover of Romeo e Giulietta

Romeo e Giulietta

Ediz. integrale

by William Shakespeare
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 15, 2014

EDIZIONE REVISIONATA 21/02/2018 Quella di Romeo e Giulietta è la storia d’amore più famosa e più conosciuta di sempre, quella dell’amore perfetto osteggiato dalla società, e nel tempo ha avuto numerosissimi adattamenti letterari, televisivi, cinematografi ci, artistici e musicali. Scritta...
Book cover of Enrico V. Con testo a fronte
by William Shakespeare
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 23, 2016

Se in altri drammi storici di Shakespeare gli eventi bellici fanno da sfondo all’azione scenica, in Enrico V sono la sostanza stessa del dramma, che costringe a domandarsi: esiste una guerra che possa dirsi giusta? Shakespeare mette in scena, accanto alla guerra “epica” delle sonanti disfide e...
Book cover of I due gentiluomini di Verona. Con testo a fronte
by William Shakespeare
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 23, 2016

Opera giovanile, I due gentiluomini di Verona risale probabilmente agli anni dell’apprendistato artistico di Shakespeare; un apprendistato relativo, vista la consapevolezza di mezzi espressivi già dimostrata dal grande drammaturgo inglese. Rispetto alle opere coeve – La commedia degli errori, La...
Book cover of Sonetti - Sonetti 1-22 Libro 1/7 (versione PC o MAC)
by William Shakespeare
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 13, 2012

(questa versione completa di audio è stata ottimizzata per PC o MAC) Come può venire in mente a qualcuno, di tradurre in endecasillabi rimati centocinquantaquattro Sonetti (un sesto della Divina Commedia!), sapendo che di traduzioni di quell’Opera di Shakespeare ne esistono a centinaia? Mi era...
Book cover of Enrico VIII. Con testo a fronte
by William Shakespeare
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 23, 2016

Enrico VIII – ultimo dramma di Shakespeare – segna il ritorno ai grandi temi della storia nazionale affrontati nelle due grandi tetralogie che trattano le vicende del regno inglese, dal 1398 al 1521, e nel Re Giovanni, che risale agli esordi della sua attività di drammaturgo. Entrambi questi drammi,...
Book cover of Enrico IV parte seconda. Con testo a fronte
by William Shakespeare
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 23, 2016

«Nessuno dei drammi di Shakespeare è più letto della prima e seconda parte di Henry IV», scriveva Samuel Johnson nel 1765. «Forse nessun autore ha mai dato in due drammi tanto piacere». La parte seconda di Enrico IV rappresenta solo idealmente la prosecuzione e la conclusione della precedente....
Book cover of The Winter's Tale
by William Shakespeare
Language: English
Release Date: June 13, 2018

The Winter's Tale is a play by William Shakespeare, first published in the First Folio in 1623. Although it was listed as a comedy when it first appeared, some modern editors have relabeled the play a romance. Some critics, among them W. W. Lawrence (Lawrence, 9-13), consider it to be one of Shakespeare's...
Book cover of All's Well That Ends Well
by William Shakespeare
Language: English
Release Date: June 7, 2018

All's Well That Ends Well is a play by William Shakespeare, originally classified as a comedy, though now often counted as one of his problem plays, so-called because they cannot be easily classified as tragedy or comedy. It was probably written in later middle part of Shakespeare's career, between...
Book cover of Le Roi Lear
by William Shakespeare
Language: French
Release Date: September 7, 2017

Le Roi Lear (en anglais : King Lear) est une tragédie en cinq actes en vers et en prose, qu'on suppose avoir été écrite entre 1603et 1606 par William Shakespeare et créée le 26 décembre 1606 au Palais de Whitehall de Londres en présence du roi Jacques Ierd'Angleterre. Shakespeare...
Book cover of The first Part of Henry the Sixt (Illustrated)
by William Shakespeare
Language: English
Release Date: March 28, 2014

Henry VI, Part 1 (often written as 1 Henry VI), is a history play by William Shakespeare, and possibly Thomas Nashe, believed to have been written in 1591, and set during the lifetime of King Henry VI of England. Whereas 2 Henry VI deals with the King's inability to quell the bickering of his nobles,...
Book cover of Timon d'Athenes (Timon of Athens in French)
by William Shakespeare
Language: French
Release Date: February 23, 2017

Translated by Francois Pierre Guillaume Guizot (1787 - 1874), French historian, and statesman. Published in 1862. According to Wikipedia: "The Life of Timon of Athens is a play by William Shakespeare about the fortunes of an Athenian named Timon (and probably influenced by the philosopher of the same...
Book cover of Jules César
by William Shakespeare
Language: French
Release Date: December 10, 2016

Jules César est une tragédie du dramaturge et écrivain anglais William Shakespeare (1564 – 1616). Elle relate la conspiration contre Jules César, son assassinat et ses conséquences. Ce livre numérique présente l'édition intégrale et comporte une table des matières dynamique. Il est parfaitement mise en page pour une lecture sur liseuse électronique.
Book cover of Peines d'amour perdues
by William Shakespeare
Language: French
Release Date: March 31, 2014

EXTRAIT: ACTE PREMIER SCÈNE I Navarre.- Un parc avec un palais. LE ROI FERDINAND, BIRON, LONGUEVILLE ET DUMAINE. LE ROI.- Que la Renommée, objet de la poursuite de tous les hommes pendant leur vie, reste gravée sur nos tombeaux d'airain...
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