Walther Ziegler: 23 books

Book cover of Marx in 60 Minutes

Marx in 60 Minutes

Great Thinkers in 60 Minutes

by Walther Ziegler
Language: English
Release Date: July 19, 2016

Never before or since has a single philosopher produced such a tremendous effect as Karl Marx. His great vision of a society without private property was heeded worldwide and had huge historical effects. Allegiance to his ideas was proclaimed by revolutionaries, parties, governments and states. Marxism...
Book cover of Nietzsche in 60 Minutes
by Walther Ziegler
Language: English
Release Date: July 10, 2018

Nietzsche has the reputation of being the most provocative and controversial of all philosophers. What he demanded of humanity was something tremendous: that we should develop beyond ourselves and become "overmen". Formerly, we could draw a meaning for our lives from religion. But this is...
Book cover of Great Thinkers in 60 Minutes - Volume 1

Great Thinkers in 60 Minutes - Volume 1

Plato, Rousseau, Smith, Kant, Hegel

by Walther Ziegler
Language: English
Release Date: April 3, 2017

"Great Thinkers in 60 Minutes Volume 1" comprises the five books, already published as separate volumes, "Plato in 60 Minutes", "Rousseau in 60 Minutes", "Smith in 60 Minutes", "Kant in 60 Minutes", and "Hegel in 60 Minutes". Each short study sums up the key idea at the heart of each respective thinker...
Book cover of Hegel in 60 Minutes

Hegel in 60 Minutes

Great Thinkers in 60 Minutes

by Walther Ziegler
Language: English
Release Date: July 19, 2016

Already as a student Hegel was often reprimanded for excessive drinking and gambling and he is surely one of the most unconventional – today, one might say “coolest” – thinkers of all time. He is sometimes mockingly accused of having been drunk when he hit on his key idea of a “World Spirit”....
Book cover of Camus in 60 Minutes

Camus in 60 Minutes

Great Thinkers in 60 Minutes

by Walther Ziegler
Language: English
Release Date: July 19, 2016

Albert Camus was a legend in his own lifetime, as a successful author, a philosopher and a “ladies’ man”. His philosophical discoveries remain provocative even today. Because, like all great philosophers, Camus posed the question of the meaning of life. But his answer to this question was an answer...
Book cover of Freud in 60 Minutes

Freud in 60 Minutes

Great Thinkers in 60 Minutes

by Walther Ziegler
Language: English
Release Date: July 19, 2016

The Viennese physician and psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud moved from hypnotizing his patients to interpreting their dreams and discovered thereby the hitherto unexplored dimension of the unconscious mind. Each of us, argued Freud, has hidden wishes, desires, and drives which influence our actions below...
Book cover of Heidegger in 60 Minutes

Heidegger in 60 Minutes

Great Thinkers in 60 Minutes

by Walther Ziegler
Language: English
Release Date: July 19, 2016

Heidegger is without a doubt one of the most important thinkers in the history of the Western world. He called his philosophy a “fundamental ontology”. His interest as a philosopher extended beyond the individual sciences to the underlying question of the meaning of life as a whole. His key question,...
Book cover of Sartre in 60 Minutes

Sartre in 60 Minutes

Great Thinkers in 60 Minutes

by Walther Ziegler
Language: English
Release Date: July 19, 2016

Sartre is surely one of the most important philosophers of the 20th Century. His “philosophy of existence” influenced not just academic debate but the whole of Western civilization, especially European youth. In France, from the end of WW2 on into the 1960s, a certain “youth culture” milieu composed...
Book cover of Great Thinkers in 60 Minutes - Volume 2

Great Thinkers in 60 Minutes - Volume 2

Marx, Freud, Sartre, Camus, Heidegger

by Walther Ziegler
Language: English
Release Date: August 15, 2016

"Great Thinkers in 60 Minutes Volume 2” comprises the five books “Marx in 60 Minutes”, “Freud in 60 Minutes”, “Sartre in 60 Minutes”, “Heidegger in 60 Minutes”, and “Camus in 60 Minutes”. Each short study sums up the key idea at the heart of each respective thinker and asks the...
Book cover of Plato in 60 Minutes

Plato in 60 Minutes

Great Thinkers in 60 Minutes

by Walther Ziegler
Language: English
Release Date: July 22, 2016

Plato’s great discovery was radically new but has echoed down the ages. His “theory of Ideas” has shaped the whole of Western culture and his name is known worldwide. More than 2000 years ago Plato used his “allegory of the cave” – which envisaged people looking at shadows on a cavern wall...
Book cover of Rousseau in 60 Minutes

Rousseau in 60 Minutes

Great Thinkers in 60 Minutes

by Walther Ziegler
Language: English
Release Date: July 19, 2016

Rousseau possessed a brilliant mind and one that questioned every accepted value and idea. Whatever most were “for”, Rousseau was always “against”! He was against monarchy, against the church, against the status quo, against inequality, against traditional education, against marriage, and (of...
Book cover of Kant in 60 Minutes

Kant in 60 Minutes

Great Thinkers in 60 Minutes

by Walther Ziegler
Language: English
Release Date: July 14, 2016

Immanuel Kant is thought to be perhaps the greatest of all philosophers. And Kant did make, in the 18th Century, two great discoveries which engage us still today. Firstly, he founded the globally acknowledged ‘categorical imperative’ in moral philosophy; secondly, he became the first philosopher...
Book cover of Smith in 60 Minutes

Smith in 60 Minutes

Great Thinkers in 60 Minutes

by Walther Ziegler
Language: English
Release Date: July 19, 2016

It was, of all people, to a Scottish philosopher of morality that there fell the role of intellectual forefather of capitalism. It was Adam Smith who was the first to recognize and describe, in 1776, the basic principle of the market economy. His magnum opus, The Wealth of Nations, is still looked on...
Book cover of Große Denker in 60 Minuten - Band 2

Große Denker in 60 Minuten - Band 2

Marx, Freud, Sartre, Camus, Heidegger

by Walther Ziegler
Language: German
Release Date: July 23, 2015

„Große Denker in 60 Minuten - Band 2“ ist der zweite Sammelband zur beliebten gleichnamigen Buchreihe. Er umfasst die fünf Einzelpublikationen „Marx in 60 Minuten“, „Freud in 60 Minuten“, „Sartre in 60 Minuten“, „Camus in 60 Minuten“ und „Heidegger in 60 Minuten“. Dabei wird...
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