Una: 103 books

Book cover of Shakespeare's Drama
by Una Ellis-Fermor
Language: English
Release Date: October 11, 2013

First published in 1980. This collection of essays by the first General Editor of the New Arden Shakespeare brings together the best of Ellis-Fermor's Shespearean criticism, in addition to outstanding essays on Coriolanus and Troilus and Cressida. Collected and edited by Kenneth Muir, the book is prefaced by an appreciation of Ellis-Fermor's work.
Book cover of Shakespeare the Dramatist

Shakespeare the Dramatist

And other papers

by Una Ellis-Fermor
Language: English
Release Date: October 11, 2013

First published in 1961. On her death, Professor Ellis-Fermor left behind some uncollected essays and part of a book on Shakespeare the Dramatist. This volume includes the chapters of the unfinished work and three further articles on Shakespeare. It discusses Shakespeare's methods with regard...
Book cover of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Never Ending Sacrifice
by Una McCormack
Language: English
Release Date: August 25, 2009

A boy looks up. He sees a Cardassian's hand on his shoulder and knows that this is usually a prelude to a beating or, if he is fortunate enough, arrest. The boy knows how many disappeared during the Occupation of Bajor. So he does the one thing he can think of: he bites the Cardassian. Then the nightmare...
Book cover of Doctor Who: Molten Heart
by Una McCormack
Language: English
Release Date: November 8, 2018

Don’t dig too deep. You never know what you’ll find beneath the surface. Deep below the surface of the planet Adamantine lies a crystalline wonder world of lava seas and volcanic islands, home to living rock-people. But when the Doctor and her friends arrive on Adamantine they find...
Book cover of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Hollow Men
by Una McCormack
Language: English
Release Date: May 31, 2005

At the turning point of the Dominion War, Captain Benjamin Sisko of Starbase Deep Space 9 ™, facing certain defeat by the relentless forces of the Jem'Hadar and the Cardassians, went through with a secret plan to secure the aid of the Federation's longtime adversaries, the Romulans. What began as...
Book cover of Star Trek - Die Welten von Deep Space Nine 01: Cardassia - Die Lotusblume
by Una McCormack
Language: German
Release Date: July 16, 2012

Die letzte vom Dominion-Krieg heimgesuchte Welt ist außerdem die letzte, auf der sich Miles O'Brien jemals hätte vorstellen können, ein Leben aufzubauen. Während er sich dem Wiederaufbau der cardassianischen Infrastruktur anschließt, leitet seine Frau Keiko die schwierige landwirtschaftliche...
Book cover of Star Trek - Typhon Pact 7: Risiko
by Una McCormack
Language: German
Release Date: September 19, 2014

Ein Roman, der im Universum von Star Trek - The Next Generation spielt, und in dem die Spannungen zwischen zwei mächtigen Gegnern im interstellaren Raum eskalieren. Nachdem die letzte Borg-Invasion ganze Welten zerstört, dreiundsechzig Milliarden Personen das Leben gekostet und der Sternenflotte...
Book cover of Star Trek - Deep Space Nine: Misstrauen
by Una McCormack
Language: German
Release Date: January 16, 2017

Auf Deep Space 9 wird Captain Ro Laren in die Angelegenheiten des Volks des Freien Himmels verstrickt, das auf der Station um Asyl bittet. Zusammen mit dem neuen leitenden medizinischen Offizier Doktor Beverly Crusher bittet sie diesen Leuten ihre Unterstützung an. Doch als ohne Genehmigung auf Doktor...
Book cover of Doctor Who: Königliches Blut
by Una McCormack
Language: German
Release Date: May 3, 2016

Der Stadtstaat Varuz verfällt. Herzog Aurelian ist der letzte seiner Linie, sein Vermögen schwindet und das Heer seines Feindes, Herzog Conrad, steht angriffsbereit vor den Grenzen seines Reichs. Aurelian bereitet sich darauf vor, alles in einem letzten Kampf aufs Spiel zu setzen. Als ein Geistlicher,...
Book cover of an icicle for an eye
by una woods
Language: English
Release Date: January 10, 2014

What's spared are the images of the early consciousness- a landscape is stripped to its signs- the sudden idea is the source of faith- things appear as their possible selves- first impressions are a set of beliefs- a glimmer of light is a way of life- everything happens in a private place- all is determined in an instant- at the same time nothing is fixed-.
Book cover of Five Summers
by Una LaMarche
Language: English
Release Date: May 16, 2013

Bittersweet, funny, and achingly honest, Five Summers is a story of friendship, love, and growing up that is perfect for fans of Ann Brashares' The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants and Judy Blume's Summer Sisters. Four best friends, five summers of camp memories Emma, Skylar, Jo, and...
Book cover of The Fairbairn Girls
by Una-Mary Parker
Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 2013

A nineteenth-century family of Scottish aristocrats falls victim to a mysterious curse in this historical saga by the author of Riches—“A spellbinding read” (Booklist Online).   Scotland, 1891. The aristocratic Fairbairn family have occupied Lochlee Castle in Argyllshire for the past five centuries....
Book cover of How to Make the World a Better Place for Gays & Lesbians
by Una W Fahy
Language: English
Release Date: September 26, 2009

This book encourages readers to confront, address, and change anti-gay prejudice on all levels of society, from personal and interpersonal to collective, religious and institutional.
Book cover of Cookies: Delicious Cookie Recipes You can Make in Less than 20 Minutes
by Una Soto
Language: English
Release Date: August 28, 2017

Here is a book everyone who loves cookies will sure like to have at hand.  Here is a combination of some mouth watering cookie recipes for your awesome delight and for the whole family at large.  The various recipes included in this book have been carefully selected from amongst the several cookies...
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