Tracy Alton: 13 books

Book cover of Amour Sauvage
by Tracy Alton
Language: French
Release Date: December 4, 2012

Âgé de 19 ans, Clara s'ennuie et vit une existence solitaire dans la prairie. Tout va changer quand Elan qui Court vient pour l'enlever et la ramener chez lui. Il s'agit d'une histoire érotique courte comportant 9000 mots environ. Elle contient du langage explicite abordant des thèmes sexuels....
Book cover of Amore Selvaggio
by Tracy Alton
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 4, 2012

La diciannovenne Clara è bloccata a vivere con i genitori nel mezzo della prateria, annoiata e sola. Tutto ciò sta per cambiare quando Alce Veloce fa la sua comparsa e la rapisce, reclamandola per sé. Questa è una storia dai contenuti espliciti lunga circa 9,400 parole. Contiene linguaggio forte...
Book cover of Amore Selvaggio 2
by Tracy Alton
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 7, 2014

La relazione fra Clara e Alce che Corre continua a svilupparsi sullo sfondo del villaggio tribale dell'indiano. Rigettata dalle altre donne e minacciata da alcuni guerrieri, Clara si rivolge ad Alce che Corre per conforto e protezione. Si tratta di un'esplicita breve storia erotica lunga circa...
Book cover of Segreto Selvaggio
by Tracy Alton
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 30, 2013

Mary Cooper vive nella difficile condizione di donna sola nel West. Rimasta vedova in giovane età e non più in grado di tornare dalla sua famiglia a New York dopo esser fuggita per amore verso la frontiera, Mary lavora come maestra in una piccola città. La donna conduce una vita solitaria, e le...
Book cover of The Last Summer
by Tracy Alton
Language: English
Release Date: February 26, 2017

As a recent college graduate, my mom tells me it's time to be an Adult, with a capital A. Time to be responsible, to take on the world with my new diploma. But now that the time is here, it feels as though my childhood slipped away without me noticing. I've never done anything spontaneous or stupid....
Book cover of Savage Secret
by Tracy Alton
Language: English
Release Date: November 30, 2012

Mary Cooper is in the difficult position of a woman alone out west. Widowed at a young age and unable to return to her family in New York since her elopement to the frontier, she works as a teacher in a small town. It’s a lonely life, and she misses more than just her husband’s companionship....
Book cover of Savage Love 2
by Tracy Alton
Language: English
Release Date: February 3, 2014

The relationship between Clara and Running Elk continues to develop against the backdrop of Running Elk’s tribal village. Unaccepted by the other women and threatened by the other braves, Clara looks to Running Elk for comfort and protection. This is an explicit erotic short story of approximately...
Book cover of Savage Love
by Tracy Alton
Language: English
Release Date: November 19, 2012

19 year old Clara is stuck in the middle of the prairie, bored and lonely. That’s all about to change when Running Elk shows up and claims her for his own. This is an explicit erotic short story of approximately 9,400 words. It contains graphic language and sexual themes. It is meant only...
Book cover of Amour Sauvage 2
by Tracy Alton
Language: French
Release Date: February 8, 2014

La relation entre Clara et Elan Courant continue à se développer au sein du village tribal d'Elan Courant. Rejetée et menacée par les autres femmes, Clara cherche en Elan Courant réconfort et protection. Ce livre est un court récit érotique long d'environ 10 500 mots. Il contient des...
Book cover of Secret Sauvage
by Tracy Alton
Language: French
Release Date: March 11, 2013

Mary Cooper se retrouve dans la situation délicate de femme seule dans le Far Ouest américain. Veuve à un âge précoce et dans l’impossibilité de se tourner dans sa famille restée à New York depuis sa fugue de la maison paternelle, elle a trouvé à se faire engager comme institutrice dans...
Book cover of Le dernier été
by Tracy Alton
Language: French
Release Date: June 25, 2017

Récemment diplômée de l'université, ma mère me dit qu'il est grand temps pour moi d'agir en adulte, avec un grand A. Grand temps d'être responsable et de partir à la conquête du monde, munie de mon diplôme. Maintenant ce que temps est arrivé, j'ai l'impression que mon enfance s'est envolée...
Book cover of L'ultima estate
by Tracy Alton
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 18, 2017

Essendomi da poco diplomata al college, mia madre mi ha detto che è il momento di diventare un'Adulta con la A maiuscola. È il momento di essere responsabili, di affrontare il mondo con il mio nuovo diploma. Ma adesso che ormai ci sono, mi sembra che la mia infanzia se ne sia andata senza che me...
Book cover of Amor Salvaje
by Tracy Alton
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 2, 2012

Clara, una chica de 19 años de edad, se encuentra en medio de la pradera, sola y aburrida. Todo está a punto de cambiar cuando Alce Corriendo llega y reclama lo suyo. Esta es una historia erótica explícita de aproximadamente 9,400 palabras. Contiene lenguaje gráfico y temas sexuales. Está...
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