Tim: 4567 books

Book cover of Relationship Portraits

Relationship Portraits

Capture Emotion in Black & White Photography

by Tim Walden
Language: English
Release Date: June 7, 2016

Tim Walden’s photographic forte is capturing relationship images-emotionally resonant images that show the connection between subjects. To achieve this goal, he strives to proceed through a three-step portrait process: capture, adjust, and refine. He studies the clients and does not push the shutter...
Book cover of Game


River Cottage Handbook No.15

by Tim Maddams
Language: English
Release Date: February 22, 2018

In the fifteenth River Cottage Handbook, Tim Maddams offers a comprehensive guide to harvesting and preparing game, and a host of delicious recipes. Game offers some of the most intense, delicate, rich and varied meat around. And not only is it delicious, it can also be a healthy and more nutritious...
Book cover of Die perfekte Preisverhandlung

Die perfekte Preisverhandlung

So machen Sie Schluss mit unnötigen Rabatten und setzen höhere Preise durch

by Tim Taxis
Language: German
Release Date: December 2, 2016

Deutlich bessere Ergebnisse in Preisverhandlungen erzielen Für viele Unternehmer, Manager, Selbständige und Angestellte im Vertrieb gehören Preisverhandlungen zum Alltag. Gleichzeitig herrscht bei keinem anderen Thema so viel Unsicherheit wie beim Thema „Preis“. Wenn es in die Verhandlung geht,...
Book cover of London, Luck and Love
by Tim Addams
Language: English
Release Date: February 23, 2012

Tim comes up to London to work for a well-known food retailer. He is staying at the firm's hostel in Ladbroke Grove along with several other Trainee Managers. He is very inexperienced with girls but seems to meet plenty of them one way or another. This is a comedy romp in diary form and covers a period...
Book cover of 10 Secrets to a Bestseller

10 Secrets to a Bestseller

An Author's Guide to Self-Publishing

by Tim McConnehey
Language: English
Release Date: July 31, 2017

Calling all writers! 10 Secrets to a Bestseller is the self-publishing guide you’ve been looking for. Whether you’ve dreamed of writing the Great American Novel, have a series of techno-thrillers in your drawer, or are drafting a self-help fitness book, you know in your heart of hearts...
Book cover of Father Tim's Church Survival Guide
by Tim Schenck
Language: English
Release Date: November 25, 2014

• The author is a popular writer, humorist, blogger, and priest with a strong social media presence “If you have little tolerance for ecclesiastical blowhards; if you’ve ever fantasized about implementing a clergy rating system (CRS); if you’ve ever sought tips on surviving diocesan convention;...
Book cover of The Golden Country

The Golden Country

Australia's Changing Identity

by Tim Watts
Language: English
Release Date: September 17, 2019

In The Lucky Country*, Donald Horne wanted to capture ‘what the huge continent was like…before it was peopled from all over Asia’. Sixty years later, we need to ask what Australia is like today, as it is being ‘peopled from all over Asia’, and what a century of nation building in the image...
Book cover of Sleep and Grow Healthy

Sleep and Grow Healthy

Dream Your Way to a Healthy, Happy Life

by Tim Simon
Language: English
Release Date: June 28, 2018

Are you struggling with your weight? Your moods? Your motivation? Is life just not quite the picture of balance and bliss you wish it could be? We’re finally waking up to the importance of sleep. The latest research shows just how vital a role quality sleep plays in protecting against diseases,...
Book cover of Kid Safe Jokes
by Tim Beachum
Language: English
Release Date: August 2, 2014

Like it or not we live in the digital age. Our children are exposed to tons of things that as parents and teachers, we wish they were not. Instead of just talking about the dangers facing our children, author, and marketing strategies Tim Beachum decided to do something about it. He created this book...
Book cover of El poder del desorden

El poder del desorden

Para transformar nuestra vida

by Tim Harford
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 27, 2017

¿Por qué nos resistimos al desorden en lugar de abandonarnos a él? Descubre los beneficios que el desorden aporta a nuestra vida y cómo permite alcanzar nuevas metas. El poder del desorden celebra los beneficios que el desorden aporta a nuestra vida. A partir de los hallazgos en...
Book cover of Au plus secret des îles

Au plus secret des îles

Aventures dans le Pacifique

by Tim Flannery
Language: French
Release Date: February 5, 2015

Le grand biologiste Tim Flannery a parcouru les îles tropicales du Pacifique Sud-Ouest pendant plus d’une décennie à la recherche de marsupiaux, de chauves-souris et d’autres petits mammifères que l’on ne rencontre nulle part ailleurs sur notre planète. Plusieurs de ces îles étaient pour...
Book cover of Fitness for Old Farts
by Tim Plewman
Language: English
Release Date: May 6, 2013

If you’re an Old Fart who needs to do something about your shape, or you’d like to help the Old Fart in your life shape up, this is the perfect book for you. If you’re engrossed by TV ads that claim that taking their pills will make your fat disappear or that strapping on and plugging in a device...
Book cover of Die vierzehnte Etappe

Die vierzehnte Etappe


by Tim Krabbé
Language: German
Release Date: September 20, 2016

»Tim Krabbé hat es gefühlt. Er hat es miterlebt.« - Gerrie Knetemann, Radweltmeister 1978 »Die vierzehnte Etappe« versammelt die besten kurzen Texte, die der niederländische Schriftsteller Tim Krabbé über den Radsport geschrieben hat. Gemeinsam mit »De Renner« (dt. »Das Rennen«), seinem...
Book cover of Das Land der zweiten Chance

Das Land der zweiten Chance

Die erstaunliche Geschichte des ruandischen Radsportteams

by Tim Lewis
Language: German
Release Date: November 15, 2013

Eine wahre, mitreißende, höchst inspirierende Geschichte über Afrika und den Sport, über Menschlichkeit und menschliche Abgründe Zwei Jahrzehnte nach dem blutigen Genozid, der Ruanda entzweiriss, wird die kleine afrikanische Nation weiterhin von ihrer dunklen Vergangenheit verfolgt. Und...
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