Thomas Mayer: 30 books

Book cover of SLAVERY: Hundreds of Documented Testimonies of Former Slaves, Influential Memoirs, Records on Living Conditions and Customs in the South & History of Abolitionist Movement
by Frederick Douglass, Solomon Northup, Willie Lynch
Language: English
Release Date: October 16, 2017

This unique collection of "SLAVERY: Hundreds of Documented Testimonies of Former Slaves, Influential Memoirs, Records on Living Conditions and Customs in the South & History of Abolitionist Movement" has been designed and formatted to the highest digital standards. Contents: Narrative...
Book cover of The Faces Behind the Chains: Thousands of Recorded Interviews, Memoirs & Life Stories of Former Slaves

The Faces Behind the Chains: Thousands of Recorded Interviews, Memoirs & Life Stories of Former Slaves

Including Historical Documents & Legislative Progress of Civil Rights Movement

by Frederick Douglass, Harriet Jacobs, Solomon Northup
Language: English
Release Date: March 21, 2018

Musaicum Books presents to you this carefully created collection of thousands memoirs & life stories of former slaves. "The Faces Behind the Chains" strongly conveys the circumstances and brutal reality of a slave's life to a reader. This unique collection consists of the most influential...
Book cover of The Unchained: Powerful Life Stories of Former Slaves

The Unchained: Powerful Life Stories of Former Slaves

Thousands of Recorded Interviews, Memoirs & Narratives of Former Slaves (Including Historical Documents & Legislative Progress of Civil Rights Movement)

by Frederick Douglass, Harriet Jacobs, Solomon Northup
Language: English
Release Date: February 5, 2018

This unique collection consists of the most influential narratives of former slaves, including numerous recorded testimonies, life stories and original photos of former slaves long after Civil War: Recorded Life Stories of Former Slaves from 17 different US States Narrative of the Life of Frederick...
Book cover of New Directions in Contemporary Sociological Theory
by Peter M. Blau, Thomas J. Fararo, Jack A. Goldstone
Language: English
Release Date: July 31, 2002

Written by eminent sociologists, this book introduces and assesses some of the most influential, recent sociological theories. Each chapter explains the theory and describes a related program of empirical research. Chapters are authored by the actual founders (and/or leading exponents) of these theoretical...
Book cover of 大數據資本主義:金融資本主義退位,重新定義市場、企業、金錢、銀行、工作與社會正義
by 麥爾荀伯格 Viktor Mayer-Schönberger, 蘭姆格Thomas Ramge
Language: Chinese
Release Date: February 27, 2018

大數據塑造的新型資本主義,滔天浪潮已然來襲, 大數據權威麥爾荀伯格,再次提出他對這波新浪潮的獨到見解。 《大數據資本主義》將深入探究市場機制的演變、 企業面對的挑戰、金錢角色的定位、金融體系的未來、 工作機會的轉變,以及如何因應、並實現社會正義。 從二十世紀的金融資本主義,轉型到二十一世紀的數據資本主義,巨變已經發生,且正在加劇,規模和震度就相當於從農業社會轉型到工業社會。 麥爾荀伯格以具體的例證、深刻的思索,提出他所洞察到的種種問題、以及可能的解方: .金錢的交易功能雖可維持,但金錢的資訊功能將被大數據(與富數據)接管,數據是新資本,代表金流、人流、物流的新趨向。 .金融資本開始貶值之後,哪些世代、哪些企業,將受到最嚴重的打擊? .人工智慧介入企業的日常事務與決策流程,擁有哪種技能的人,難被取代?應當課徵「機器人稅」嗎?全民基本收入(UBI)能解決社會問題?我們能否把最重要的選擇權,握在自己手裡? .傳統銀行有如駛進暴風圈的黃金商船,正面臨三大威脅,銀行該怎樣應對危局? .超級巨星企業雄霸市場,少數人鯨吞了經濟成長的果實,面對富數據市場的「老大哥」,法規和稅制須如何因應,以促進多元性、避免集中化,讓市場更有效率、社會更永續? 數位化鞭策我們重新思考經濟的未來,而這本發人深省的著作,提供了絕佳的見解及指引。 ——孔翰寧(Henning...
Book cover of Bigger than Ben-Hur

Bigger than Ben-Hur

The Book, Its Adaptations, and Their Audiences

by Neil Sinyard, Eran Shalev, Jefferson J. A. Gatrall
Language: English
Release Date: January 21, 2016

First published in 1880, Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ became a best-seller. The popular novel spawned an 1899 stage adaptation, reaching audiences of over 10 million, and two highly successful film adaptations. For over a century, it has become a ubiquitous pop cultural presence, representing a deeply...
Book cover of Albert Murray and the Aesthetic Imagination of a Nation
by Barbara A. Baker, Louis A Rabb, Roberta S. Maguire
Language: English
Release Date: July 26, 2010

  This collection consists of essays written by prominent African American literature, jazz, and Albert Murray scholars, reminiscences from Murray protégés and associates, and interviews with Murray himself. It illustrates Murray’s place as a central figure in African American arts and...
Book cover of The Correspondence of Reginald Pole

The Correspondence of Reginald Pole

Volume 3 A Calendar, 1555-1558: Restoring the English Church

by Thomas F. Mayer
Language: English
Release Date: September 29, 2017

Reginald Pole (1500-1558), cardinal and archbishop of Canterbury, was at the centre of reform controversies in the mid 16th century - antagonist of Henry VIII, a leader of the reform group in the Roman Church, and nearly elected pope (Julius III was elected in his stead). His voluminous correspondence...
Book cover of A Primer on Mental Disorders

A Primer on Mental Disorders

A Guide for Educators, Families, and Students

by Thomas E. Allen, Mayer C. Liebman, Lee Crandall Park
Language: English
Release Date: June 6, 2001

From four practicing physicians comes this down-to-earth, easy to understand introduction to mental disorders_essentially a 'what is it' book to help identify disorders, understand the ramifications, and assist teachers and families in providing a supportive environment for anyone who suffers from...
Book cover of The Correspondence of Reginald Pole

The Correspondence of Reginald Pole

Volume 1 A Calendar, 1518–1546: Beginnings to Legate of Viterbo

by Thomas F. Mayer
Language: English
Release Date: July 5, 2017

Reginald Pole (1500-1558), cardinal and archbishop of Canterbury, was at the centre of reform controversies in the mid 16th century - antagonist of Henry VIII, a leader of the reform group in the Roman Church, and nearly elected pope (Julius III was elected in his stead). His voluminous correspondence...
Book cover of The European Monetary System: Recent Developments
by Owen Mr. Evens, Thomas Mr. Mayer, Philip Mr. Young
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 1986

This study reviews developments in the European Monetary System from the beginning of 1983 to August 1986; it updates and complements an earlier study prepared by staff members of the International Monetary Fund and published Occasional Paper No. 19, which covered the time period from the inception of the European Monetary System to the end of 1982.
Book cover of Ende des Aufruhrs

Ende des Aufruhrs

Wie die Deutschen mit sich selbst Frieden schlossen

by Thomas Petersen, Tilman Mayer
Language: German
Release Date: September 11, 2017

Seit Jahrhunderten waren die Deutschen bei ihren Nachbarn wegen ihrer Wankelmütigkeit gefürchtet. Besonders aber nach dem Ende des Dritten Reiches entwickelten sie ein gebrochenes, von Selbstzweifeln geprägtes Verhältnis zur eigenen Nationalität. Nicht zufällig hat der Begriff von der German...
Book cover of Große Predigten

Große Predigten

2000 Jahre Gottes Wort und christlicher Protest

by Florian Bock, Christine Gerber, Martin Illert
Language: German
Release Date: February 1, 2016

Die Predigt spielt im Christentum bereits seit seinen Ursprüngen eine besondere Rolle. In ihr wird seit jeher das Wort Gottes verkündet und sie ist ein zentrales Element in der Liturgie. In einer einzigartigen Auswahl legt dieser Band die wichtigsten Predigten aus 2000 Jahren Kirchengeschichte vor....
Book cover of Nachhaltig tot

Nachhaltig tot

Energiegeladene Krimis

by Klaus Brabänder, Karin Mayer, Heike Klein
Language: German
Release Date: March 5, 2013

Das Klima ändert sich. Die Nutzung der Energien durch die Menschheit und ihr Umgang damit sind nicht ganz unschuldig. Energieressourcen werden von Tag zu Tag kostbarer. Wen wundert's, dass sich in diesem Kontext kriminelle Elemente wiederfinden, die ihren ganz persönlichen Reibach erzielen wollen?...
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