Thomas Kistner: 12 books

Book cover of Fifa maffia ten val

Fifa maffia ten val

het definitieve en complete verhaal van de bende van Blatter

by Thomas Kistner
Language: Dutch
Release Date: December 2, 2016

's Werelds belangrijkste voetbalorganisatie FIFA valt door de mand. Corruptieschandalen, arrestaties en geheime afspraken van ex-FIFA-voorzitter Sepp Blatter met Michel Platini: het gebeurde dit jaar allemaal. Sportjournalist Thomas Kistner onderzoekt al jarenlang de criminele praktijken van de FIFA....
Book cover of Shot


de shockerende geschiedenis van voetbaldoping

by Thomas Kistner
Language: Dutch
Release Date: October 29, 2015

In de voetbalwereld is overal sprake van een georganiseerd dopingcircuit en toch praat niemand er openlijk over. Thomas Kistner, de internationale, toonaangevende expert in criminaliteit bij sport, is de eerste die de dopingschandalen van over de hele wereld in kaart durft te brengen. Doping associeerden...
Book cover of Fifa-Mafia - Die schmutzigen Geschäfte mit dem Weltfußball
by Thomas Kistner
Language: German
Release Date: July 26, 2013

Aktuelle Erkenntnisse aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft - Ein Denkanstoß aus dem Jahrbuch "Querdenken 2014" Steht hinter den Fußballweltmeisterschaften eine "Fifa-Mafia"? Der renommierte Sportjournalist Thomas Kistner beleuchtet die Kriminalgeschichte des weltgrößten Sportverbandes.
Book cover of Fifa-Mafia


Die schmutzigen Geschäfte mit dem Weltfußball

by Thomas Kistner
Language: German
Release Date: May 2, 2012

Als einer der besten Kenner des brasilianischen Fußballs hat Thomas Kistner zur anstehenden Fußball-WM seinen Bestseller "FIFA-Mafia" überarbeitet und die mafiösen Strukturen dort recherchiert. Das erschütternde Ergebnis präsentiert er hier. "FIFA-Mafia" beschreibt, wie sich rund um den beliebtesten...
Book cover of Schuss


Die geheime Dopinggeschichte des Fußballs

by Thomas Kistner
Language: German
Release Date: September 25, 2015

Im internationalen wie auch im deutschen Fußball gehört organisiertes Doping zum Tagesgeschäft. Kaum einen großen Spieler gibt es noch, den nicht ein dunkles Geheimnis umweht. Von benutzten Ampullen in der Umkleidekabine der Helden von Bern über Todesfälle unter italienischen Spitzensportlern...
Book cover of Fifa maffia

Fifa maffia

de smerige praktijk van de voetbalwereld; geactualiseerde wk editie

by Thomas Kistner
Language: Dutch
Release Date: May 16, 2014

In deze bijzondere nieuwe editie van zijn onthutsende bestseller FIFA Maffia - met nieuwe hoofdstukken - onthult Kistner onder meer de sinistere details over het Qatarschandaal en de geheime afspraken van de huidige FIFA-voorzitter Sepp Blatter met Michel Platini, de voorzitter van de UEFA. Ook vertelt...
Book cover of FIFA mafia
by Thomas Kistner
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 1, 2015

Un libro polémico que aborda el poder dentro del mundo del fútbol y sus negocios más oscuros que ocurren a espaldas del juego en sí. Una investigación sobre la mayor federación mundial del deporte, la FIFA, la organización que rige el fútbol profesional a nivel mundial. Detalles explosivos,...
Book cover of Nelligan's Legacy
by Thomas F. Kistner
Language: English
Release Date: October 4, 2000

Nelligans Legacy is a story of big time New Jersey politics and vicious treachery. The novel is written with such a firm grip on the way things really are in this hotbed of ambition and intrigue that it could only have been written by someone who has spent a great deal of time in those trenches. Tom...
Book cover of The Drydock and the Mermaid
by Thomas F. Kistner
Language: English
Release Date: January 12, 2001

Jack Starling, a young American, has been in Copenhagen for four months and washes dishes at Divan I, an upscale restaurant in Tivoli Gardens. He has no work permit and his job is technically illegal but no one seems to care that much and he needs the work since he has moved in with his girl friend,...
Book cover of The Blankenship Solution
by Thomas F. Kistner
Language: English
Release Date: June 13, 2000

A tiny fishing village nestles in a cove resting on a narrow strait dividing Hokkaido, Japan and Sakhalin Island, The Soviet Union. The strait serves as the only conduit between the Sea of Japan, to the West, and the Sea of Okhotsk, to the East and is fourteen miles wide at the village which lies...
Book cover of Jimmy at Playland
by Thomas F. Kistner
Language: English
Release Date: August 29, 2000

Jimmy at Playland tells the story of Jimmy Hess and what brought him to the point of single handedly derailing organized crime in one of its most important markets. Jimmy is raised by a loving mother, Mary, and a volatile, often cruel father, John. It is the great depression and jobs are hard...
Book cover of Lunch Is for Losers
by Thomas F. Kistner
Language: English
Release Date: January 2, 2001

Every morning the world wakes up and absolutely nothing happens until someone sells something to somebody was the favorite shibboleth of Rudy Kirsch, successful entrepreneur and owner and founder of Dynograph Security Systems and Amalgamated Development. His uncanny ability to understand sales types...
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