Tanner: 367 books

Book cover of Red Hand

Red Hand

Secret of the Suffragette Derby

by Michael Tanner
Language: English
Release Date: May 21, 2016

Britons watched the opening months of 1913 unfold with a sense of foreboding. On the continent, they saw a brutal conflict in the Balkans increase the prospect of a war engulfing the whole of Europe. On their doorstep, they observed the thorny issue of Irish home rule edge the island toward civil...
Book cover of The Great Houdini
by Alan London, Stacy Tanner
Language: English
Release Date: April 15, 1999

THE GREAT HOUDINI A Play in Two Acts The newspaper headlines are being barked, "Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Houdini dies! Death ends career of the King of Magic". At least that's what the headlines read. What they didn't tell you is that on this very day, the Eve of Halloween, as his body is being...
Book cover of The Ghost Dimension
by Jack Tanner
Language: English
Release Date: March 7, 2018

In the 17th century, an English philosopher proposed the existence of a fourth dimension, inhabited by spirits. This same philosopher was an immense influence on Isaac Newton. Leibniz accused Newton of believing in the occult, citing gravity as a theory of which any magician would be proud. God is...
Book cover of Angels Are Real
by Jack Tanner
Language: English
Release Date: March 7, 2018

Thanks to scientific skepticism, angels are commonly regarded as an absurdity, yet many of the world's greatest intellectuals, such as Socrates, Plato, Plotinus, St. Augustine, Bonaventure, Thomas Aquinas, Descartes, and Leibniz accepted their existence. These illustrious thinkers were much more intelligent...
Book cover of Angelism: The Religion of Angels
by Jack Tanner
Language: English
Release Date: March 7, 2018

Are you more than human? Are you in fact an angel trapped in a body? Do you have latent angelic powers that could transform your life? Can you escape from the physical plane? Scientism says matter is primary and mind secondary. Angelism says the opposite. The fundamental reality is one of mind, and...
Book cover of Sex With Angels: The Watchers and the Watched
by Jack Tanner
Language: English
Release Date: March 7, 2018

"The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of God went to the daughters of men, and had children by them." - Genesis 6:4 Who were the "sons of God"? They were angels, and they mated with human females ("daughters of men") to create...
Book cover of La ciudad de las mentiras
by Lian Tanner
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 19, 2017

Goldie continúa su entrenamiento en el misterioso Museo de Coz para convertirse en una de sus guardianes. Pero el secuestro de Bonnie los arrastra hasta Dicho, la ciudad de las mentiras, donde no se podrán fiar de nada ni de nadie... La esperada continuación de El Museo de los Ladrones.
Book cover of Project Timeslip
by Randy S. Tanner
Language: English
Release Date: April 16, 2008

Racism, Prejudice, and the struggle for civil rights in the future. Decades after the Holocaust, triggered by an accidental release of experimental germ warfare agents, the Perfect States of America is controlled by the National Apartheid Party. Since the ethnically-tailored biological agents...
Book cover of Malicious
by Remona G. Tanner
Language: English
Release Date: April 19, 2017

Why do you think people are drawn to the darkness? Well, Im not sure, answered Diana, looking around first as if the question had been addressed to someone else in the room instead. Ill tell you why. Its because the devil has tricked them into seeing no future for themselves in the light. The darkness...
Book cover of El museo de los ladrones
by Lian Tanner
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 17, 2015

Goldie Roth vive en la tranquila ciudad de Alhaja, donde la valentía es un pecado, y la audacia, un crimen. Solo hay una salida para alguien como ella, rebelde y atrevida: huir lejos de allí. En su huida una figura misteriosa la guiará hacia el mágico y oculto Museo de Coz. Lleno de maravillosos...
Book cover of La Senda de las Bestias
by Lian Tanner
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 18, 2018

Para salvar a los niños de la ciudad de Alhaja, la quinta guardiana del Museo de Coz deberá recorrer la Senda de las Bestias. Un camino ancestral ubicado en las profundidades del museo, tan secreto y peligroso que nadie ha regresado nunca de allí. Según las viejas leyendas, solo puede llevar consigo dos acompañantes, que deberán ser enemigos acérrimos.
Book cover of ZENworks 6.5 Suite Administrator's Handbook
by Brad Dayley, Ron Tanner
Language: English
Release Date: December 9, 2004

Novell ZENworks 6.5 is a comprehensive set of integrated tools that automate IT management and business processes across the lifecycle of desktops, laptops, servers and handhelds across diverse server and client platforms. The Novell ZENworks 6.5 Suite Administrator's Handbook is a solid reference guide...
Book cover of Novell ZENworks 7 Suite Administrator's Handbook
by Brad Dayley, Ron Tanner
Language: English
Release Date: November 18, 2005

Novell ZENworks 7 Suite Administrator's Handbook is the official administrator's handbook to the ZENworks 7 Suite, written by Novell insiders and reviewed by its developers. With added coverage of the new features in ZENworks 7, this book provides you with the knowledge to install, efficiently use,...
Book cover of Vanity: 21st Century Selves
by C. Tanner, J. Maher, S. Fraser
Language: English
Release Date: February 27, 2013

What role does 'vanity' play in the lives of 21st century subjects? Exploring a range of fields including public health, information technology, media studies and feminist approaches to the body and beauty, this book offers a broad analysis of how 'vanity' shapes contemporary Western societies and its understandings of selfhood.
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