Stefani: 70 books

Book cover of Outsider. Ottobre 2013
by Max Stefani diretto da
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 5, 2014

Un rivista di contro-cultura, ben scritta, con articoli lunghi, per collezionisti: musica dei giorni nostri, ma anche musica senza tempo. Un bel giornale di approfondimento musicale diverso da tutte le riviste attuali e dalla massa informe di notizie e pillole che popola il web. Una rivista per chi ha...
Book cover of Outsider. Gennaio 2014
by Max Stefani diretto da
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 5, 2014

OUTSIDER è un mensile divertente ma colto, bello da vedersi e da leggersi.Più di 60 pagine tradotte dalle migliori riviste internazionali, articoli e belle interviste, non necessariamente tutte dell'ultima ora. Il resto riguarda la musica di casa nostra, commentata e selezionata dalla redazione italiana....
Book cover of Outsider. Novembre 2013
by Max Stefani diretto da
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 5, 2014

Un rivista di contro-cultura, ben scritta, con articoli lunghi, per collezionisti: musica dei giorni nostri, ma anche musica senza tempo. Un bel giornale di approfondimento musicale diverso da tutte le riviste attuali e dalla massa informe di notizie e pillole che popola il web. Una rivista per chi ha...
Book cover of Tellurium in Organic Synthesis

Tellurium in Organic Synthesis

Second, Updated and Enlarged Edition

by Nicola Petragnani, Hélio A. Stefani
Language: English
Release Date: July 7, 2010

The increasing number of publications that use tellurium clearly demonstrates the important role of tellurium compounds as unique and powerful tools in a broad range of organic chemical manipulations, often characterized by their selective behavior. Tellurium in Organic Synthesis provides an...
Book cover of Kann die Krankenversicherungsreform in den Niederlanden ein Vorbild für Deutschland sein?
by Stefani Neckel, Johannes Nohr
Language: German
Release Date: November 27, 2006

Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2006 im Fachbereich VWL - Gesundheitsökonomie, Note: 1,0, Universität Hamburg (Departement Wirtschaft und Politik Fakultät Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften), Veranstaltung: Gesundheitsökonomie, 23 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Die...
Book cover of The Family
by Diana Register, Yolanda Allard, Mary Duke
Language: English
Release Date: June 14, 2019

Family ties are not to be tampered with. The Family has rules for these things: Nothing comes in the way of family…or at least it shouldn't. Loyalty and ethics don't go hand in hand. One outweighs the other and in crime families, loyalty always comes first. If...
Book cover of A Man Who Rides
by Stefani Wilder
Language: English
Release Date: December 27, 2013

When Erin goes looking for riding lessons, she never guesses her new hobby will change her entire life. It begins when Erin encounters a cowboy in the street early one morning. Mounted and wearing a hat, cloaked in a cloud of dust, he's driving a small herd of horses through her quiet desert...
Book cover of A Man Who Starts
by Stefani Wilder
Language: English
Release Date: April 28, 2016

Growing up on a ranch, Nora learned the value of hard work. But now she's worried a childhood punching cattle didn't prepare her for adult life in the modern world. It's not that Nora doesn't love the Tipped Z. She wouldn't trade her childhood starting colts and driving cattle through sagebrush...
Book cover of Going Home
by Stefani Dalla
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2011

[Siren Classic: Erotic Contemporary Romance] Elizabeth Carlisle has her life planned out, but a surprise announcement from her father that the family is moving from California to Oklahoma sends Elizabeth into a tailspin. By accident, she finds herself nearly a hundred miles from home, where she meets...
Book cover of Macroscopic Ocular Pathology

Macroscopic Ocular Pathology

An Atlas Including Correlations with Standardized Echography

by Fritz H. Stefani, Gerhard Hasenfratz
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

Today, ophthalmic pathology deals more and more with pathogenesis using highly sophisticated techniques. In recent decades, it has ex­ panded to such an extent that it now fills several volumes of a modern comprehensive atlas or textbook. Black and white prints of the macroscopic appearance of dissected...
Book cover of The Dream Channel

The Dream Channel

Tools of Living

by Joseph L. Stefani
Language: English
Release Date: January 11, 2008

The pursuit of happiness! We have different perceptions of what that means among ourselves, and within ourselves as we experience myriad events (joyous or otherwise) such as - activities, relationships, activities, learning, challenges, contentions, problems. Whether we automatically think of it or...
Book cover of Les familles recomposées

Les familles recomposées

Défis civils, fiscaux et sociaux (Droit belge)

by André Culot (dir.), Philippe De Page (dir.), Isabelle De Stefani (dir.)
Language: French
Release Date: April 9, 2015

L’organisation patrimoniale des familles recomposées et la transmission de biens entre leurs membres représentent un formidable défi pour les juristes belges. Il s’agit en effet de rencontrer les souhaits civils de ces familles et, dans la mesure du possible, de rechercher la voie fiscale la moins...
Book cover of Living an Anti-inflammatory Life

Living an Anti-inflammatory Life

Good Food to Heal the Inflammation Naturally!

by Denise Stefani
Language: English
Release Date: January 14, 2016

The wrong food can cause or exacerbate most of the health problems. Dietary choices play a big role for optimal health. Specific foods can REDUCE INFLAMMATION in the body, providing your best strategy for protecting against deadly diseases. Adopt an ANTI-INFLAMMATORY DIET to alleviate arthritis, type...
Book cover of La Bibbia
by Piero, Stefani
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 1, 2010

La Bibbia, il Libro per eccellenza, ha impregnato di sé la storia dell'Occidente. Lo ha fatto in modo diretto nella sua duplice, forte tensione interna ebraico-cristiana e, in modo indiretto, attraverso gli influssi che ha esercitato sull'islam e sulla stessa cultura laica. Per ragioni storiche in...
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