Small: 410 books

Book cover of Binding Bloods
by L.C. Small
Language: English
Release Date: October 30, 2012

Serena and Justins special bond develops with their children becoming young adults. Along the way the changes and challenges change and enhance their lives that transforms the special bond that holds them together. Binding Bloods is a vampire romance thriller that will change their lives and bring...
Book cover of 30 Days
by L.C. Small
Language: English
Release Date: February 22, 2013

Jake lives in the middle of nowhere in the Rockies region, leading a simple and easy life until Ellie turns up on his porch one cold and dark night in the middle of one of the worst winters that he could remember. This is a beautiful romance that will make you believe in love allover again, as the...
Book cover of A View from the Bench
by Philip Small
Language: English
Release Date: August 4, 2014

This is a fascinating tale about a young boy mercilessly whipped by his teacher then later ordered to stand on the bench for the rest of the school term. No longer involved in school work although important exams are close, he gazes through the window and daydreams about a an American P40 shooting...
Book cover of Disorders of the Oral Cavity, An Issue of Veterinary Clinics of North America: Exotic Animal Practice, E-Book
by Vittorio Capello, DVM, Dip. ECZM (Small Mammal)
Language: English
Release Date: August 10, 2016

This issue of Veterinary Clinics of North America: Exotic Animal Practice focuses on Disorders of the Oral Cavity. Articles include: Anatomy and Disorders of the Oral Cavity of Pet Fishes; Anatomy and Disorders of the Oral Cavity of Reptiles and Amphibians; Anatomy and Disorders of the Beak and Oral...
Book cover of Stony Kill
by Marie White Small
Language: English
Release Date: October 13, 2015

After the sudden death of her mother, Joss Ryckman finds herself running away from everything—the life she did not choose of managing the family bakery in Brooklyn, the troubled relationship with her sometimes violent father, and her conflicts with Wyatt, a lover who always wants more. But when she...
Book cover of Eternal Bonds
by Small
Language: English
Release Date: January 30, 2013

Lucy has gone into labour and Jas has just walked into the house to everyone's suprise. The story continues as Lucy has to fight to save her life and her families. She has special witch blood that can save the evil master from death, as the curse of his Aunt Sapphire hangs over his head. Read and...
Book cover of Hamburguesas (Chic & Delicious)
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 2, 2013

Perfectas para la temporada de barbacoas, comidas familiares entre semana o picoteo para fiestas, tanto para niños como para adultos, aquí hay Hamburguesas para cada ocasión. Estos populares medallones de carne están disfrutando de un nuevo resurgir gracias a la llegada de los restaurantes...
Book cover of Classic Wrought Ironwork Patterns and Designs
by Tunstall Small, Christopher Woodbridge
Language: English
Release Date: January 18, 2013

Forty plates of meticulously rendered designs replicate authentic ironwork projects that span some 600 years of metalcrafting. Patterns selected from English churches, chapels, tombs, castles, and other architectural sites depict 12th-century hinges, 15th-century grilles and railings, and 17th-century knockers, handles, latches, and other ornamental elements.
Book cover of Georgia Roots Revealed

Georgia Roots Revealed

The Romy Files, #1

by Savannah Verte, Shelly Small
Language: English
Release Date: September 21, 2018

She thought she was getting away. She wasn't. In the time it took FBI agent Romy Griffin to doze off, she was pulled into another horrific case. Her empathic abilities made her a better agent, but also an easier target. The latest draws her into a nightmare that has been playing out for nearly...
Book cover of Paradies der Sehnsucht
by Bertrice Small
Language: German
Release Date: August 29, 2014

St. Timothy in der Karibik, im Jahre 1760: Um einer arrangierten Ehe mit dem Herzog von Farminster zu entgehen, schlägt Aurora Kimberly ihrer Schwester einen gewagten Rollentausch vor. Calandra scheint für ein Leben in der Londoner High Society wie geschaffen. Wohingegen Aurora ihr ungebundenes...
Book cover of Geliebte Jasmine

Geliebte Jasmine


by Bertrice Small
Language: German
Release Date: December 18, 2014

Die Legende der kühnen Skye O’Malley lebt weiter! Jasmine de Marisco, Enkelin der legendären Freibeuterin Skye O’Malley, ist bis nach Frankreich geflohen, um der erzwungenen Heirat mit James Leslie, dem fünften Grafen von Glenkirk, zu entgehen. Doch James, mit dem sie einst eine Nacht voller...
Book cover of Geliebte Sklavin

Geliebte Sklavin


by Bertrice Small
Language: German
Release Date: December 22, 2014

Lady India, Nachfahrin der legendären Freibeuterin Skye O'Malley, ist mit ihrem Geliebten auf der Flucht, als ihr Schiff von ottomanischen Piraten gekapert wird. Wegen ihrer Schönheit wird sie in den Harem des Dey aufgenommen. Stolz weist India ihn zurück, doch dann kann sie sich seiner leidenschaftlichen Anziehungskraft nicht mehr entziehen...
Book cover of Geliebte Herrin

Geliebte Herrin


by Bertrice Small
Language: German
Release Date: December 18, 2014

Sie dürfen sich nur heimlich lieben... Lady Fortune Lindley kehrt an ihren Geburtsort, das nordirische Maguires Ford zurück – ein Anwesen, das sie jedoch nur dann erbt, wenn sie einen irischen Protestanten heiratet. Die Ehe mit dem adeligen Devers scheint die perfekte Lösung. Bis Williams attraktiver...
Book cover of Anal Erotica Stockings
by Lorie Small
Language: English
Release Date: May 10, 2018

Anal Erotica Stockings: seduces the office sl*t for some anal back door at work.
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