Small: 410 books

Book cover of Santa's Silliness Syndrome
by Jackie Small
Language: English
Release Date: March 3, 2015

When Santa's elves become too ill to work, Santa must think quickly. He decides to hire new helpers, which goes terribly wrong for all kinds of funny reasons. Can Santa save Christmas, or will the good children of the world have to go without their presents?
Book cover of The Special Fairy
by Jackie Small
Language: English
Release Date: July 4, 2015

Angelina is no ordinary fairy; she is the kindest of them all and has the power of every different fairy. She loves to help children with any kind of problem, but she has a secret. Follow Angelina's exciting adventures in her fight with good vs. bad.
Book cover of The Magic Puddle
by Jackie Small
Language: English
Release Date: July 4, 2015

Alana and her dog, Biscuit, love to splash in puddles in their back garden. One day, Alana sees something shiny through a gap in the creepy overgrowth at the bottom of the garden. Could anything motivate her to overcome her fear and investigate?
Book cover of The Magnificent Rainbow
by Jackie Small
Language: English
Release Date: July 4, 2015

Teddy, Doll, Dog and Pig walk the streets every night, looking for Teddy's home. On one freezing cold night, they see a wonder in the sky. They get closer to investigate, when amazing things start to happen, but, will it lead Teddy home?
Book cover of Max Mutande
by Dingleberry Small, Scott Gordon
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 9, 2013

DESCRIZIONE DEL PRODOTTO: Wally Wilbert sapeva che scrivere per una competizione sarebbe stato molto difficile, ma accidenti! Dopo un intero week end di lavoro matto e disperatissimo la sua ultima creazione, Max Mutande, si era arenata. Ora , ad affrontare la concreta possibilita' che potrebbe...
Book cover of Des Weihnachtsmanns Albernheitssyndrom
by Jackie Small
Language: German
Release Date: July 7, 2015

Wenn die Elfen des Weihnachtsmanns zu krank sind um zu arbeiten, muss sich der Weihnachtsmann schnell etwas einfallen lassen. Er beschließt neue Helfer einzustellen, was durch alle möglichen Arten von lustigen Gründen schrecklich schief geht. Kann der Weihnachtsmann Weihnachten retten oder werden die lieben Kinder der Welt keine Geschenke bekommen?
Book cover of The Shy Toad
by Jackie Small
Language: English
Release Date: July 4, 2015

Making friends can sometimes be a daunting experience, as Toad knew only too well. One day, Water Snail approaches Toad and offers to coach him on how to make friends. Happy to be getting help, Toad practices saying hello to an unsuspecting shrimp, with funny consequences. Follow Toad's bravery as...
Book cover of Mi Robot Se Tira Pedos 2
by Dingleberry Small
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 30, 2018

Daniel D. Drek pensaba que había visto por última vez a cierto robot apestoso. Pero un día, mientras paseaba a su perro, un familiar pase de gas seguido de una voz metálica capta su atención. "¡Oh, no, Milo!" Observa desesperado cómo su perro colapsa y comienza a lloriquear. "¿Qué...
Book cover of Les aventures des Jack Russell (Livre 3): Les cadeaux en plus du Père Noël
by Jackie Small
Language: French
Release Date: August 25, 2016

C’est le premier Noël des chiots, et ils aiment les nouveaux paysages, les odeurs des arbres, les jouets et la cuisine de maman. Le père Noël dépose les cadeaux et retourne à son traîneau, mais il semblerait qu’il ait avec lui quelques cadeaux en plus !
Book cover of Les aventures des Jack Russell (Livre 4): Le défi
by Jackie Small
Language: French
Release Date: October 10, 2017

Molly, le chatte de Lily, n'a pas été heureuse depuis que les chiots sont arrivés. Elle veut être la meilleure dans tout ce qu’ils font, ce qui entraîne par la suite, une série de défis drôles. Est-ce-que Molly arrivera à reprendre le contrôle ou bien est-ce-que c’est les chiots qui vont prendre le dessus ?
Book cover of Des Elefanten erster Schultag
by Jackie Small
Language: German
Release Date: July 7, 2015

Mia, der Babyelefant, freut sich auf ihren ersten Schultag. Komm mit Mia und ihren neuen Freunden und erlebe wie sie sich freuen und lachen, während sie lernen in der Wildnis auf sich selbst Acht zu geben.
Book cover of The Frugal Foodie Cookbook

The Frugal Foodie Cookbook

200 Gourmet Recipes for Any Budget

by Alanna Kaufman, Alex Small
Language: English
Release Date: August 18, 2009

Grilled Peach & Shrimp Crostini Colorful Risotto-Stuffed Peppers Butternut Squash & Apple Soup Cooking great meals at home doesnÆt have to cost a fortune. Written by two foodies who refused to let their eat-in kitchen or tiny budget disappoint their taste buds, this creative collection proves...
Book cover of Make a PACT for Success

Make a PACT for Success

Designing Effective Information Presentations

by Ruth V. Small, Marilyn P. Arnone
Language: English
Release Date: July 23, 2002

At one time taking a public speaking course was sufficient to provide the skills necessary for effective presentations. Now, the Information Age makes the use of information technology mandatory, so that presentations are delivered not only through speech, but also using electronic communications,...
Book cover of Avery Lawson: The Last Pureblood
by DJ Small
Language: English
Release Date: May 9, 2018

Avery Lawson has been a park ranger in Keaton, Oregon for the last year. It's a job she enjoys, and she dreams of being a wolf conservationist. However life has other things in mind for Avery, and they're delivered in the form of Rhea Davenport. A snarky tourist who not only catches Avery's eye, but...
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