Small: 410 books

Book cover of La tortuga lenta
by Jackie Small
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 7, 2015

Tortuga está triste porque es lento, así que sus amigos lo ayudan construyendo una balsa para él. Únete a Tortuga, Mono, Oso, Rata y Ratón en su aventura a paso rápido y divertido mientras se topan con nuevas experiencias que pronto los llevarán a una carrera contra el tiempo.
Book cover of Rhyming Rabbit's Mischief
by Jackie Small
Language: English
Release Date: August 30, 2016

Rhyming Rabbit tries to cheer up his good friend Spike by taking him on an adventure. Little does he know that in a nearby town, his good deeds cause endless mischief!
Book cover of The Slow Tortoise
by Jackie Small
Language: English
Release Date: July 4, 2015

Tortoise is sad because he is slow, so his friends help by building him a raft. Join Tortoise, Monkey, Bear, Rat and Mouse on their fun, fast paced adventure as they encounter new experiences that soon lead them in a race against time.
Book cover of Protector
by Shawnee Small
Language: English
Release Date: April 13, 2016

What would you do if the man you loved . . . wasn’t a man at all?  Poesy Wharton now knows the secret that Adam Walker has kept hidden from humanity for millennia, but at what cost?  Already struggling with the knowledge of Adam’s true nature, Poesy has to come to terms with the actions...
Book cover of The Magic Colouring Book
by Jackie Small
Language: English
Release Date: March 2, 2015

William loves colouring. His brother, Trevor, bought him a big, thick, bright yellow colouring book for his birthday and William cherishes it. When Trevor goes out to play with friends, William prepares to colour his next picture, when something spectacular happens, but, will his brother believe him?
Book cover of Betrayer
by Shawnee Small
Language: English
Release Date: January 31, 2017

The betrayer isn’t always who it seems. The Tybee Ripper murders have been solved and the killer put to rest, but Poesy Wharton's not out of danger yet – and now that their relationship is out in the open, even Adam Brightstar's otherworldly gifts might not be enough to save them from...
Book cover of El mágico libro para colorear
by Jackie Small
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 7, 2015

Guillermo ama colorear. Su hermano Tadeo, le compro un gran libro amarillo por su cumpleaños y Guillermo lo aprecia mucho. Cuando Tadeo sale a jugar con amigos, Guillermo se prepara para colorear el siguiente dibujo y sucede algo espectacular, pero su hermano ¿le creerá?
Book cover of El primer día de escuela del elefante
by Jackie Small
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 7, 2015

Mia, la bebé elefante, está emocionada con su primer día de escuela. Únete a Mia y a sus nuevos amigos mientras se divierten y ríen aprendiendo a cuidar de sí mismos en la naturaleza.
Book cover of El pájaro que quería anidar en las nubes
by Jackie Small
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 7, 2015

Gael, el gorrión, quiere vivir alto en el cielo; más alto que cualquier otro pájaro. Con la bendición de su compañera, Gael comienza su travesía en busca de un nuevo hogar, inconsciente de ciertos peligros que lo acechan. Sigue la determinación de Gael en tanto pretende cumplir su sueño.
Book cover of El hada especial
by Jackie Small
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 7, 2015

Angelina no es un hada común; es la mejor de todas y tiene el poder de cada una de las diferentes hadas. Le encanta ayudar a los niños con cualquier tipo de problema, pero tiene un secreto. Sigue las emocionantes aventuras de Angelina en su lucha del bien contra el mal.
Book cover of El magnífico arco iris
by Jackie Small
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 7, 2015

Teddy, Muñeca, Perro y Cerdo pasean por las calles cada noche, buscando el hogar de Teddy. En una noche helada, ven un fenómeno en el cielo. Cuando se acercan a investigar, cosas sorprendentes comienzan a ocurrir, ¿pero los guiará a casa de Teddy?
Book cover of La tortue lente
by Jackie Small
Language: French
Release Date: July 6, 2015

Tortue est triste parce qu’il est lent, ainsi, ses amis l’aident à construire un radeau. Rejoignez Tortue, Singe, Ours, Rat et Souris dans leur aventure amusante et haletante, au cours de laquelle ils feront de nouvelles expériences qui les amèneront bientôt dans une course contre la montre.
Book cover of Animal Rhyming Stories
by Jackie Small
Language: English
Release Date: October 18, 2016

Six short and fun animal rhyming stories for beginner readers, with bright, colourful illustrations.
Book cover of The Jack Russell Adventures (Book 2): A New Life
by Jackie Small
Language: English
Release Date: August 21, 2016

With an unbreakable bond between them and their love for food, Rocky and Rosie now face life together. As they continue their adventure, they spot a familiar face in the crowd and try to get her attention. Will they be able to, or will someone else spot them first?
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