Sj: 449 books

Book cover of Proximity Bias in Investors’ Portfolio Choice
by Ted Lindblom, Taylan Mavruk, Stefan Sjögren
Language: English
Release Date: August 6, 2017

This book helps readers understand the widely documented distortion in the portfolio choice of individual investors toward proximate firms – the proximity bias phenomenon. First, it recapitulates the fundamentals of modern portfolio theory. It then goes on to describe and demonstrate different approaches...
Book cover of Sustainability and Short-term Policies

Sustainability and Short-term Policies

Improving Governance in Spatial Policy Interventions

by Stefan Sjöblom, Kjell Andersson, Sarah Skerratt
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2016

There has been a profound change within the sphere of government and societal regulation in recent years. Traditional hierarchical government has been challenged by new governance instruments relying on negotiations instead of command and control. Alongside this development there has been a change...
Book cover of Gravity Inversion and Integration

Gravity Inversion and Integration

Theory and Applications in Geodesy and Geophysics

by Lars E. Sjöberg, Mohammad Bagherbandi
Language: English
Release Date: April 19, 2017

This book contains theory and applications of gravity both for physical geodesy and geophysics. It identifies classical and modern topics for studying the Earth. Worked-out examples illustrate basic but important concepts of the Earth’s gravity field. In addition, coverage details the Geodetic Reference...
Book cover of Backroads & Byways of Utah (Second Edition) (Backroads & Byways)
by Christine Sjöquist
Language: English
Release Date: August 8, 2017

Find your own path through the beautiful state of Utah Visit the vast open lands and widely varied terrain of Utah. These routes are some of the most interesting, beautiful, visually diverse, and historically and culturally relevant sections of road and points of interest in this great state....
Book cover of The Inner Life of Priests
by Gerard J. McGlone SJ, Len Sperry
Language: English
Release Date: June 5, 2012

The Inner Life of Priests is a landmark exploration of how the categories and practices of psychology are contributing to a new health and vitality in the priesthood. Authors McGlone and Sperry (both nationally-recognized experts on the integration of psychology and spirituality in priestly life),...
Book cover of Caligula's Barges and the Renaissance Origins of Nautical Archaeology Under Water
by John M. McManamon SJ
Language: English
Release Date: December 9, 2016

Sometime around 1446 A.D., Cardinal Prospero Colonna commissioned engineer Battista Alberti to raise two immense Roman vessels from the bottom of the lago di Nemi, just south of Rome. By that time, local fishermen had been fouling their nets and occasionally recovering stray objects from the sunken...
Book cover of An Evaluation of the Benefits and Value of Libraries
by Viveca Nyström, Linnéa Sjögren
Language: English
Release Date: December 14, 2011

An Evaluation of the Benefits and Value of Libraries provides guidance on how to evaluate libraries and contains many useful examples of methods that can be used throughout this process. There is substantial focus on the importance of goals and objectives, along with advice on strategies that can...
Book cover of Roseanna
by Maj Sjöwall, Per Wahlöö
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 27, 2012

Al suo esordio, il malinconico investigatore Martin Beck ricostruisce, tessera dopo tessera, la misteriosa vita di una bella ragazza il cui corpo è trovato nudo impigliato in una diga. Ambientato in una cittadina scandinava, un giallo degli anni Sessanta scritto a quattro mani.
Book cover of L'uomo che andò in fumo
by Maj Sjöwall, Per Wahlöö
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 14, 2013

Una misteriosa scomparsa spinge il commissario Beck nelle trame di un intrigo internazionale: un giornalista di successo di Stoccolma sparisce nel nulla durante un viaggio di lavoro a Budapest. Sullo sfondo di una città imponente e misteriosa sulle rive del Danubio uno dei gialli più avvincenti della coppia svedese.
Book cover of Il poliziotto che ride
by Maj Sjöwall, Per Wahlöö
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 20, 2012

Ancora un intricato caso da risolvere per l'ispettore Martin Beck della squadra omicidi di Stoccolma. I passeggeri di un autobus vengono uccisi a colpi di mitra. Tra le vittime c’è anche un giovane poliziotto. Per scoprire il movente della strage Martin Beck ripercorre le tracce di un delitto che il giovane collaboratore seguiva.
Book cover of L'autopompa fantasma
by Maj Sjöwall, Per Wahlöö
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 27, 2012

Stoccolma, 1968. Alla periferia della città, in una vecchia casa in legno a due piani, scoppia un incendio devastante in cui perdono la vita quattro persone. Martin Beck e i suoi avviano l'indagine seguendo la traccia di un'autopompa attesa e mai sopraggiunta. E la verità, sconvolgente, a fatica si fa strada.
Book cover of L'uomo al balcone
by Maj Sjöwall, Per Wahlöö
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 20, 2012

Il capo della polizia di Stoccolma Martin Beck è alle prese con un nuovo caso: un serial killer che adesca bambine nei parchi della città. Un thriller mozzafiato contrassegnato da un finale originale.
Book cover of Un assassino di troppo
by Maj Sjöwall, Per Wahlöö
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 27, 2012

Dai maestri del poliziesco scandinavo anni Settanta, il seguito del primo romanzo Roseanna: il commissario Beck, e la sua squadra di disincantati, indaga su un caso doppio a rischio politico; una critica al sistema in giallo.
Book cover of L'uomo sul tetto
by Maj Sjöwall, Per Wahlöö
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 14, 2013

Il commissario Martin Beck è questa volta alle prese con una sanguinosa vendetta contro l’intero corpo di polizia. Rischiando in prima persona fermerà l’assassino e svelerà le malefatte di un alto papavero della polizia prima vittima del folle omicida, ma in realtà carnefice.
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