Sarah Dunant: 23 books

Book cover of The Birth of Venus (Random House Reader's Circle Deluxe Reading Group Edition)
by Sarah Dunant
Language: English
Release Date: March 12, 2012

This new deluxe eBook edition features more than eighty additional pages of exclusive, author-approved annotations throughout the text, which contain new illustrations and photographs, to enrich your reading experience. You can access the eBook annotations with a simple click or tap on your eReader...
Book cover of Birth Marks

Birth Marks

A Hannah Wolfe Crime Novel

by Sarah Dunant
Language: English
Release Date: February 28, 2005

In Birth Marks, private investigator Hannah Wolfe gets a case worthy of the great detective novels she so admires. At first glance, this one doesn't fit the bill: she's asked to find a missing ballet dancer, Carolyn Hamilton. When Carolyn's body is fished out of the Thames, stones in her pockets and...
Book cover of Snowstorms in a Hot Climate
by Sarah Dunant
Language: English
Release Date: December 14, 2011

Marla’s best friend, Elly, left England two years ago on a soul-searching trip through South America. Except for receiving a few postcards, Marla has not heard from her since. Then, Marla receives a strange letter from Elly begging her to fly to New York. But the person Marla meets at the airport...
Book cover of La nascita di Venere
by Sarah Dunant
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 7, 2014

Alessandra Cecchi non ha ancora compiuto quindici anni quando suo padre, un ricco mercante di stoffe, fa ritorno da un viaggio nel nord dell’Europa portando con sé un giovane pittore incaricato di affrescare la cappella del loro palazzo fiorentino. Figlia del Rinascimento, Alessandra è più incline...
Book cover of La cortigiana
by Sarah Dunant
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 10, 2013

Sacco di Roma, 1527: tra le fiamme del saccheggio, la bellissima cortigiana Fiammetta Bianchini pensa di ingraziarsi gli invasori mettendo a disposizione la sua casa, ma due megere luterane la sfregiano orribilmente e le rasano i capelli. E così, insieme al fedele servitore nano Bucino, Fiammetta...
Book cover of Le notti al Santa Caterina
by Sarah Dunant
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 17, 2011

È il 1570 e il buio sta calando sul Santa Caterina a Ferrara, uno dei conventi più rinomati della città che, con le elargizioni di ricche e nobili famiglie e i frutti del vasto podere ritagliato all'interno delle sue mura, provvede al sostentamento di un elevato numero di suore, otto o nove postulanti,...
Book cover of In ongenade
by Sarah Dunant
Language: Dutch
Release Date: August 1, 2012

Italië 1570. Na een verboden liefdesrelatie wordt de zestienjarige Serafina door haar familie in het klooster van Santa Caterina in Ferrara ondergebracht. Met haar intrede komt de stabiliteit in de gemeenschap van vrome zusters en zelfkastijdende nonnen in gevaar, want het meisje is vaastbesloten...
Book cover of In het gezelschap van de courtisane
by Sarah Dunant
Language: Dutch
Release Date: August 1, 2012

Het is 1527, en de Sacco di Roma is in volle gang: een woeste plundering waarbij Rome door een huurleger volledig onder de voet wordt gelopen. Terwijl de stad in brand staat weten twee van haar meest kleurrijke bewoners te ontsnappen. Fiametta is een wonderschone courtisane, Bucino de dwerg die haar...
Book cover of De geboorte van Venus

De geboorte van Venus

liefde en dood in Florence

by Sarah Dunant
Language: Dutch
Release Date: August 1, 2012

Florence 1528. De Medici zijn aan de macht – het is een tijd van hellepreken van de religieuze Savonarola en de toenemende macht van de Nachtpolitie. De hoofdpersoon, de vijftienjarige Alessandra, ontdekt haar passie voor het schilderen als een talentvolle, jonge artiest de familiekapel komt verfraaien....
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