Samantha Cox: 71 books

Book cover of Spanked by her New Boss 2 ( BDSM, Spanking, BBWB, Initiation, Submission and Dominance)
by Samantha Cox
Language: English
Release Date: January 3, 2015

The sultry newly graduated Amber Goody is hired at the prestigious notary office run by the charming Paul Grand, where she compensates her lack of experience with a provocative physical presence. The young secretary is noticed by the younger trainers, Jim and Joe, which decide that the girl deserves...
Book cover of Spanked at The Gym
by Samantha Cox
Language: English
Release Date: March 12, 2015

The sultry Dawn Sexa enrolls at the gym to recover from a recent heartbreak; the muscular owner, Vladimir, spots her curves immediately and welcomes her to his office to propose a personal training program. Innocent Dawn realizes with surprise that Vladimir is up to something more than just a training...
Book cover of My American Lover
by Samantha Cox
Language: English
Release Date: November 1, 2015

Sole heir of a wealthy American shipowner, the beautiful and virtuous Violante Presnell spent his first 20 years in Tuscany. Betrothed of the rich Alex Dexter, her father’s business partner, Viola is going to spend her summer vacation in the lovely Italian town of Lucca, in preparation of the wedding...
Book cover of Punition Collection
by Samantha Cox
Language: French
Release Date: December 16, 2014

Cette anthologie érotique comprend quatre histoires les plus aimés de la femme auteur international Samantha Cox, appartenant à la saga BDSM intitulé Punition. Dans ces nouvelles érotique les jeunes protagonistes, nouveaux diplômés et juste assumé, sont initiés à BDSM par leur patron et...
Book cover of Punition A La Salle De Sport
by Samantha Cox
Language: French
Release Date: January 4, 2015

La sensuelle Dawn Sexa s'inscrit dans la salle de sport pour se remettre d’un récent chagrin, et le propriétaire musculaire Vladimir voit ses courbes immédiatement et l'accueille dans son bureau pour proposer un programme de formation personnelle. Innocent Dawn réalise avec surprise que Vladimir...
Book cover of Punition en Boîte de Nuit
by Samantha Cox
Language: French
Release Date: January 5, 2015

Après s’être disputée avec son petit ami jaloux, la séduisante danseuse Angi Coco cède aux avances du charmant Antaeus et le suit dans la salle privée de la boîte de nuit, où ils tomberont sur le mystérieux propriétaire, Alain La Chapelle. L'innocente Angi découvre avec surprise que les...
Book cover of Punition Au Bureau 2
by Samantha Cox
Language: French
Release Date: January 4, 2015

Récemment diplômée, la belle et sensuelle Ambre Goody est embauchée dans une prestigieuse entreprise, dirigée par le charmant Paul Grand, où elle compense son manque d'expérience par son physique provocateur. La jeune secrétaire est même remarquée par les deux jeunes assistants du patron,...
Book cover of Punition Au Bureau
by Samantha Cox
Language: French
Release Date: September 14, 2014

Dès son premier jour de travail, Gay Scrubber, récemment diplômée, est remarquée par son patron, Paul Grand, et ses quatre assistants. Quand le patron convoque Gay dans son bureau et lui reproche une erreur dans son rapport, elle se rend vite compte qu’il joue le rôle de papa dans le simple...
Book cover of Strafe Im Fitness Studio
by Samantha Cox
Language: German
Release Date: January 5, 2015

The sultry Dawn Sexa enrolls in the gym to recover from a recent heartbreak, and the muscular owner Vladimir spots her curves immediately and welcomes her to his office to propose a personal training program. Innocent Dawn realizes with surprise that Vladimir is up to something more than just a training...
Book cover of Punition Cinq étoiles
by Samantha Cox
Language: French
Release Date: September 3, 2014

Lorena Buttocks, une sensuelle étudiante italienne, est embauchée pour l’été par un prestigieux hôtel cinq étoiles de Courmayeur. Sa beauté méditerranéenne intrigue immédiatement le charmant propriétaire, Philippe Grandeur....
Book cover of Puledre


Sesso Ribelle

by Samantha Cox
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 20, 2015

Le bellissime modelle Eva e Ramona si incontrano sul set di un calendario erotico ed e` subito colpo di fulmine. L’esperta Eva scorta l’innocente Ramona nei camerini per un incontro sessuale genuino e passionale, iniziando segretamente la fidanzatissima Ramona alle gioie dell’amore lesbo. Quando...
Book cover of Castigata alla disco
by Samantha Cox
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 5, 2014

Dopo aver litigato col fidanzato geloso, la seducente ballerina Angi Coco` cede al corteggiamento del coetaneo Anteo e lo segue nel privé della discoteca, dove li attende inaspettatamente il misterioso proprietario Alain La Chapelle. L’innocente Angi scopre con sorpresa che tra i due affascinanti...
Book cover of Castigata In Albergo 2
by Samantha Cox
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 19, 2014

La subrette Milla Saxova viene lasciata dal fidanzato mentre si trovano in vacanza in un prestigioso albergo di Courmayeur. Determinata a riprendersi dalla delusione amorosa, Milla accetta le avance del fascinoso proprietario Philippe Grandeur, il quale le fa una proposta sessuale che solletica le...
Book cover of Legami Pericolosi Vol.1

Legami Pericolosi Vol.1

Stacey Lee Lawrence

by Samantha Cox
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 11, 2015

Piper Lou Moore ha appena compiuto quarant’anni e la sua vita sentimentale e` un abisso inquieto, popolato di desideri contrapposti. Divisa tra due uomini di opposta natura, tra la dipendenza dal sesso BDSM con il sadico Stacey Lee Lawrence e un sentimento genuino per l'onesto Tony Clay Simmons,...
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