Ross Thomas: 48 books

Book cover of Der achte Zwerg
by Ross Thomas, Stella Diedrich, Gisbert Haefs
Language: German
Release Date: November 1, 2011

Deutschland, 1946: zerstörte Gebäude, Besatzungsmächte, Schwarzmarkt, Entnazifizierung und untergetauchte Kriegsverbrecher. Minor Jackson hat gerade den Zweiten Weltkrieg überstanden, als ihm 'der Zwerg' Nicolae Ploscaru, kleinwüchsiger rumänischer Adeliger, Genie und gewohnheitsmäßiger Lügner,...
Book cover of Gelbe Schatten

Gelbe Schatten

Der 2. McCorkle-und-Padillo-Fall

by Ross Thomas, Stella Diedrich, Gisbert Haefs
Language: German
Release Date: May 1, 2012

Nachdem seine Bar in Bonn in die Luft gesprengt wurde, ist McCorkle mit seiner Frau Fredl in die USA zurückgekehrt und hat ›Mac's Place‹ in Washington neu eröffnet. Als sein Geschäftspartner Mike Padillo mit einem Messerstich von einem Schiff taumelt, löst sich der Traum von einem ruhigen...
Book cover of Dann sei wenigstens vorsichtig

Dann sei wenigstens vorsichtig

(If You Can't be Good)

by Ross Thomas, Gisbert Haefs
Language: German
Release Date: August 6, 2018

Wer hat den Millionär und Senator Robert F. Ames mit 50.000 Dollar bestochen und dann seine Tochter ermordet? Warum hat er seine Frau verlassen, um mit einer wesentlich jüngeren Frau in einem Watergate-Appartement zu leben? Trieb ihn ein Erpresser in diesen Skandal? Das soll der Historiker und Korruptionsspezialist...
Book cover of Voodoo, Ltd.

Voodoo, Ltd.

Ein Artie-Wu-und-Quincy-Durant-Fall

by Ross Thomas
Language: German
Release Date: August 1, 2010

Bearbeitete Neuausgabe. Der dicke Chinese Artie Wu, sein Geschäftspartner Quincy Durant, der Hochstapler "Otherguy" Overby, der alternde Terrorismusexperte Booth Stalling und die mit allen Wassern gewaschene Ex-Agentin Georgia Blue, das sind die Protagonisten des dritten und letzten Artie-Wu-und-Quincy-Durant-Falls....
Book cover of Umweg zur Hölle

Umweg zur Hölle

Ein Artie-Wu-und-Quincy-Durant-Fall

by Ross Thomas
Language: German
Release Date: August 1, 2010

Artie Wu und Quincy Durant, zwei ehemalige Waisenkinder, die ihre Lektion gelernt haben, leben am Strand von Malibu, Kalifornien. Als Artie Wu beim Joggen über einen toten Pelikan stolpert, haben die beiden kurz darauf den Millionär Randall Piers und seine nymphomane Frau im Haus. Die Ermittler...
Book cover of Fear the Reaper
by Taylor Grant, Richard Thomas, Joe McKinney
Language: English
Release Date: February 8, 2017

But be warned, fellow traveler… this is not just a book—it is a journey into the very life of Death. Listen to the tales of the afterlife: Halloween, vampires, Heaven, Hell, Armageddon, zombies, death-bringing angels, ghosts, cults, ritual killings, nightmares from Vietnam... The lists...
Book cover of The 90 Days Paleo Diet Revolution: Lose 40 Pounds Or More The First 90 Days
by Thomas Ross
Language: English
Release Date: December 3, 2012

In this book Thomas Ross and Margarete McCallahan brought forward something extremely powerful to help you with the virtually effortless removal of formerly hard-to-remove stubborn, bulging deposits of fat. The recipes are all new and created by chefs from across the globe just for this book, to help...
Book cover of The Wisest One in the Room

The Wisest One in the Room

How You Can Benefit from Social Psychology's Most Powerful Insights

by Thomas Gilovich, Lee Ross
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2015

Renowned psychologists describe the five most useful insights from social psychology that will help make you “wise”: wise about why we behave the way we do, and wise about how to use that knowledge to understand others and change ourselves for the better. When faced with a challenge, we...
Book cover of Clockwork Chaos
by C.J. Henderson, Bernie Mojzes, James Chambers
Language: English
Release Date: November 7, 2013

History, invention, the power of deduction…Clockwork Chaos is more than goggles and gears. It is about order and structure and timing striving for mechanical perfection. But in an era where mass production does not yet exist, the unique machinery brought forth into the world is at times bound to fall...
Book cover of 房間裡最有智慧的人:康乃爾X史丹佛頂尖心理學家帶你洞悉人性、判辨真偽


The Wisest One in the Room: How you can benefit from social psychology's most powerful insights

by 湯瑪斯‧吉洛維奇, 李‧羅斯, Thomas Gilovich
Language: Chinese
Release Date: March 1, 2017

「兩位獨步全球的社會心理學家合力出擊, 這是你在大學裡從未聽過的經典課程,別再錯過第二次了!」 ──哈佛大學心理學教授,丹尼爾.吉伯特   聰明人懂算計,有智慧的人懂行為心理。 5種心理智慧,教你避開思維陷阱, 在資訊迷霧中,做出最睿智的判斷。 不靠利誘威脅,無須唇槍舌戰, 有心理智慧的人運用某些簡單技巧,就能輕鬆達到想要的變革! ◎報稅單上,簽名欄位在前或在後,哪個比較會誠實申報? ◎丹麥的駕駛僅有4%願意器捐,瑞典卻完全相反,難道瑞典人比較有社會良心? ◎沒人願意為了社會福利多繳稅,卻願意為了「儲蓄保險」乖乖繳錢,但這筆錢真的是用在自己身上嗎? ◎若要提醒勿亂丟垃圾,花朵圖示跟眼睛圖示,哪個比較有效? ◎為何一般人偏好80%是瘦肉的牛排,勝過20%是肥肉的牛排?   美國最重量級的社會心理學家,康乃爾的吉洛維奇與史丹佛的羅斯,爬梳社會心理學的重要研究,擷取精華重點,從實際例子檢視你我可能會落入的思維陷阱。小從個人減重、消費行為,大至政策包裝、全球暖化,他們將提出意想不到的解決方案。 解釋人類行為,必須從影響我們思維的情境驅力開始理解,尤其是那些最不被看見的幽微細節。與聰明人不同的是,有智慧的人理解希望、恐懼、熱情與驅力對人所產生的影響,因此,他們會是讓員工感到幸福的老闆、將國家帶向下一步的政治人物、耐心陪伴叛逆期小孩的爸媽。理解這些驅力,我們就能在往後的決定上,有更睿智的理解與處理能力,進而成為房間裡最有智慧的人。   【各界推薦】 ◎台大經濟系副教授馮勃翰...
Book cover of Best British Short Stories 2016
by Nicholas Royle, Claire-Louise Bennett, Neil Campbell
Language: English
Release Date: June 15, 2016

The nation’s favourite annual guide to the short story, now in its sixth year. Best British Short Stories invites you to judge a book by its cover – or more accurately, by its title. This new series aims to reprint the best short stories published in the previous calendar year by British...
Book cover of The Good Fight
by Scott Bachmann, Frank Byrns, Marion G. Harmon
Language: English
Release Date: June 5, 2014

The Pen & Cape Society, in conjunction with Local Hero Press, is proud to present The Good Fight, an anthology of superhero fiction from some of the best authors working in the genre. Collected within this volume are stories by Scott Bachmann, Frank Byrns, Marion Harmon, Warren Hately, Drew Hayes,...
Book cover of Soul Standard
by Richard Thomas, Caleb Ross, Axel Taiari
Language: English
Release Date: July 12, 2016

The economy has fallen, and flesh is worth more than dollars. Across four different districts of the City, a desperate banker must keep his employer happy at any cost, a boxer must choose between honor and the woman he loves, a criminal must atone for his past, and a man with a terrifying condition...
Book cover of Harvard Classics Volume 41

Harvard Classics Volume 41

English Poetry 2: Collins To Fitzgerald

by William Collins, Golden Deer Classics, George Sewell
Language: English
Release Date: September 3, 2017

Contents: 1. Use Preview To See Table of Contents Inside Also available: The Complete Harvard Classics Collection (51 Volumes + The Harvard Classic Shelf Of Fiction) 50 Masterpieces You Have To Read Before You Die (Golden Deer Classics)
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