Rosa: 964 books

Book cover of Collegato lavoro: contratto a termine
by Alfredo Casotti, Maria Rosa Gheido
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 22, 2012

Dal 24 novembre 2010 è in vigore la legge n. 183/2010, il c.d "Collegato Lavoro", approvato dalla Camera dei Deputati in via definitiva il 19 ottobre 2010. Si tratta di un complesso normativo di grande importanza, il cui impatto sugli operatori del settore è paragonabile a quello avuto...
Book cover of Lavoro e previdenza
by Alfredo Casotti - Maria Rosa Gheido
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 9, 2010

Il DL 31 maggio 2010, n. 78 recante "Misure urgenti in materia di stabilizzazione finanziaria e di competitività economica" è entrato in vigore con la pubblicazione sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale del 31 maggio scorso. La manovra correttiva da 24,9 miliardi di euro ha iniziato in Commissione...
Book cover of Contratto a termine
by Alfredo Casotti, Maria Rosa Gheido
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 1, 2014

Contratto a termine, II edizione, è una guida operativa dedicata ad un istituto di grande rilievo e di frequente utilizzo nel quadro normativo degli strumenti contrattuali a termine e che storicamente sono stati fortemente utilizzati dalle imprese. Il volume offre un’analisi completa del nuovo...
Book cover of Technology Tools for Students With Autism

Technology Tools for Students With Autism

Innovations that Enhance Independence and Learning

by Gregory Abowd D.Phil., Rosa Arriaga Ph.D., Emma Ashwin Ph.D.
Language: English
Release Date: July 14, 2014

Technology holds great promise for helping students with autism learn, communicate, and function effectively in the modern world. Start leveraging that power today with this forward-thinking book, your in-depth guided tour of technologies that support learners with autism and help them fully participate...
Book cover of Adam Smith’s Moral Sentiments in Vanity Fair

Adam Smith’s Moral Sentiments in Vanity Fair

Lessons in Business Ethics from Becky Sharp

by Rosa Slegers
Language: English
Release Date: September 17, 2018

According to Adam Smith, vanity is a vice that contains a promise: a vain person is much more likely than a person with low self-esteem to accomplish great things. Problematic as it may be from a moral perspective, vanity makes a person more likely to succeed in business, politics and other public...
Book cover of Bioestadística
by Alfredo de Jesús Celis de la Rosa, Vanessa Labrada Martagón
Language: English
Release Date: April 16, 2019

En la actualidad los profesionales de la salud están expuestos a una gran cantidad de información compleja. En este contexto, los conocimientos en bioestadística se han vuelto fundamentales para que el profesional de la salud pueda desempeñarse exitosamente. Bioestadística, 3ª edición, busca...
Book cover of Control in supply relations between businesses. Theoretical perspectives and empirical evidence
by Rosa Alba Miraglia, Antonio Leotta
Language: English
Release Date: October 4, 2013

This work comes under the scope of the growing scientific debate as it strives to better understand the phenomenon of control in relations between businesses and in supply relations in particular. This understanding is extremely useful today, given the increasingly widespread creation of non-competitive relations between businesses.
Book cover of Mobile Positioning and Tracking

Mobile Positioning and Tracking

From Conventional to Cooperative Techniques

by Simone Frattasi, Francescantonio Della Rosa
Language: English
Release Date: July 21, 2017

The essential guide to state-of-the art mobile positioning and tracking techniques—fully updated for new and emerging trends in the field Mobile Positioning and Tracking, Second Edition explores state-of-the-art mobile positioning solutions applied on top of current wireless communication...
Book cover of Drinking from the Divine Fountain
by Rosa Bruzon
Language: English
Release Date: March 17, 2017

Violets life story depicts how love sealed her destiny by reuniting with the Black Magician resolving a negative karma created centuries ago.
Book cover of Obtención de aceites de oliva refinados
by Rosa Cecilia Ojeda González
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 27, 2016

Aplicar las técnicas de refinado de los aceites, operando con seguridad los equipos, para conseguir la calidad requerida en la refinería. Identificar las etapas de procesado, las infraestructuras y realizar operaciones de preparación y mantenimiento de primer nivel de los equipos de producción...
Book cover of Neoclassical Realism and the Underdevelopment of China’s Nuclear Doctrine
by Paolo Rosa
Language: English
Release Date: April 6, 2018

This book addresses the under-researched discourse of the evolution of Chinese nuclear posture, and in particular, explains the absence from this evolution of a coherent and well-defined operational doctrine. Using a neoclassical realist framework, the book explains why China, after having launched...
Book cover of Harmonics, Power Systems, and Smart Grids
by Francisco C. De La Rosa
Language: English
Release Date: July 12, 2017

Harmonics, Power Systems, and Smart Grids, Second Edition compiles the most relevant aspects of harmonics in a way that the unfamiliar reader can better grasp the subject matter and the experienced reader can directly access specific subjects of interest. The text begins with a definition of harmonics,...
Book cover of The 2-tuple Linguistic Model

The 2-tuple Linguistic Model

Computing with Words in Decision Making

by Luis Martínez, Rosa M. Rodriguez, Francisco Herrera
Language: English
Release Date: December 9, 2015

This book examines one of the more common and wide-spread methodologies to deal with uncertainty in real-world decision making problems, the computing with words paradigm, and the fuzzy linguistic approach. The 2-tuple linguistic model is the most popular methodology for computing with words (CWW),...
Book cover of Viaje a tu cerebro

Viaje a tu cerebro

El arte de transformar tu mente

by Dra. Rosa Casafont
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 24, 2014

Este manual nos ayudará a entender el funcionamiento de nuestro cerebro y a conocer herramientas prácticas para facilitar nuestro crecimiento personal, felicidad y éxito. «Hace unos años cambié mi orientación profesional, hasta entonces centrada en la práctica médica asistencial, y...
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