Rosa: 964 books

Book cover of Renewable Energy Focus Handbook
by Paul Breeze, Galen J. Suppes, Nasir El Bassam
Language: English
Release Date: December 29, 2008

A one-stop Desk Reference, for engineers involved in renewable energies; this is a book that will not gather dust on the shelf. It brings together the essential professional reference content from leading international contributors in the field. Material ranges from basic to advanced topics *...
Book cover of Don de lenguas
by Rosa Ribas, Sabine Hofmann
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 4, 2013

Una absorbente novela policiaca ambientada en la Barcelona de 1952, en la que una joven y valiente aspirante a periodista se enfrenta a una peligrosa trama enraizada en los más oscuros secretos de la alta sociedad. «Allí estaba Mariona. Blanca, rubia, carnosa y muerta.» Barcelona, 1952: quedan...
Book cover of El gran frío
by Rosa Ribas, Sabine Hofmann
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 11, 2014

Febrero de 1956. El invierno está siendo terrible, el más frío en España desde hace décadas. Esto no será un obstáculo para que Ana Martí, ahora reportera de un popular semanario de sucesos, acuda a un remoto y aislado pueblecito del Maestrazgo aragonés para cubrir el caso de una niña a...
Book cover of El pintor de Flandes
by Rosa Ribas
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 5, 2014

Historia, intrigas palaciegas, suspense y un cuadro real que custodia el Museo del Prado se dan cita en esta novela que reconstruye la corte de Felipe IV, sus dificultades para gobernar y el Madrid del Siglo de Oro. Un pintor ambicioso. Un conde ávido de poder. Un rey joven y débil. Y una...
Book cover of Trilogía de los años oscuros
by Rosa Ribas, Sabine Hofmann
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 4, 2017

Por primera vez en un solo volumen, todas las novelas de la serie protagonizada por la periodista Ana Martí: Don de lenguas, El gran frío y Azul marino. Barcelona, 1952. Ana Martí, novata cronista de sociedad de La Vanguardia, encontrará en el encargo de cubrir el asesinato de una conocida viuda...
Book cover of CAPES de lettres

CAPES de lettres

Epreuves orales d'admission

by Stéphane Lelièvre, Florence Bourbon, Christine Vénérin-Guénez
Language: French
Release Date: October 14, 2015

Cette nouvelle édition met à jour l’ouvrage suite à la 1re session du concours et à la publication des rapports de jury. Elle permet également le passage de l’ouvrage de la marque Sedes à la marque Armand Colin (nouvelle collection “Horizon”) Pour réussir au Capes il faut réunir : Une...
Book cover of CAPES de Lettres - 3éd.

CAPES de Lettres - 3éd.

Toutes les épreuves d'admissibilité et d'admission

by Stéphane Lelièvre, Florence Bourbon, Christine Vénérin-Guénez
Language: French
Release Date: May 9, 2019

Pour réussir au Capes il faut réunir : Une parfaite connaissance des épreuves écrites et orales et des attentes du jury. Voilà pourquoi vous trouverez de façon récurrente, au fil de l’ouvrage, des références aux textes de cadrage définissant le format et l’esprit des épreuves. Une maîtrise...
Book cover of Beyond Ethnicity

Beyond Ethnicity

New Politics of Race in Hawai‘i

by Maile Arvin, Camilla Fojas, Rudy P. Guevarra
Language: English
Release Date: March 31, 2018

Written by scholars of various disciplines, the essays in this volume dig beneath the veneer of Hawai‘i’s myth as a melting pot paradise to uncover historical and complicated cross-racial dynamics. Race is not the primary paradigm through which Hawai‘i is understood. Instead, ethnic difference...
Book cover of Emozioni e relazioni nella separazione genitoriale
by Giorgio Cavicchioli, Severo Rosa
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 24, 2017

Questo volume si concentra su una serie di analisi psicologiche dei processi di separazione familiare, focalizzando i diversi ambiti coinvolti. Oltre che a psicologi, psicoterapeuti, psichiatri e neuropsichiatri infantili, il testo può essere un utile strumento per: avvocati e magistrati che si occupano...
Book cover of Help Your Mind to Change - Seeds for the Change
by Rosa Ucci
Language: English
Release Date: August 28, 2016

“ Rapid and conspicuous socio-cultural changes always have a strong impact on human life and a significant influence on mental health. . . the cultural system introjected during the first years of life tends not to modify. It is the central nucleus of psychology” The author has held a series of conversations...
Book cover of Remembering Women’s Activism
by Sharon Crozier-De Rosa, Vera Mackie
Language: English
Release Date: September 25, 2018

Remembering Women’s Activism examines the intersections between gender politics and acts of remembrance by tracing the cultural memories of women who are known for their actions. Memories are constantly being reinterpreted and are profoundly shaped by gender. This book explores the gendered...
Book cover of Conversations With Children
by Katz, David & Katz, Rosa
Language: English
Release Date: July 4, 2013

First published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Book cover of Europeanizing Civil Society

Europeanizing Civil Society

How the EU Shapes Civil Society Organizations

by Rosa Sanchez Salgado
Language: English
Release Date: November 4, 2014

The European Union clearly matters for Civil Society Organizations (CSOs). EU officials and European political entrepreneurs has been crucial in the promotion of funding and access opportunities, but they have been proven to have little capacity to use CSOs for their own purposes.
Book cover of Women of the 2016 Election

Women of the 2016 Election

Voices, Views, and Values

by Rosa L. DeLauro, Nichola D. Gutgold, Kasey Clawson Hudak
Language: English
Release Date: December 12, 2018

Women of the 2016 Election is an examination of women who played prominent roles in the 2016 US presidential election. The collection focuses on women from different parties, races, religions, and immigrant statuses who fulfill roles as candidates, staffers, first families, journalists, and grassroots...
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