Rosa: 964 books

Book cover of Anger
by Rosa Waters
Language: English
Release Date: November 17, 2014

Anger is an emotional response to something that threatens your well-being in some way. Too much anger can damage your body. It can hurt your relationships with others, and it can make you unhappy and miserable. But anger can also be a powerful source of energy that pushes you toward a happier life....
Book cover of Prescription Painkillers

Prescription Painkillers

Oxycontin®, Percocet®, Vicodin®, & Other Addictive Analgesics

by Rosa Waters
Language: English
Release Date: November 17, 2014

Just because a drug is legal, doesn't mean it's safe to abuse it. Abusing prescription painkillers like OxyContin™, Percocet™, and Vicodin™ is no safer than trying much harder drugs. These drugs are being vastly abused and represent one of today's largest drug epidemics. Discover the real consequences...
Book cover of Marijuana


Legal & Developmental Consequences

by Rosa Waters
Language: English
Release Date: November 17, 2014

You may have heard that marijuana is a "safe" drug. In some parts of the United States, it's even legal and while a debate continues regarding recreational and medical use, research still conclusively confirms the devastating effect on a young, undeveloped adolescent brain. Using marijuana can have...
Book cover of Over-the-Counter Medications
by Rosa Waters
Language: English
Release Date: November 17, 2014

Though you probably know the risks of using illegal drugs like cocaine and heroin, you might not know just how dangerous many over-the-counter medications can be when abused or taken incorrectly. Cough syrups, diet pills, sleeping pills, and other over-the-counter medications can be just as dangerous...
Book cover of Stress and Tension
by Rosa Waters
Language: English
Release Date: November 17, 2014

Stress is a normal and natural part of life. We all experience it. When we do, we often speak of feeling "tense," as though we can't relax. We feel nervous. We may get upset easily. Life seems to be coming at us too fast. There's just too much of it! Our emotions feel overwhelmed. Stress and tension...
Book cover of Instagram®


How Kevin Systrom & Mike Krieger Changed the Way We Take and Share Photos

by Rosa Waters
Language: English
Release Date: November 17, 2014

Instagram has had huge success in just a short time. With a popular website and smartphone app, Instagram has become one of the best ways to share pictures with friends. Instagram, however, was once just the idea of two men: Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger. Together, these two men have taken Instagram...
Book cover of Pinterest®


How Ben Silbermann & Evan Sharp Changed the Way We Share What We Love

by Rosa Waters
Language: English
Release Date: November 17, 2014

In the last few years, Pinterest has become one of the world's most popular social networking sites, allowing users to share the things they love with others by "pinning" pictures to an interactive online bulletin board. You may have heard of Pinterest, you may use it yourself—but do you know the...
Book cover of Ámote Leo A. Estación de tránsito
by Rosa Aneiros
Language: Galician
Release Date: February 13, 2014

Abril de 2011. Un autobús percorre lentamente a Anatolia. No seu interior, Leo sente que lle ferve a cabeza nunha dura batalla entre os medos, as esperanzas e as dúbidas. Vai para tres meses que abandonou a súa casa coa intención de facer unha viaxe polo mundo adiante. Dispoñía de seis meses...
Book cover of Ámote Leo A. Terminal de... chegadas?
by Rosa Aneiros
Language: Galician
Release Date: May 21, 2014

«Mamá, volvo á casa. Xa.» Así lle escribe Leo á súa nai unha noite de primavera, catro meses despois do inicio da súa fascinante viaxe polo mundo. A moza non ten gana de máis. Pero non se trata dunha rendición, velaquí unha auténtica arroutada sentimental, rosma Leo ao tempo que centos...
Book cover of Orestes perde o sentido
by Rosa Aneiros
Language: Galician
Release Date: February 14, 2019

Unha mañá Orestes sae da casa e atopa todo demasiado estraño, coma se o mundo tolease. De súpeto, ve a súa irmá pequena soa na beirarrúa. Cóntalle que conseguiu fuxir do rei Koopa, pero que debe regresar axiña ao castelo onde estivo secuestrada e deixou esquecido o seu osiño. A partir dese...
Book cover of Ámote Leo A. Destino Xalundes
by Rosa Aneiros
Language: Galician
Release Date: May 14, 2015

Catro amigos e unha gran viaxe. Este era o plan de Leo ao rematar os estudos universitarios. En cambio, todo se esborralla uns meses antes de partir, cando os seus colegas se botan atrás e Leo debe afrontar unha decisión transcendental: desistir ela tamén ou marchar soa. A encrucillada é difícil...
Book cover of La sposa scomparsa
by Rosa Teruzzi
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 8, 2016

La prima indagine di Vittoria, Libera e Iole: le signore del delitto Dentro Milano esistono tante città, e quasi inavvertitamente si passa dall’una all’altra. C’è poi chi sceglie le zone di confine, come i Navigli, a cavallo tra i locali della movida e il quartiere popolare del Giambellino....
Book cover of Le uova del cuculo
by Rosa Cerrato
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 28, 2013

Il commissario Nelly Rosso si trova coinvolta, anche per l’amicizia che la lega alla giornalista Sandra, in una storia di strani incidenti – delitti? – che accadono ai membri di una famiglia di origine sarda, i Pisu. I vari personaggi della vicenda e i complicati intrecci la porteranno a Luras,...
Book cover of Un posto tranquillo per Nelly Rosso
by Rosa Cerrato
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 30, 2012

Il commissario Nelly Rosso della questura di Genova ha scelto per le sue ferie un agriturismo nelle vicinanze di San Severino Marche. Ancora sofferente per le conseguenze di una ferita ricevuta durante un'indagine e per la fine della relazione con il vicequestore Tano Esposito, si ripromette di trovare...
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