Rosa: 964 books

Book cover of Chi bacia e chi viene baciato
by Rosa Mogliasso
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 8, 2014

Non sempre il destino è cinico e baro: anzi, talvolta si maschera da fastidioso contrattempo per imprimere una svolta epocale. Barbara Gillo non ha quasi il tempo di disperarsi per la perdita del suo insostituibile braccio destro, Peruzzi, e per l’allontanamento quasi definitivo del commissario...
Book cover of La caverna, la bussola e il labirinto
by Rosa Colonna
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 2, 2018

Il mito della caverna di Platone, la bussola e il labirinto di baconiana memoria: hanno ancora qualcosa da dirci? Ci sono almeno dieci buoni motivi per amare la filosofia, e possiamo fare molte scoperte, se ci mettiamo in ascolto dei testi e siamo disposti a rifletterci sopra. Ma se da soli non ci...
Book cover of Análisis y evaluación de políticas públicas en México
by Manuel Lara Caballero, José Javier de la Rosa Rodríguez, Alma Patricia de León Calderón
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 25, 2019

El libro que el lector tiene en sus manos es una invitación para reflexionar sobre los conceptos de análisis y evaluación de políticas públicas, así como su relación y posibles tensiones. Esta propuesta responde a la necesidad de explorar los alcances y límites de una relación que todavía...
Book cover of Actúa


12 llamadas a la acción frente a la crisis económica, política y social

Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 12, 2012

Doce razones para actuar frente a la crisis económica política y social. Cuanto más hostil es el entorno y negras las previsiones, más importante es tratar de comprender lo que ocurre y contribuir a la búsqueda de soluciones. Esa es la doble misión que se proponen los autores de Actúa....
Book cover of Writing in Dante's Cult of Truth

Writing in Dante's Cult of Truth

From Borges to Bocaccio

by María Rosa Menocal
Language: English
Release Date: March 7, 1991

Using the works of Dante as its critical focus, María Rosa Menocal’s original and imaginative study examines questions of truth, ideology, and reality in poetry as they occur in a series of texts and in the relationship between those texts across time. In each case, Menocal raises theoretical issues...
Book cover of The Wolf Sacrifice
by Rosa Steel
Language: English
Release Date: March 4, 2012

SAMPLE: They came for her as the moon rose, as was tradition -- Four elders of the village with their torches. The two elder women took her back into the cold hall, and one of them probed her with a cold and gnarled finger. Dasha couldn’t help but wince, but she stayed still and steady. “I...
Book cover of Gladiator: Love Before Death
by Rosa Steel
Language: English
Release Date: April 25, 2012

Tomorrow, Aris will kill his best friend. Caomh the young and beautiful Gaul is the best thing in his harsh life, but his masters aren't exactly worrying about his feelings. It's not a gladiator's place to question. But when Caohm asks one last, secret favour before he dies how can Aris turn him down?...
Book cover of Sleeping With Your Best Friend
by Rosa Temple
Language: English
Release Date: June 30, 2015

It's Lori's wedding night and husband, Sam, makes a startling revelation just hours after arriving at their dream honeymoon location. A devastated Lori returns to London believing revenge will help her recover from the shocking blow. But Lori does something she will live to regret. Sam's best friend,...
Book cover of Só Te Amo até Terça-feira
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: February 28, 2012

Mariana nasceu sete minutos depois de Rosa Maria. A sua vida estava destinada a ser pequena e esquecida, com um namorado sem dinheiro que ainda vivia com a mãe. Num finca-pé pouco habitual, Mariana conseguiu tirar um curso administrativo, um de inglês e outro de francês e começou a trabalhar numa...
Book cover of To the Point

To the Point

Short, Hot, and Not-So-Sweet: Vignettes to Get You There

by Rosa Lovelace
Language: English
Release Date: January 20, 2016

Do you ever want to fast-forward to the good stuff?  Here is a series of short and sexy vignettes that don't waste any time getting there for you. Try this sampler of four easy shorts and get to know the hot new erotica writer Rosa Lovelace.  It's like eating the top of the cupcake...
Book cover of Fahrenheit
by Alex Rosa
Language: English
Release Date: September 22, 2015

Lauren Michaels is exhausted with the push and pull of copy editing for Los Angeles’s woman’s magazine, Frenzy, which caters to pop culture, style, and above all, sex. She wants to write for the magazine rather than edit, but her boss is convinced that Lauren’s conservative tendencies...
Book cover of Sociologia n.2/2017

Sociologia n.2/2017

Rivista quadrimestrale di Scienze Storiche e Sociali

by Nicola Antonetti, Florian Znaniecki, Margaret S. Archer
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 2, 2017

La società e la storia NICOLA ANTONETTI Prefazione. “Sociologia” una cultura per la democrazia ANDREA BIXIO Introduzione Sturzo e la tradizione storica LUIGI STURZO La Sociologia GABRIELE DE ROSA Il tempo e l'opera di Luigi Sturzo PIETRO SCOPPOLA Intellettuali in una società in trasformazione:...
Book cover of La prima volta non si scorda mai
by Alex De Rosa
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 27, 2018

Questa è la favola di come un ragazzo diventò grande un’estate.
Book cover of Jacques Lacan

Jacques Lacan

Além da clínica

by Antonio Quinet, Christian Ingo Lenz Dunker, Colette Soler
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: January 30, 2017

Texto integral da revista CULT especial Lacan. Edição mostra em que medida o pensamento lacaniano contribui para os debates sobre filosofia moral, teoria do conhecimento, questões de gênero e o lugar da arte contemporânea "A psicanálise é [...] experiência única, aliás bastante abjeta,...
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