Rosa: 964 books

Book cover of Briefe aus dem Gefängnis
by Rosa Luxemburg
Language: German
Release Date: October 11, 2016

Rosa Luxemburg: Briefe aus dem Gefängnis Erstdruck: Berlin, 1920. Herausgegeben vom Exekutivkomitee der Kommunistischen Jugendinternationale. Verlag der Jugend-Internationale. Internationale Jugendbibliothek No. 10. Neuausgabe. Herausgegeben von Karl-Maria Guth. Berlin 2016. Umschlaggestaltung von Thomas Schultz-Overhage. Gesetzt aus der Minion Pro, 11 pt.
Book cover of Kirche und Sozialismus
by Rosa Luxemburg
Language: German
Release Date: April 2, 2016

Dieses eBook: "Kirche und Sozialismus" ist mit einem detaillierten und dynamischen Inhaltsverzeichnis versehen und wurde sorgfältig korrekturgelesen. Rosa Luxemburg (1871-1919) war eine einflussreiche Vertreterin der europäischen Arbeiterbewegung, des Marxismus, Antimilitarismus und "proletarischen...
Book cover of Schriften zu Massenkampf und politischer Aktion

Schriften zu Massenkampf und politischer Aktion

Die russische Revolution, Sozialreform oder Revolution?, Massenstreik, Partei und Gewerkschaften, Die Krise der Sozialdemokratie und weitere Aufsätze

by Rosa Luxemburg
Language: German
Release Date: March 31, 2013

Das E-Book enthält die folgenden bekannteren Schriften Rosa Luxemburgs und diverse Aufsätze: Die russische Revolution (aus dem Nachlass, nach Flechtheim) Sozialreform oder Revolution? (1899) Massenstreik, Partei und Gewerkschaften (1906) Die Krise der Sozialdemokratie (2. Aufl. 1919) Außerdem sind...
Book cover of Schriften zur Ökonomie und Wirtschaftsgeschichte

Schriften zur Ökonomie und Wirtschaftsgeschichte

Die industrielle Entwicklung Polens, Die Akkumulation des Kapitals (+ Antikritik), Einführung in die Nationalökonomie

by Rosa Luxemburg
Language: German
Release Date: January 31, 2013

Das E-Book enthält die großen ökonomischen Schriften Rosa Luxemburgs: Die industrielle Entwicklung Polens (1898). Die Akkumulation des Kapitals. (1913). Die Akkumulation des Kapitals. Eine Antikritik (1921). Einführung in die Nationalökonomie (1925).
Book cover of La senda del chamán

La senda del chamán

Una extraordinaria aventura espiritual en los confines de la tierra

by Raul De La Rosa
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 14, 2014

Una maravillosa novela espiritual, un magnífico sendero hacia el encuentro de nuestro propio crecimiento personal. En esta apasionante novela espiritual, Raúl de la Rosa relata el viaje iniciático de un joven escritor, desde su Valencia natal hasta el corazón de Siberia, a fines del siglo...
Book cover of The Handbook of Palmistry
by Rosa Baughan
Language: English
Release Date: October 9, 2017

The future’s not written in the stars, but etched in the palm of your hand – as Victorian mystic Rosa Baughan discovered to her endless fascination. Drawn from clandestine dinners with Parisian scholars, the wisdom of the Kabbala and more, this handbook is the product of her exhaustive research...
Book cover of Remember my name
by Sara De Rosa
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 23, 2018

Nathan, agente dell’FBI, si porta alle spalle un doloroso passato che lo ha portato a chiudersi nel suo mondo fatto solo di lavoro e fugaci avventure, un mondo dove l’amore non è più contemplato. Ma una mattina tutto cambia quando soccorre una ragazza in fin di vita. Honey, così viene chiamata...
Book cover of Werecake
by Rosa Steel
Language: English
Release Date: March 29, 2012

EXCERPT: “Don’t worry, little cake, I’m getting you out of here,” she whispered. Chase carried the cake in both hands to maintain its equilibrium. The thought of one of the dazzling little stars bouncing away on the plastic floor of the supermarket was agonising. People passing her looked...
Book cover of The Little Storyteller

The Little Storyteller

The Girl by the Lake, Healing Hands

by Bella Rosa
Language: English
Release Date: May 15, 2014

The Little Storyteller's " The Girl by the Lake"  will take you to a colorful journey, where a Little girl makes a new friend, and becomes brave. In the short story " Healing Hands", The  Little Storyteller, will bring her young and inocent mind to you,and will give you a world of wonder. Imagination is a "Gift." Bella Rosa.
Book cover of The Red Stallion's Lover
by Rosa Steel
Language: English
Release Date: March 3, 2012

SAMPLE: Yet Harte Connor, horse shifter, was troubled. He drew another long breath through flared nostrils, and tossed his head angrily. His fore-hooves pounded the dirt, raking long furrows. It’s him again. The scent was unmistakable. Infuriating. His delicate nostrils picked it easily from...
Book cover of Los Hijos Del Sol
by marlyn de la rosa herrera
Language: Spanish
Release Date: August 6, 2016

La tierra esta en peligro, aquellos de quienes no se esperaba su presencia han llegado... Los hijos del sol, amigos o enemigos?.
Book cover of Borasco
by Pietrino Pischedda, Daniela Pireddu, Liliana Paisa
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 30, 2015

"l titolo dell'opera, 'Borasco', implica un viatico romantico, simbolico ed evocativo: il nome di un vento che trasporti questi componimenti in fuga, verso altri territori, altre culture, lettori, autori. All'interno di 'Borasco' (vento impetuoso, caratterizzato da raffiche prepotenti, che spira...
Book cover of The Love of a Good Fae
by Veronica Del Rosa
Language: English
Release Date: January 24, 2017

A novella in the Enforcers and Coterie series, The Love of a Good Fae delves deeper into a world where magic co-exists peacefully with the ordinary, for the most part . . . Lilith Tremaine spends most of her time in an insane asylum, recovering from a vicious attack, or so the world believes....
Book cover of Like a Bride and Like a Mother
by Rosa Nissán
Language: English
Release Date: February 15, 2013

These two autobiographical novels lay bare the life journey of a Mexican Jewish woman reconciling herself with a Sephardic background, her parent's dictates, and her husband's and family's expectations. The only constant in her life is a need to find her own way, and the story of how she does so is...
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