Rosa: 964 books

Book cover of In carne e cuore
by Rosa Montero
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 11, 2017

«Una prosa animata da immagini vivide, l’unione del pathos alla tenerezza» El Mundo «Fatevi un'amica e leggete Rosa Montero» Elle La vita è un breve intervallo di luce tra due nostalgie: la nostalgia di ciò che non si è ancora vissuto e quella di ciò che non si potrà più...
Book cover of Senza fare rumore
by Rosa Campanile
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 20, 2017

“A te hanno spezzato il cuore. Il mio, invece, l’hanno preso e portato via con la forza.” Bastano cinque parole pronunciate dalla donna che credeva di amare per far sì che la vita di Tyler Keyes venga stravolta e il suo cuore si spezzi in due. La stessa notte, ma a settecento miglia di distanza,...
Book cover of Zur Kritik der Weiblichkeit
by Rosa Mayreder
Language: German
Release Date: December 14, 2017

Rosa Mayreder wirft in ihrem Werk zur Weiblichkeit zentrale Themen der Frauenbewegung auf. Sie betrachtet den Begriff der Weiblichkeit losgelöst von ihm anhaftenden Verallgemeinerungen. Rosa Mayreder (1858-1938) war eine österreichische Schriftstellerin, Frauenrechtlerin, Kulturphilosophin, Librettistin, Musikerin und Malerin.
Book cover of After (Blue) Dusk
by Rosa Giles
Language: English
Release Date: December 9, 2016

This book is a collection of six erotic fantasy short stories. Each story has an element of surprise at the end. The short stories is sure to hold your interest, as well as interesting characters the twist at the end may not be what you think. The content is erotic with explicit sex scenes but very...
Book cover of La Revolución Rusa
by Rosa Luxemburgo
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 18, 2017

La Revolución rusa, escrita por Rosa Luxemburgo durante su estancia en la cárcel de Breslau, en Alemania, es una reflexión sobre las primeras medidas tomadas por la dirección bolchevique, en principio destinada a ser publicada en la revista de la Liga Espartaquista. Sin embargo, no vio la luz...
Book cover of Looking like a Language, Sounding like a Race

Looking like a Language, Sounding like a Race

Raciolinguistic Ideologies and the Learning of Latinidad

by Jonathan Rosa
Language: English
Release Date: December 14, 2018

Looking like a Language, Sounding like a Race examines the emergence of linguistic and ethnoracial categories in the context of Latinidad. The book draws from more than twenty-four months of ethnographic and sociolinguistic fieldwork in a Chicago public school, whose student body is more than 90%...
Book cover of Music Theory - Piano Chords Theory - Circle of 5ths
by Rosa Suen
Language: English
Release Date: July 4, 2014

The Music Theory - Piano Chords Theory - Circle of 5ths is a fascinating music tool that incorporates many elements of music theory into a visual format. Just as a color wheel shows how colors blend together in harmony, the Circle of 5ths shows how the 12 unique tones work harmoniously in music. In...
Book cover of Dare to love
by Rosa Campanile
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 2, 2017

Dopo aver perduto coloro che amava durante la Diffusione, Eve Lucas trascorre i suoi giorni nella Città Sicura di Savannah prendendosi cura degli altri sopravvissuti, mettendo il benessere del prossimo prima del suo. Ma c'è qualcuno che si prende cura di lei?  Il soldato speciale Eric Smith è...
Book cover of Fight for life
by Rosa Campanile
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 30, 2017

Intrappolata a Cincinnati con altri sopravvissuti, Natalia Landreaux è disposta a tutto pur di non morire divorata dagli infetti che hanno distrutto la civiltà, anche correre rischi indicibili per trasmettere un ultimo, disperato messaggio d'aiuto. In pericolo non c’è solo la sua vita, ma anche...
Book cover of During (Green) Dusk
by Rosa Giles
Language: English
Release Date: May 13, 2017

This book is a collection of six erotic fantasy short stories. Each story has an element of surprise at the end. The short stories is sure to hold your interest, as well as interesting characters the twist at the end may not be what you think. The content is erotic with explicit sex scenes but very...
Book cover of La crisis de la socialdemocracia
by Rosa Luxemburgo
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 18, 2017

Rosa Luxemburgo (1871-1919) se situó a la vanguardia en la lucha contra la guerra mundial. Era la consecuencia lógica de su lucha antimilitarista que provocó su encarcelamiento en varias ocasiones por el militarismo prusiano, acusada de "llamar a la rebelión", "incitar a los soldados...
Book cover of Cartas desde la prisión

Cartas desde la prisión

Cartas a Carlos Kautsky, Luisa Kautsky y Sonia Liebknecht

by Rosa Luxemburgo
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 8, 2019

El presente libro, que recoge las cartas que Rosa Luxemburgo escribió desde la cárcel a sus amigos y compañeros de lucha, es capaz de condensar su pensamiento más profundo sobre la situación política del momento y las perspectivas futuras del socialismo. En ellas muestra su espíritu independiente,...
Book cover of Las 101 recetas más saludables para vivir y sonreír
by Mª Pilar Ibern Gavina, Rosa Riubo, Joan Carles López
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 16, 2017

Con la colaboración de Rosa Riubo, Joan Carles López y Mariano Bueno. Salud y sabor. Sin gluten o con cereales sanos. Vegetariano y casi siempre vegano. Dieta de transición fácil y sabrosa. Toque macrobiótico. Sin lactosa o con lácteos de cabra. Cocina mediterránea y pluricultural. Toque higienista....
Book cover of Dictadoras


Las mujeres de los hombres más despiadados de la historia

by Rosa Montero
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 1, 2013

La historia íntima de las mujeres y amantes que acompañaron a los grandes dictadores del siglo XX. ¿Por qué se suicidó la segunda esposa de Stalin? ¿Qué relación tenía Hitler con Eva Braun? ¿Y Clara Petacci con Mussolini? ¿Por qué la esposa de Franco tuvo tanto poder en su vida...
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