Roger Smith: 103 books

Book cover of The Primary Headteacher's Handbook
by Roger Smith
Language: English
Release Date: December 16, 2003

Launching the new Kogan Page Primary Essentials series, this indispensable handbook for all practising and aspiring primary headteachers will help primary school leaders rise to the many challenges that face them in the task of effectively managing a busy primary school. Some of the key areas...
Book cover of Creating the Effective Primary School
by Roger Smith
Language: English
Release Date: December 16, 2003

A key role for primary school leaders is to develop strategies for promoting and ensuring high quality learning. This practical and accessible handbook has been written by an experienced primary leader, and will offer anyone seeking guidance on creating or maintaining a more effective primary school...
Book cover of Forensic Science
by Roger Smith, Maciej J Bogusz
Language: English
Release Date: September 22, 2011

Forensic Science, Second Edition presents the applications of separation methods, manly chromatography, in forensic practice. The first part, devoted to forensic toxicology, contains reviews on forensic relevant groups of compounds, like: Opiate agonists, cocaine, amphetamines, hallucinogens, cannabinoids,...
Book cover of Tycoonery


A Novel

by Roger Smith
Language: English
Release Date: August 2, 2012

No one was more surprised than cynical former academic George Timmins when his old friend and property magnate David Adler contacted him out of the blue. Adler had news: not only did he have plans to pull down the centre of their childhood town, Trowbridge Spa, to make way for a new, modern shopping...
Book cover of Doing Justice to Young People

Doing Justice to Young People

Youth Crime and Social Justice

by Roger Smith
Language: English
Release Date: August 6, 2012

There is an impasse in current thinking about youth crime and justice, represented by punitive and harmful practices, and liberal objections to these processes on the other, based predominantly on arguments for ‘rehabilitation’. This book aims to arrive at an alternative strategy for resolving...
Book cover of Diversion in Youth Justice

Diversion in Youth Justice

What Can We Learn from Historical and Contemporary Practices?

by Roger Smith
Language: English
Release Date: October 5, 2017

Diversion in youth justice is a subject of enduring interest. It concerns the processes by which decisions are made about whether or not to prosecute young offenders, and this book explores the continuing debates and historical developments which shape these processes. The treatment of young offenders...
Book cover of Lyrical Love Lines of Yours and Mine
by Roger Smith
Language: English
Release Date: October 23, 2009

"Lyrical Love Lines..." is a book of love poetry written from a whole different prospective and much better style than the typical "Roses are red, violets are blue" type poems that maybe you've heard and read. It's chapters are categorized into three aspects: Love, Problems and...
Book cover of Finding Private Uttley

Finding Private Uttley

A Soldier of the Great War

by Roger Smith
Language: English
Release Date: September 28, 2014

Finding Private Uttley examines the causes of the Great War and life on the Western Front. The guns of the Great War, the war that was supposed to end all wars, were silenced on 11th November 1918 and the names of the great battles of Loos, Somme, Ypres, Arras and Passchendaele began to pass into...
Book cover of Architecture: Gothic and Renaissance
by T. Roger Smith
Language: English
Release Date: August 19, 2016

The history, the features, and the most famous examples of European architecture, during a period extending from the rise of the Gothic, or pointed, style in the twelfth century to the general depression which overtook the Renaissance style at the close of the eighteenth, form the subject of this...
Book cover of Schwarzes Blut

Schwarzes Blut


by Max Wilde, Roger Smith
Language: German
Release Date: July 8, 2013

Du kannst dem Bösen nicht entfliehen. Es ist ein Teil von dir. Sie hat gerade die Ruinen des alten Roadhouse erreicht, als sie das dunkle Grummeln eines Motors hinter sich hört. Scheinwerfer beleuchten den Sand zu ihren Füßen. Sie geht schneller, während der Fahrer gerade so viel Gas gibt,...
Book cover of Kap der Finsternis
by Roger Smith
Language: German
Release Date: November 1, 2010

Ein hochtouriger literarischer Thriller, der ein ungeschöntes Panorama des heutigen Südafrika zeichnet. Ein amerikanischer Glücksspieler, der mit seiner hochschwangeren Frau und seinem Sohn nach Kapstadt geflohen ist, gerät in einen Strudel von Gewaltverbrechen. Sein Gegenpart ist ein bigotter,...
Book cover of Blutiges Erwachen
by Roger Smith
Language: German
Release Date: October 6, 2010

Ein höllisch heißer Sommer in Kapstadt. Das amerikanische Ex-Model Roxy und ihr Mann Joe, ein zwielichtiger Waffenhändler, werden überfallen. Joe wird verwundet, und als die schwarzen Gangster mit seinem Wagen verschwunden sind, handelt Roxy kurz entschlossen und erschießt ihren Mann. Die beiden...
Book cover of Stiller Tod

Stiller Tod


by Roger Smith
Language: German
Release Date: October 24, 2012

Als die kleine Sunny vor dem Haus ihrer Eltern ertrinkt, raucht ihr Vater gerade einen Joint, während ihre Mutter sich mit ihrem Liebhaber in der Küche vergnügt. Nur Vernon Saul, eine verwundete, aber gefährliche Seele, bekommt mit, was am Strand vor sich geht. Doch er greift nicht ein. Der ehemalige...
Book cover of Staubige Hölle

Staubige Hölle


by Roger Smith
Language: German
Release Date: June 27, 2011

Robert Dell ist auf der Flucht. Seine Frau und Kinder sind auf grausame Weise umgebracht worden, er selbst steht plötzlich unter Mordverdacht.Dells einziger Verbündeter ist sein verhasster Vater, ein ehemaliger CIA-Killer und überzeugter Rassist, der gerade aus dem Gefängnis entlassen ist. Auf...
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