Roger Christian: 22 books

Book cover of Cinema Alchemist

Cinema Alchemist

Designing Star Wars and Alien

by Roger Christian
Language: English
Release Date: April 19, 2016

For the first time, Oscar-winning production designer and director Roger Christian reveals his life story, from his earliest work in the British film industry to his breakthrough contributions on such iconic science fiction masterpieces as Star Wars, Alien and his own rediscovered Black Angel. This...
Book cover of Reclaiming Pietism

Reclaiming Pietism

Retrieving an Evangelical Tradition

by Roger E. Olson, Christian T. Collins Winn
Language: English
Release Date: January 8, 2015

The historical movement known as Pietism emphasized the response of faith and inward transformation as crucial aspects of conversion to Christ. Unfortunately, Pietism today is often equated with a “holier-than-thou” spiritual attitude, religious legalism, or withdrawal from involvement in society. In...
Book cover of Sir Nigel - Tome 01

Sir Nigel - Tome 01

Le Preu du pont de Tilford

by Roger Seiter, Christian Gine
Language: French
Release Date: June 19, 2019

Petit par la taille. Grand par le destin. An de grâce 1349. Issu d’une noble famille de guerriers tombée en disgrâce, le jeune Nigel Loring va tenter de faire démentir le destin en prenant part aux côtés du roi d’Angleterre à la guerre de Cent Ans. De simple écuyer, il deviendra...


Geschichten aus der Welt von Morgen - wie man sie sich gestern vorgestellt hat.

by Christian Dörge, Frank Herbert, Roger Zelazny
Language: German
Release Date: January 25, 2019

"Träume ich?", flüsterte er. Er versuchte, sich die Tränen aus den Augen zu wischen. "Joao, mein Sohn", sagte die Stimme seines Vaters. Joao sah zu dem vertrauten Gesicht auf. Kein Zweifel, es war sein Vater. "Aber... dein Herz", sagte Joao. "Meine...
Book cover of Wir sind noch mehr

Wir sind noch mehr

Deutschland in Aufruhr

by Vera Lengsfeld, Heiko Schrang, David Berger
Language: German
Release Date: November 22, 2018

Ein Aufruf zur Verteidigung der Demokratie und Meinungsfreiheit Die bekanntesten Autoren der Freien Medien bilden mit diesem Buch zum ersten Mal ein gemeinsames Bündnis für eine unabhängige und freie Meinungsbildung fernab von journalistischem Einheitsbrei, staatlicher Deutungshoheit, Zensur oder...
Book cover of Quoi de neuf chez les filles ?
by Christian Baudelot, Roger Establet
Language: French
Release Date: July 7, 2011

Un livre pour comprendre où en sont les différences et les inégalités entre filles et garçons aujourd'hui. Près de 35 ans après la publication en Italie de Du côté des petites filles d'Elena Gianini Belotti, ce livre est traversé par un fil rouge : la part personnelle énorme que...
Book cover of Yves Montand

Yves Montand

Suivi d'un poème inédit de Jacques Prévert

by Christian Mégret, Jacques Prévert, Roger Gaillard
Language: French
Release Date: January 1, 1953

Christian Mégret, le romancier de classe, le psychologue d’envergure à qui l’on doit : Les fausses compagnies, En ce temps-là, Sophie et Danaé, n’est pas seulement un des meilleurs écrivains de sa génération, mais aussi un spécialiste de cet art à multiples facettes qu’on appelle...
Book cover of Stamford Bridge
by Jean-Yves Delitte, Roger Seiter, Christian Gine
Language: French
Release Date: April 18, 2018

Impitoyables, mais pas invincibles ! En janvier 1066, le roi d’Angleterre, Édouard le Confesseur, meurt. Il laisse le trône sans héritier direct. Harold II Godwinson, beau frère du roi décédé, est désigné comme nouveau roi. Malheureusement, aussitôt et au nom d’anciennes promesses,...
Book cover of Environmental Management Accounting

Environmental Management Accounting

Case Studies of South-East Asian Companies

by Christian Herzig, Tobias Viere, Stefan Schaltegger
Language: English
Release Date: March 15, 2012

Sustainable development will not happen without substantial contributions from and leading roles of companies and business organizations. This requires the provision of adequate information on corporate social and ecological impacts and performance. For the last decade, progress has been made in developing...
Book cover of The Impact of Emerging Economies on Global Energy and the Environment
by Gonzalo Vazquez, Chris Kraul, Maxime Larive
Language: English
Release Date: November 9, 2015

Changing patterns of energy production and consumption are transforming the geopolitics of the global system. The BRICS countries: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (not discussed in this volume), a loose conglomeration of emerging powers, are part of the change as are Western powers. Variations...
Book cover of Advanced Computational Vibroacoustics

Advanced Computational Vibroacoustics

Reduced-Order Models and Uncertainty Quantification

by Roger Ohayon, Christian Soize
Language: English
Release Date: August 11, 2014

Advanced Computational Vibroacoustics presents an advanced computational method for the prediction of sound and structural vibrations, in low- and medium-frequency ranges - complex structural acoustics and fluid-structure interaction systems encountered in aerospace, automotive, railway, naval, and...
Book cover of Urbanism in the Preindustrial World

Urbanism in the Preindustrial World

Cross-Cultural Approaches

by Rebecca Storey, Li Liu, Sarah M. Nelson
Language: English
Release Date: January 7, 2009

A baseline study of the growth of preindustrial cities worldwide. This work employs a subset of preindustrial cities on many continents to answer questions archaeologists grapple with concerning the populating and growth of cities before industrialization. It further explores how scholars differently...
Book cover of Coastal Erosion

Coastal Erosion

Response and Management

by Roger H. Charlier, Christian P. De Meyer
Language: English
Release Date: April 10, 2006

The coastal zone is subject to strong pressures from a large number of users. Populations are migrating to it in large numbers. Industry wants to exploit it for its space, water and manpower. Aggregate miners want to exploit mineral resources and health centers are multiplying. It is a favorite area...
Book cover of The Software Dilemma

The Software Dilemma

Balancing Creativity and Control on the Path to Sustainable Software

by Roger Gutbrod, Christian Wiele
Language: English
Release Date: March 13, 2012

The complexity of software is continuously growing as a result of today’s interconnected business processes. Governance of architecture and technology strategy helps to ensure coherence of software and avoid excessive complexity. At the same time software development needs room for creativity and...
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