Roberto: 2164 books

Book cover of La meccanica quantistica
by Roberto Battiston
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 29, 2018

Agli inizi del Novecento lo studio degli atomi forniva risultati non spiegabili con la meccanica newtoniana: l’analogia tra la struttura atomica e un microscopico sistema solare non reggeva. Di fronte a una massa di dati incomprensibili all’interno di un consolidato contesto teorico, un gruppo...
Book cover of Tu sei il male

Tu sei il male

Trilogia del Male 1

by Roberto Costantini
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 7, 2011

Roma, 11 luglio 1982. La sera della vittoria italiana al Mundial spagnolo, Elisa Sordi, diciottenne impiegata di una società immobiliare del Vaticano, scompare nel nulla. L’inchiesta viene affidata al giovane commissario di Polizia Michele Balistreri. Arrogante e svogliato, Balistreri prende sottogamba...
Book cover of Alle radici del male

Alle radici del male

Trilogia del Male 2

by Roberto Costantini
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 31, 2012

Tripoli, anni Sessanta. Quella dell’irrequieto e ribelle Mike Balistreri è un’adolescenza tumultuosa come il ghibli che spazza il deserto. Sullo sfondo di una Libia post-coloniale, preda degli interessi dell’Occidente per i suoi giacimenti petroliferi, gli anni giovanili di Mike sono segnati...
Book cover of Guatemala


A Cruisers' Guide to Rio Dulce

by Lilia Hartmann and Roberto Trapani
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 13, 2017

FULLY REVISED SECOND EDITION Rio Dulce nestles at the heart of the northwest Caribbean and is much more than just a safe haven for your boat during the hurricane season. From there, you can set off on a voyage of discovery and explore waters that are as yet unspoilt by the nautical tourism...
Book cover of Credit Models and the Crisis

Credit Models and the Crisis

A Journey into CDOs, Copulas, Correlations and Dynamic Models

by Damiano Brigo, Andrea Pallavicini, Roberto Torresetti
Language: English
Release Date: October 28, 2010

The recent financial crisis has highlighted the need for better valuation models and risk management procedures, better understanding of structured products, and has called into question the actions of many financial institutions. It has become commonplace to blame the inadequacy of credit risk models,...
Book cover of Liver Transplantation, An Issue of Clinics in Liver Disease, E-Book
by Roberto J. Firpi, MD, MS
Language: English
Release Date: April 12, 2017

Cirrhosis from hepatitis C (HCV) is now the most common indication for liver transplant (LT) in the U.S., but between 2004 and 2013, new LT listings for NASH increased by 170%. Unfortunately, fibrosis progression leading to cirrhosis, liver cancer, and liver decompensation continues to occur after...
Book cover of Life cycle costing. Advantages, disadvantages and criticism of this procedure
by Roberto Niesing
Language: English
Release Date: June 25, 2008

Seminar paper from the year 2008 in the subject Business economics - Accounting and Taxes, grade: 2,0, University of Glamorgan, 14 entries in the bibliography, language: English, abstract: Sustainability is developing in as important target for an increasing number of industries and governments. Especially...
Book cover of Introduction to Logistics Systems Management
by Gianpaolo Ghiani, Gilbert Laporte, Roberto Musmanno
Language: English
Release Date: February 6, 2013

Introduction to Logistics Systems Management is the fully revised and enhanced version of the 2004 prize-winning textbook Introduction to Logistics Systems Planning and Control, used in universities around the world. This textbook offers an introduction to the methodological aspects of logistics...
Book cover of FEI Salto Ostacoli 2009-2010
by Roberto Bellotti
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 1, 2012

In questo ebook, l’Autore (foto copertina e sopra) raccoglie i suoi articoli sulle più importanti gare FEI Salto Ostacoli 2009 - 2010. Descrive i luoghi, i percorsi effettuati, i cavalieri ed i cavalli, le cronache e gli aneddoti delle Vittorie dei Campioni di questo sport. Proverai emozioni e...
Book cover of An Introduction to Stochastic Processes and Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics
by Horacio S Wio, Roberto R Deza, Juan M López
Language: English
Release Date: September 5, 2012

This book aims to provide a compact and unified introduction to the most important aspects in the physics of non-equilibrium systems. It first introduces stochastic processes and some modern tools and concepts that have proved their usefulness to deal with non-equilibrium systems from a purely probabilistic...
Book cover of Egypt's Economic Potential (RLE Egypt)
by Roberto Aliboni
Language: English
Release Date: January 3, 2013

Over the last ten years the Egyptian economy has undergone a major transformation which has led to greater decentralisation and international competition. This transformation, along with changing circumstances in the surrounding Arab areas and the end of hostilities with Israel, has given a boost...
Book cover of Social Media Marketing. Una guida per i nuovi Comunicatori Digitali

Social Media Marketing. Una guida per i nuovi Comunicatori Digitali

Una guida per i nuovi Comunicatori Digitali

by Antonio Ferrandina, Roberto Zarriello
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 8, 2015

Le nuove tecnologie hanno cambiato le regole del marketing e della comunicazione. Questa guida, ricchissima di suggerimenti concreti e pratici, aiuterà il lettore a impadronirsi degli strumenti dei nuovi Comunicatori Digitali
Book cover of scrivi il tuo destino

scrivi il tuo destino

e vivi la vita che desideri

by Roberto Palumbo
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 11, 2017

Stai vivendo la vita che desideri? Stai realizzando i tuoi sogni? Cosa ti sta trattenendo? Se in questo momento senti che nella tua vita “qualcosa non torna”, se capisci che non hai ancora raggiunto quello stato di appagamento cui tutti aspiriamo e che meritiamo di avere per il solo fatto di esistere,...
Book cover of Fisco 2017
by Marco Peirolo, Roberto Fanelli, Saverio Cinieri
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 3, 2017

Fisco 2017 è la Guida operativa che fornisce il quadro completo ed esaustivo di tutti gli adempimenti tributari spaziando dalle imposte sui redditi (IRPEF, IRES e IRAP) a quelle indirette (IVA, Registro) sino alle tasse e imposte locali (tra cui IMU, TASI, TARI) e ai tributi minori. Il volume è...
First 92 93 94 95 96 97 9899 100
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