Roberto: 2164 books

Book cover of Come ottenere un prestito con la cessione del quinto
by Roberto Borzellino
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 22, 2016

Vuoi ottenere un prestito e non sai come fare? sei segnalato come cattivo pagatore e tutte le banche ti dicono di no? Con questa mia guida, frutto di anni di esperienza nel settore finanziario, ti insegnerò come fare per richiedere e ottenere un prestito con la cessione del quinto. E' una particolare...
Book cover of Prestito Facile
by Roberto Borzellino
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 1, 2015

Cari lettori, questo e-book è una preziosa guida finanziaria, frutto di tanti anni di esperienza maturata sul campo e sarà un utile strumento che permetterà a tutti Voi d'imparare e capire la differenza tra Tan e Taeg, a leggere un piano di ammortamento, a saper scegliere tra le tante offerte pubblicitarie...
Book cover of Imagen, Poder y Negociación

Imagen, Poder y Negociación

Un abordaje desde la Psicología

by Roberto de Vries
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 14, 2015

Negociar es un proceso que comienza dentro de cada uno y apela permanentemente a nuestro equilibrio, coherencia emocional y autoconocimiento. En esta obra el Dr. Roberto de Vries, médico psiquiatra y comunicador social, revela al lector los elementos básicos que se deben utilizar ante cualquier...
Book cover of Overcrowded


Designing Meaningful Products in a World Awash with Ideas

by Roberto Verganti
Language: English
Release Date: January 27, 2017

A more powerful innovation, which seeks to discover not how things work but why we need things. The standard text on innovation advises would-be innovators to conduct creative brainstorming sessions and seek input from outsiders—users or communities. This kind of innovating can be effective...
Book cover of Family Activism

Family Activism

Empowering Your Community, Beginning with Family and Friends

by Roberto Vargas
Language: English
Release Date: June 16, 2008

We live in a world that needs radical transformation if our children and grandchildren are to live healthy, peace-filled lives. But where to start? In this inspiring new book, activist Roberto Vargas says the answer lies surprisingly close: at home, with our closest relationships. In our daily lives...
Book cover of Design Driven Innovation

Design Driven Innovation

Changing the Rules of Competition by Radically Innovating What Things Mean

by Roberto Verganti
Language: English
Release Date: August 12, 2009

Until now, the literature on innovation has focused either on radical innovation pushed by technology or incremental innovation pulled by the market. In Design-Driven Innovation: How to Compete by Radically Innovating the Meaning of Products, Roberto Verganti introduces a third strategy, a radical...
Book cover of 04: Yes, I Can Public Speaking
by Jesus Roberto Torriani Vargas
Language: English
Release Date: March 22, 2016

At some point in our lives, we have to stand before a group of people ... and talk. In most cases, it is the experience, especially mistakes, which is teaching us. When these errors occur in a workplace, they can be very negative for our professional advancement. After witnessing a case, really dramatic,...
Book cover of The Dynamics of Indecision

The Dynamics of Indecision

A Failure of Leadership

by Michael A. Roberto
Language: English
Release Date: August 31, 2010

This is the eBook version of the printed book. This Element is an excerpt from Why Great Leaders Don't Take Yes for an Answer: Managing for Conflict and Consensus (9780131454392) by Michael A. Roberto. Available in print and digital formats.   Why so many organizations fall into the trap of “endless...
Book cover of The Political Economy of Argentina in the Twentieth Century
by Roberto Cortés Conde
Language: English
Release Date: December 22, 2008

In this book, Roberto Cortés Conde describes and explains the decline of the Argentine economy in the twentieth century, its evolution, and its consequences. At the beginning of the century, the economy grew at a sustained rate, a modern transport system united the country, a massive influx of immigrants...
Book cover of The Price of Oil
by Roberto F. Aguilera, Marian Radetzki
Language: English
Release Date: October 29, 2015

Drawing on their extensive knowledge of the oil industry, Roberto F. Aguilera and Marian Radetzki provide an in-depth examination of the price of the world's most important commodity. They argue that although oil has experienced an extraordinary price increase over the past few decades, we have now...
Book cover of Texturas 29
by Umberto Saba, Jorge Carrión, Imanol Zubero
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 1, 2016

Sobre edición y libros, sus hechos y algunas ideas. Texturas es un espacio de análisis, reflexión y debate abierto.  En este número: «Sobre la biblioteca municipal, es decir, sobre la gloria», Umberto Saba «Las benditas librerías del futuro», Jorge Carrión «El libro como...
Book cover of Modelos de Negocio Virtuales
by Jesus Roberto Torriani Vargas
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 12, 2017

Cada día, más empresarios piensan que es casi un deber estar presente en Internet, que la única forma de tener éxito en los negocios, es hacerlos por Internet o sumar Internet a la forma de trabajo actual. En muchos casos, esto puede ser cierto, pero en otros, no. Se trata de analizar seriamente...
Book cover of Euxit. Emergency exit for Europe
by Roberto Sommella
Language: English
Release Date: February 27, 2018

After the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome, all the issues remain unsolved in the European Union and the populist wave is ever more pressing. There are many fake-news about the EU, which Roberto Sommella, Director of External Relations of the Italian Competition Authority,...
Book cover of Unlocking Creativity

Unlocking Creativity

How to Solve Any Problem and Make the Best Decisions by Shifting Creative Mindsets

by Michael A. Roberto
Language: English
Release Date: December 31, 2018

Tear down the obstacles to creative innovation in your organization Unlocking Creativity is an exploration of the creative process and how organizations can clear the way for innovation. In many organizations, creative individuals face stubborn resistance to new ideas. Managers and executives...
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