Robert: 26808 books

Book cover of Das große Lesebuch
by Robert Gernhardt
Language: German
Release Date: October 26, 2017

Das Wichtigste und Schönste von Robert Gernhardt in einem Band"Das große Lesebuch" ist die erste umfassende Auswahl aus Robert Gernhardts Gesamtwerk. Es versammelt seine wichtigsten und schönsten Gedichte, Essays, Geschichten und Cartoons aus fünfzig Jahren. Ein einzigartiger Querschnitt durch das künstlerische Schaffen Robert Gernhardts, eine ideale Einführung in sein Werk.
Book cover of Jericho


Dreams, Ruins, Phantoms

by Robert Ruby
Language: English
Release Date: November 11, 2014

It is a place both mythic and all too real, a place thought to be the site of one of our oldest human settlements and known to be a center of ancient cultures and annihilating conflicts. It sits at the bottom of a malarial valley, the lowest place on the surfact of the earth--"the overheated,...
Book cover of De verovering van de Rockies

De verovering van de Rockies

hoe haar geografie de rol van de Verenigde Staten in de wereld bepaalt

by Robert Kaplan
Language: Dutch
Release Date: January 18, 2017

De verovering van de Rockies is een kort epos dat aan de hand van een intelligente en meeslepende beschrijving van het Amerikaanse landschap uiteenzet hoe het land een wereldmacht is geworden en hoe het zich in de chaotische wereld van nu zou moeten gedragen. Als klein jongetje luisterde Robert...
Book cover of The Maestro and Marianne
by Robert duRosier
Language: English
Release Date: December 30, 2008

In Robert duRosier's memoir The Maestro and Marianne, the author embarks on a journey to uncover his true heritage. Raised in foster care as Bobby Bannister, and unaware of any family ties, Robert's quest is fulfilled in a way he couldn't have imagined as he not only uncovers a racial identity he...
Book cover of Video with Adobe Flash CS4 Professional Studio Techniques
by Robert Reinhardt
Language: English
Release Date: April 26, 2010

The definitive guide to creating video for the Web In Video with Adobe Flash CS4 Professional Studio Techniques, Robert Reinhardt goes beyond the entry-level coverage found in other books to bring you a comprehensive look at what you really need to know to produce, host, and distribute Flash-compatible...
Book cover of The Fun Easy Guide to Health and Fitness
by Robert Neeves
Language: English
Release Date: April 2, 2019

A self-help book and reference guide, filled with common sense advice to help the mainstream, average person improve and enjoy all aspects of their life. LIFESTYLE FITNESS THE FUN EASY GUIDE TO HEALTH AND FITNESS by Author ROBERT NEEVES explains how to achieve remarkable health benefits with little...
Book cover of God's Domain
by Robert W Gallant, Marcus Webb
Language: English
Release Date: June 18, 2018

‘God’s domain’ takes Chesney Barrett, Travis Weld on a potentially world-changing mission' MIDLAND, Mich. – Travis Weld, leader of a clandestine government team, reaches out once more to environmental graduate student Chesney Barrett in the fourth book of Robert Gallant’s suspense...
Book cover of Bargeldverbot


Alles, was Sie über die kommende Bargeldabschaffung wissen müssen

by Ulrich Horstmann, Robert Halver, Gerald Mann
Language: German
Release Date: June 8, 2015

Der Bestseller bereits in der 6. Auflage jetzt mit 30 zusätzlichen Seiten zu den aktuellen Entwicklungen rund um die Bargeldabschaffung und die geplante 5000 ? -Obergrenze. Nicht nur die andauernde Niedrigzinsphase ist eine große Gefahr für Sie als Sparer, sondern auch das immer stärkere Zurückdrängen...
Book cover of The Tasting Chef: A Collection of Some Artistic Creations
by Robert Lia
Language: English
Release Date: May 15, 2013

The tasting chef - a collection of some artistic creations is a small sample of some of my recent creations. These dishes have been used in tasting menus, traditional menus or specials in some of the restaurants I have been chef at. For me, as a chef, I prefer to expand on dishes by using the "simple...
Book cover of The Ethics of Nonviolence

The Ethics of Nonviolence

Essays by Robert L. Holmes

by Professor Robert L. Holmes
Language: English
Release Date: June 20, 2013

Robert Holmes is one of the leading proponents of nonviolence in the United States, and his influence extends to the rest of the world. However, he has never presented his views on nonviolence in full-length book form. The Ethics of Nonviolence brings together his best essays on the topic, both classic...
Book cover of Southern Historical Society Papers - Volume I
by Robert Ould
Language: English
Release Date: September 18, 2014

Southern Historical Society Papers - Volume I Robert Ould, lawyer, officer, Assistant Secretary of War (1820-1880) This ebook presents «Southern Historical Society Papers - Volume I», from Robert Ould. A dynamic table of contents enables to jump directly to the chapter selected....
Book cover of Le Château de Lord Valentin

Le Château de Lord Valentin

Cycle Majipoor - tome 1

Language: French
Release Date: January 12, 2012

Robert Silverberg déploie ici la fresque somptueuse d'un vaste univers qui évoque la grandeur de Dune et l'enchantement du Seigneur des anneaux sans jamais rien leur devoir. Sur l'énorme planète Majipoor, avec ses trois immenses continents, ses océans démesurés et son île du Sommeil,...
Book cover of Valentin de Majipoor
Language: French
Release Date: June 14, 2018

Sur Majipoor, planète géante, règne lord Valentin le Coronal qui, naguère jongleur, a retrouvé son trône, mais a conservé un corps d'emprunt. Ces faits de haute chronique ont été relatés dans Le Château de Lord Valentin. Mais il n'est pas dit que le règne de Valentin restera serein. Tandis...
Book cover of Chroniques de Majipoor
Language: French
Release Date: January 18, 2018

Le deuxième tome du cycle de Majipoor par le maître de la science fantasy. Majipoor, planète géante, abrite des dizaines de milliards d'habitants, humains, Hjorts, Métamorphes, Vroons, Skandars et autres étrangers. Parce que les métaux sont rares, la technologie en est presque absente. Mais...
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