Raymond Khoury: 29 books

Book cover of The Last Templar - Tome 3 - The Sunken Church
by Miguel Lalor, Raymond Khoury
Language: English
Release Date: May 19, 2017

After being kidnapped by Vance and subsequently escaping, Tess is now officially part of the investigative team alongside Agent Reilly. But despite the constant danger of the lurking assassins who have already nearly killed her once, the young woman refuses to play a passive role. Her research will...
Book cover of The Sanctuary
by Raymond Khoury
Language: English
Release Date: July 29, 2008

After centuries of destruction, one unsuspecting woman stands at the center of a conspiracy that could change the world forever in this thriller from the New York Times bestselling author of The Last Templar. Portugal, 1705. In the dungeons of a Templar castle, a dying old man bequeaths an...
Book cover of The Last Templar - Volume 5 - The Devil's Handiwork
by Bruno Rocco, Raymond Khoury
Language: English
Release Date: February 14, 2018

Constantinople is besieged ... by the Christians of the 4th Crusade! Under cover of night, a small group of knights flees the doomed city. They’re taking three mysterious chests to Antioch – but never reach their destination. Nowadays, in Rome, Agent Reilly has come with a Professor Sharafi to request...
Book cover of The Last Templar - Volume 2 - The Knight in the Crypt
by Raymond Khoury, Miguel Lalor
Language: English
Release Date: May 6, 2016

The investigation onto the museum raid continues, but it’s a difficult one. One of the four ‘knights’ has already died in his – guarded – hospital room, and FBI Agent Reilly is unknowingly engaged in a race to find the other thieves before the mysterious assassins trying to eliminate them....
Book cover of The Last Templar - Tome 4 - The Falcon Temple
by Miguel Lalor, Raymond Khoury
Language: English
Release Date: May 19, 2017

Tess has gone with Vance to look for the Falcon Temple and its precious cargo, convinced that truth must prevail. Meanwhile, the Church persuades Sean to help them keep that truth hidden – at any cost. On the dark waters of the Mediterranean, in a storm so fierce it could be the very wrath of God, a merciless battle will take place for the future of the Christian faith...
Book cover of The One-Armed Knight

The One-Armed Knight

The One-Armed Knight

by Raymond Khoury
Language: English
Release Date: June 20, 2018

Reilly has tracked down the fake Professor Sharafi to Turkey. But the man is crafty, and not only does he manage to escape, he also recaptures Tess along the way. A chase begins across the hills of Cappadocia, with the FBI agent hunting down his enemy while Tess, in order to survive, does her best...
Book cover of Dossier Corrigan
by Raymond KHOURY
Language: French
Release Date: November 6, 2014

"J'ai en ma possession des renseignements, agent Reilly. Des choses qu'il vous faut entendre. Des choses sur lesquelles j'ai besoin que vous agissiez. Certains n'hésiteront pas à tuer pour les garder sous silence. La question, c'est de savoir si vous êtes à la hauteur. Etes-vous prêt à...
Book cover of Manipulations
by Raymond KHOURY
Language: French
Release Date: October 31, 2012

Quelle découverte scientifique est assez puissante pour déclencher une lutte sans merci entre les services secrets russes et américains ? En 1979, dans une mine au fin fond de l'URSS, un massacre éclate sous les yeux d'agents du KGB. Rescapé de la tuerie, un jeune homme fuit le pays, emportant...
Book cover of Furia



by Raymond Khoury
Language: German
Release Date: February 16, 2015

Ein Angestellter des russischen Konsulats wird in New York aus einem Fenster gestoßen und stirbt. Was wollte er in der Wohnung des pensionierten Physiklehrers? Dieser scheint wie vom Erdboden verschluckt. Gemeinsam mit einer russischen Geheimdienstmitarbeiterin macht sich FBI-Agent Sean Reilly auf...
Book cover of L'Elixir du diable
by Raymond KHOURY
Language: French
Release Date: November 17, 2011

Et si une plante miraculeuse avait le pouvoir de repousser les frontières entre la vie et la mort ? Mexique, 1741. Un missionnaire jésuite découvre l'existence d'une plante légendaire. D'après les croyances amérindiennes, quiconque s'en emparerait deviendrait l'égal d'un dieu. Entre...
Book cover of La Malédiction des Templiers
by Raymond KHOURY
Language: French
Release Date: September 16, 2010

Constantinople, 1203. Tandis que les croisés s'apprêtent à assiéger la ville, un groupe de Templiers s'infiltre dans la bibliothèque impériale afin d'y dérober des documents secrets qui ne doivent en aucun cas arriver entre les mains du Pape. Les hommes parviennent à voler trois coffres recelant...
Book cover of Le dernier templier
by Raymond KHOURY
Language: French
Release Date: April 10, 2014

Grande soirée de vernissage au Metropolitan Museum de New York, où sont présentés les fabuleux trésors du Vatican. Soudain, chevauchant de front, quatre cavaliers en costume de Templiers sèment l'apocalypse parmi les robes longues et les smokings. En quelques minutes, l'exposition vire au carnage. Réfugiée...
Book cover of Malum



by Raymond Khoury
Language: German
Release Date: April 1, 2016

Als FBI-Agent Sean Reilly einen anonymen Anruf erhält, scheint er dem Rätsel um den angeblichen Selbstmord seines Vaters endlich einen Schritt näher: Ein Wissenschaftler, der seit vielen Jahren mit dem CIA zusammenarbeitet und auch Reillys Vater kannte, verspricht ihm Informationen, für die viele...
Book cover of Dogma
by Raymond Khoury
Language: German
Release Date: May 2, 2011

Tödliche Jagd nach dem Buch der Bücher Konstantinopel 1203: Kreuzritter belagern die Stadt. In der Nacht gelingt einer Gruppe Tempelritter der Ausbruch durch die feindlichen Linien. Doch sie kommen nicht weit. Istanbul 2010: Ein iranischer Archäologe macht eine ungeheuerliche Entdeckung. Und überlebt...
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