Rainer Rilke: 217 books

Book cover of Erzählungen
by Rainer Maria Rilke
Language: German
Release Date: July 24, 2018

Wer Rainer Maria Rilke vor allem aus seiner Lyrik kennt, lernt in den 52 Erzählungen, Novellen, und Kurzgeschichten dieses Bandes eine neue Seite des Dichters kennen. Mit viel psychologischem Einfühlungsvermögen beschreibt Rainer Maria Rilke Menschen, Zeiten, und Situationen. Das Erzählwerk Rilkes...
Book cover of Lettres à un jeune poète
by Rainer Maria Rilke
Language: French
Release Date: January 22, 2018

Lettres à un jeune poète est une œuvre littéraire de Rainer Maria Rilke parue pour la première fois en 1929 chez Insel à Leipzig.
Book cover of Poesie
by Rainer Maria Rilke
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 7, 2015

Poesie was written in the year 1894 by Rainer Maria Rilke. This book is one of the most popular novels of Rainer Maria Rilke, and has been translated into several other languages around the world. This book is published by Booklassic which brings young readers closer to classic literature globally.
Book cover of Rilke and Andreas-Salomé: A Love Story in Letters
by Rainer Maria Rilke, Lou Andreas-Salomé, Edward Snow
Language: English
Release Date: June 17, 2008

"Immensely readable...a significant piece of scholarship."—Fred Volkmer, New York Sun He would become one of the most important poets of the twentieth century; she a muse of Europe's fin-de-siecle thinkers and artists. In this collection of letters, a finalist for the PEN USA translation...
Book cover of Letters to a Young Poet
by Rainer Maria Rilke
Language: English
Release Date: March 26, 2013

The ten letters collected here are arguably the most famous and beloved letters of our century. Written when Rainer Maria Rilke was himself still a young man with most of his greatest work before him, they are addressed to a student who had sent Rilke some of his work, asking for advice about becoming...
Book cover of Letters to a Young Poet
by Rainer Maria Rilke
Language: English
Release Date: February 16, 2011

The ten letters collected here are arguably the most famous and beloved letters of our century. Written when Rainer Maria Rilke was himself still a young man with most of his greatest work before him, they are addressed to a student who had sent Rilke some of his work, asking for advice about becoming...
Book cover of Letters to a Young Poet
by Rainer Maria Rilke
Language: English
Release Date: April 7, 2011

Originally written to a young man considering a career in the German military, Rainer Maria Rilke's beautiful letters explore a huge range of subjects delicately and with a passionate sensitivity. The recipient, Franz Kappus, began to send his poetry to the 27-year-old Rilke when a student, seeking...
Book cover of Letters on Life

Letters on Life

New Prose Translations

by Rainer Maria Rilke
Language: English
Release Date: December 18, 2007

Gleaned from Rainer Maria Rilke’s voluminous, never-before-translated correspondence, this volume offersthe best writings and personal philosophy of one of the twentieth century’s greatest poets. The result is a profound vision of how the human drive to create and understand can guide us in every...
Book cover of Uncollected Poems

Uncollected Poems

Bilingual Edition

by Rainer Maria Rilke
Language: English
Release Date: June 3, 2014

Edward Snow's selection of more than one hundred of Rainer Maria Rilke's little-known and neglected poems in this bilingual edition offers the reader a glimpse into one of the most powerful and underrated accomplishments in all of modern poetry. The poems in Uncollected Poems reveal a freer, more...
Book cover of Rilke - Gesammelte Werke

Rilke - Gesammelte Werke

Gedichte, Laurids Brigge und andere Werke

by Rainer Maria Rilke
Language: German
Release Date: March 10, 2016

Rainer Maria Rilke - Gesammelte Werke. Gedichte, Malte Laurids Brigge und viele andere, u. a. Schriften zu Kunst und Literatur. Aufbereitet für digitale Lesegeräte und mit dynamischem Inhaltsverzeichnis zum Ansteuern der einzelnen Gedichte. Der Band umfasst u. a.: Gedichte - u. a. Stundenbuch Mir...
Book cover of Antología poética
by Rainer Maria Rilke
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 5, 2016

La poesía de Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926) es el resultado de su profundización en el yo y en el misterio del hombre. Rilke defiende que hay que cambiar la vida; que captamos el mundo en pequeñas ondas y que debemos buscar los orígenes. Y esto le convierte en un poeta difícil pero exacto, que...
Book cover of Lettere a un giovane poeta Lettere a una giovane signora Su Dio
by Rainer Maria Rilke
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 4, 2015

QUESTO LIBRO È A LAYOUT FISSO Lettere a un giovane poeta, realmente indirizzate da Rilke al giovane scrittore Kappus fra il 1903 e il 1908, furono pubblicate postume nel 1929. Oggi, più che mai, esse risultano attuali e preziose, donandoci, fin dalle prime righe, uno squarcio di vita vera....
Book cover of Lettres à un jeune poète
by Rainer Maria Rilke
Language: French
Release Date: August 20, 2014

Texte intégral révisé suivi d'une biographie de Rainer Maria Rilke. De février 1903 à Noël 1908, Rilke adresse dix lettres à un jeune homme qu'il ne connait pas, Franz Xaver Kappus, cadet à l'École militaire de l'armée d'Autriche-Hongrie. Celui-ci sollicite des conseils, doutant de sa vocation...
Book cover of The Poetry of Rilke
by Rainer Maria Rilke
Language: English
Release Date: June 3, 2014

For the past twenty-five years, North Point Press has been working with Edward Snow, "Rilke's best contemporary translator" (Brian Phillips, The New Republic), to bring into English Rilke's major poetic works. The Poetry of Rilke—the single most comprehensive volume of Rilke's German poetry...
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