Proust Marcel: 364 books

Book cover of Remembrance of Things Past: Volume 3
by Marcel Proust
Language: English
Release Date: November 24, 2016

Proust's masterpiece is one of the seminal works of the twentieth century, recording its narrator's experiences as he grows up, falls in love and lives through the First World War. A profound reflection on art, time, memory, self and loss, it is often viewed as the definitive modern novel. C. K. Scott...
Book cover of Auf der Suche nach der verlorenen Zeit. Band 6: Die Entflohene
by Marcel Proust, Bernd-Jürgen Fischer
Language: German
Release Date: May 10, 2016

Im September 2013, 100 Jahre nach dem Erscheinen des ersten Bandes der "Recherche", begann bei Reclam eine neue Übersetzung von Marcel Prousts Meisterwerk zu erscheinen, die erste komplett aus einer Hand, die erste auch, die von dem erst in den 80er Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts edierten...
Book cover of Pastiches et Mélanges
by Marcel Proust
Language: French
Release Date: September 27, 2017

Le livre est dédié à un ami de l'auteur, « Walter Berry » (Walter Van Rensselaer Berry), un juriste américain et francophile qui plaida la cause de la France auprès du gouvernement des États-Unis lors de la Première Guerre mondiale. La première partie, Pastiches, contient...
Book cover of Swann in Love
by Marcel Proust
Language: English
Release Date: November 16, 2017

'Swann's love . . . could not have been torn out of him without destroying him almost entirely' Swann in Love is a brilliant, devastating novella that tells of infatuation, love, and jealousy. Set against the backdrop of Paris at the end of the nineteenth century, the story of Charles Swann illuminates...
Book cover of À la recherche du temps perdu I
by Marcel Proust
Language: French
Release Date: June 9, 2015

Alors que le premier tome est publié à compte d’auteur chez Grasset en 1913 grâce à René Blum (Proust en conserve la propriété littéraire), la guerre stoppe la publication du deuxième tome et permet à Proust de remodeler son œuvre, cette dernière prenant de l'ampleur au fil des nuits...
Book cover of Time Regained - In Search of Lost Time : Volume #7

Time Regained - In Search of Lost Time : Volume #7

In Search of Lost Time (Sunday Classic)

by Marcel Proust, (Translator: Stephen Hudson)
Language: English
Release Date: November 30, 2012

Depending on the version you read, after almost four thousand pages, the reader can be forgiven for feeling exhausted before embarking upon the seventh volume of Proust's massive masterpiece A la recherche du temps perdu. The work is an epic journey, but the sweeping first volume (Swann's Way, and...
Book cover of In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flower

In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flower

In Search of Lost Time: Volume II. Within A Budding Grove

by Marcel Proust
Language: English
Release Date: February 18, 2019

In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flower is Proust's spectacular dissection of male and female adolescence, charged with the narrator's memories of Paris and the Normandy seaside. At the heart of the story lie his relationships with his grandmother and with the Swann family. As a meditation on different...
Book cover of The Sweet Cheat Gone (The Fugitive)
by Marcel Proust
Language: English
Release Date: March 14, 2018

In the sixth volume of the series fitting seems that Proust's past actions conclude with a fair resolution. The captive is now the fugitive. Like in previous volumes, envy and distrusts eventually reveals unsuspected and unwanted revelations that leads Proust to reconcile himself with his melancholy....
Book cover of Auf der Suche nach der verlorenen Zeit. Band 1: Auf dem Weg zu Swann
by Marcel Proust, Bernd-Jürgen Fischer
Language: German
Release Date: October 11, 2013

Bis tief ins 20. Jahrhundert wurde die "Suche" als ein Sittengemälde der Belle Époque gelesen, als ein Schlüsselroman der frivolen Pariser Oberschicht der vorletzten Jahrhundertwende. Aus heutiger Sicht geht es jedoch um Tieferliegendes, um die unaufhebbare Einbindung des Individuums...
Book cover of Albertine disparue
by Marcel Proust
Language: French
Release Date: July 20, 2014

Résumé : L’incipit d’Albertine disparue, contient en germe le nœud du drame : à l'annonce de Françoise, la domestique du narrateur,« « Mademoiselle Albertine est partie ! » répond ce constat du...
Book cover of Les Classiques de Proust : Du côté de chez Swann et À l’ombre des jeunes filles en fleur (Volume 1)
by Hélène Fréchette, Marcel Proust
Language: French
Release Date: November 12, 2016

Ce livre est parfaitement mis en page pour une lecture sur liseuse électronique. Il contient une table des matières interactive. Extrait : LONGTEMPS, je me suis couché de bonne heure. Parfois, à peine ma bougie éteinte, mes yeux se fermaient si vite que je n’avais pas le temps de me...
Book cover of The Sweet Cheat Gone (The Fugitive)
by Marcel Proust, Golden Deer Classics
Language: English
Release Date: March 8, 2018

In the sixth volume of the series fitting seems that Proust's past actions conclude with a fair resolution. The captive is now the fugitive. Like in previous volumes, envy and distrusts eventually reveals unsuspected and unwanted revelations that leads Proust to reconcile himself with his melancholy....
Book cover of Dalla parte di Swann
by Marcel Proust
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 26, 2015

Il primo volume della monumentale opera di Proust contiene tutti i temi che poi l'autore svilupperà nel corso dell'opera più celebre della letteratura francese. Si parte dalle atmosfere gioiose e ovattate della prima infanzia, che includono il celebre episodio della madeleine e della tazza di tè,...
Book cover of Racconti
by Marcel Proust
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 31, 2017

Questa raccolta contiene una scelta di testi narrativi giovanili di Proust, tratti dai Piaceri e i giorni (1896) - il noto esordio del futuro autore della Recherche - a eccezione dell’Indifferente, che l’autore eliminò dalla raccolta e di cui si ignorava l’esistenza fino alla fine degli anni...
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