Peter Peter: 17025 books

Book cover of Ziegen, Götter, Bergschönheiten. Rätselhaftes Kreta
by Ellen K Jaeckel, Peter Peter
Language: German
Release Date: August 1, 2012

Dass Kreta wunderschöne Strände hat, ist vielen sonnenhungrigen Urlaubern bekannt. Die eigentliche Heimat der Kreter sind jedoch die Berge. Vielleicht ist die Eigenwilligkeit der stolzen Inselbewohner auch darauf zurückzuführen, denn in der spröden Umgebung herrschen oftmals raue Sitten: Nirgendwo...
Book cover of Vive la cuisine!

Vive la cuisine!

Kulturgeschichte der französischen Küche

by Peter Peter
Language: German
Release Date: January 25, 2019

Peter Peter, der Kochkunst und Kulturgeschichte meisterhaft miteinander verbindet, öffnet erneut seine "kulturhistorische Schatztruhe" und ergründet die über Jahrhunderte unangefochtene Spitzenstellung der französischen Küche. Sein opulent illustriertes und mit 30 Originalrezepten gespicktes...
Book cover of Kulturgeschichte der deutschen Küche
by Peter Peter
Language: German
Release Date: April 25, 2016

Diese Geschichte der deutschen Küche spannt einen weiten Bogen von der Zeit der Germanen über die glanzvolle Kochkunst in späten Mittelalter, dem Niedergang der bürgerlichen Küche bis zur Renaissance der deutschen Küche in den letzten Jahren. Deutschland ist schon aufgrund der Vielfalt seiner...
Book cover of Freeing Peter
by Andrew Greste, Juris Greste, Lois Greste
Language: English
Release Date: August 29, 2016

Freeing Peter tells the extraordinary true story of how an ordinary Australian family took on the Egyptian government to get Peter Greste out of prison. When Peter Greste was arrested in Egypt, his family were shocked but not panicked. Peter had been a foreign correspondent for two decades...
Book cover of Schafspelz
by Peter Schmidt
Language: German
Release Date: July 18, 2013

Komplott im Kreml ... Ungekürzte, überarbeitete Fassung der Hardcover-Ausgabe im Rasch und Röhring Verlag, Hamburg / TB: Goldmann Verlag, München Copyright © 2013 Peter Schmidt   Seit der Wiedervereinigung hat sich viel geändert für die...
Book cover of Five Erotic Tales
by Peter Schutes
Language: English
Release Date: October 7, 2017

No two men are alike, but when they're hung like horses, they have a lot in common. Bodybuilders, Amateur Hypnotists, Vice Cops, Straight Porn Stars, Mechanics - they all like hot man-on-man sex. Explore liberated gay male sexuality in the 1970's through these five short stories by the legendary erotica...
Book cover of Peter Williams Designed To Race
by Peter Williams
Language: English
Release Date: October 14, 2012

On his day, Peter Williams was the best motorcycle road racer in the world and is one of that small band of sportsmen, 'the best never to win a World Championship'. Peter's unique career in the 1960s and 1970s as racer, designer and development engineer culminated in many great victories on bikes...
Book cover of Here's One I Wrote Earlier

Here's One I Wrote Earlier

Peter Purves: The Autobiography

by Peter Purves
Language: English
Release Date: August 20, 2013

Peter Purves is the actor, presenter and talented director who first shot to fame appearing with William Hartnell in 44 episodes of Doctor Who playing his companion Steven Taylor. His varied career is perhaps most well remembered for his 10 year stint as part of the Blue Peter "Dream Team"...
Book cover of From Albion To Shangri-La
by Peter Doherty
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2015

Unexpurgated recent personal journals and tour diaries documenting the turbulent life and misadventures of Libertines and Babyshambles frontman, Peter Doherty. The book hit headlines upon release in July 2014, not least because of entries about the rock star's famous, often tragic, friends including...
Book cover of 愛:即使世界不斷讓你失望,也要繼續相信愛
by  Peter Su
Language: Chinese
Release Date: February 6, 2015

2014年最激勵人心的熱血作家Peter Su~《夢想這條路踏上了,跪著也要走完》 盤據博客來百大即時榜長達50週(至今仍在榜上)‧誠品暢銷排行榜第1名‧金石堂非文學類排行榜第1名   無論是富人還是窮人、老人還是小孩、國王還是平民,面對愛的時候,   心跳加速的感覺是一樣的、思念對方的感覺是一樣的、從愛裡得到的幸福與悲傷也都是一樣的。   所以,我們在愛的面前,是平等的。~Peter...
Book cover of The Ascent

The Ascent

Drawing closer to God

by Peter Grant
Language: English
Release Date: June 23, 2017

In this unique, heart-warming devotional, Peter Grant tells a story in which Jesus invites him to climb a mountain together. “Something stirred deep within me – a longing to be closer to God, to spend more time with him, to get back on track.” At each stage of their journey upwards,...
Book cover of Freiheit. Bewusstheit. Verantwortlichkeit.

Freiheit. Bewusstheit. Verantwortlichkeit.

Festschrift für Volker Zotz zum 60. Geburtstag

by Benedikt Maria Trappen, Antonio-Maria Caruso, Otfried H. Culmann
Language: German
Release Date: November 16, 2016

Der Band Freiheit. Bewusstheit. Verantwortlichkeit erscheint zum 60. Geburtstag des Philosophen und Religionswissenschaftlers Volker Zotz, der mit Büchern wie "Geschichte der buddhistischen Philosophie" (1996), "Auf den glückseligen Inseln" (2000), "Der Konfuzianismus"...
Book cover of Cemetery Dance: Issue 61
by Richard Chizmar, Stewart O'Nan, Peter Straub
Language: English
Release Date: February 4, 2013

Cover Artist: Alan M. Clark (painting his vision of a critical scene in Peter Straub's next novel, A Dark Matter) Interior Artists: Glenn Chadbourne Russell Dickerson Keith Minnion Erin S. Wells Hugh Voght Fiction: "Monsters" a novelette by Stewart O'Nan "Variations on a Theme From...
Book cover of Finding Peter

Finding Peter

A True Story of the Hand of Providence and Evidence of Life after Death

by William Peter Blatty
Language: English
Release Date: March 30, 2015

A New York Times Bestseller! For those who have lost a loved one to that liar and fraud named Death. So reads the dedication of William Peter Blatty's Finding Peter, a deeply moving memoir that tests the bounds of grief, love, and the soul. Blatty, the bestselling author and Oscar Award–winning...
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