Peter Andreas: 79 books

Book cover of The Economic Regulation of Airports

The Economic Regulation of Airports

Recent Developments in Australasia, North America and Europe

by Andreas Knorr, David W. Gillen, Peter Forsyth
Language: English
Release Date: September 29, 2017

This tour d'horizon book reviews airport regulation and competition in different regions of the world and contrasts different policy perspectives. Organized in four parts, the first three examine, in turn, Australasia, North America, and Europe, while the last section looks at the institutional reforms...
Book cover of Behaviour Problems in Schools

Behaviour Problems in Schools

An Evaluation of Support Centres

by Peter Mortimore, Jean Davies, Andreas Varlaam
Language: English
Release Date: March 29, 2018

Published in 1983. One response to the recent concern about pupil discipline in schools has been the creation of support centres: off-site special units to which disruptive pupils are sent for varying periods of time for education and supervision. The Inner London Education Authority had a substantial...
Book cover of Right-Wing Politics in the New Latin America
by Marcos Costa Lima, Guy Burton, Ms Grace Livingstone
Language: English
Release Date: November 10, 2011

The focus for students of Latin America in the past decade has been on the political forces of the left and the so-called 'pink tide' presidencies attempting to bring about social and economic change in the region. However, there has been far less attention paid to the rightwing political forces resisting...
Book cover of New frontiers of antitrust 2014
by Joaquín Almunia, Chris Fonteijn, Peter Freeman
Language: English
Release Date: September 24, 2015

This volume contains the papers presented at the annual Concurrences Journal conference held on 21 February 2014 at the French Ministry for the Economy. After the traditional « State of the Union », presented by Vice President Joaquín Almunia in the context of the « after » economic crisis, the...
Book cover of Chemical Technology

Chemical Technology

An Integral Textbook

by Andreas Jess, Peter Wasserscheid
Language: English
Release Date: March 11, 2013

This textbook provides an integral and integrated treatment of industrial-relevant problems for students of both chemistry and chemical engineering. As such, this work combines the four disciplines of chemical technology - chemistry, thermal and mechanical unit operations, chemical reaction...
Book cover of Collaborative Parish Leadership

Collaborative Parish Leadership

Contexts, Models, Theology

by William A. Clark, Reinhard Feiter, Daniel Gast
Language: English
Release Date: December 27, 2016

Collaborative Parish Leadership draws on the experience, strengths, challenges, and insights of the long-term pastoral-academic partnerships out of which it has grown. These include “Project INSPIRE,” a pastoral team-formation project sponsored by Loyola University and the Archdiocese of Chicago...
Book cover of Heimat


version alpha - Erzählungen, Geheimnisse und Rezepte

by Sevastos P. Sampsounis, Andreas Arnakis, Safiye Can
Language: German
Release Date: July 14, 2016

Was wäre, wenn Sie ihre Augen schließen und versuchen sich ihre Heimat vorzustellen. Was würden Sie sehen? Das Haus ihrer Kindheit? Ihre Familie? Eine Landschaft? Oder erinnern Sie sich vielmehr an ganz bestimmte Gerüche, an Farben, an den Geschmack ihres Lieblingskuchens? Autorinnen und Autoren,...
Book cover of Preventive Measures

Preventive Measures

Building Risk Assessment and Crisis Early Warning Systems

by Adeel Ahmed, Günther Baechler, Doug Bond
Language: English
Release Date: September 3, 1998

State failure, ethnopolitical war, genocide, famine, and refugee flows are variants of a type of complex political and humanitarian crisis, exemplified during the 1990s in places like Somalia, Bosnia, Liberia, and Afghanistan. The international consequences of such crises are profound, often threatening...
Book cover of Tatort Burgtheater

Tatort Burgtheater

13 Kriminalgeschichten aus Wien

by Reinhardt Badegruber, Raoul Biltgen, Jacqueline Gillespie
Language: German
Release Date: April 25, 2016

13 österreichische Autorinnen und Autoren machen sich im altehrwürdigen Burgtheater auf Mörderjagd. Ob in Logen, auf dem Schnürboden, in der legendären Kantine, auf der Bühne oder im Direktorenzimmer: das Verbrechen lauert überall!
Book cover of Die Sachensucherin

Die Sachensucherin

55 kurze Geschichten

by Matthias Amann, Helen Anderer, Roland Bärwinkel
Language: German
Release Date: August 14, 2015

Als das Literaturbüro Ruhr, der Klartext Verlag und Zeitungen der Funke Mediengruppe ihren Wettbewerb "Geschichten zum Mitnehmen" ausschrieben, ahnten sie nicht, wie unüberhörbar das Echo darauf sein würde. 1449 Einsendungen trafen im Literaturbüro ein, viele enthielten die maximal möglichen zwei...
Book cover of Galaktische Spuren
by Vaire J. Variz, Eva Johanna Onkels, Andreas Haider
Language: German
Release Date: April 1, 2018

Und es gibt sie doch … die Außerirdischen, die fer-nen Sterne, auf denen Lebewesen existieren. Sie werden in den folgenden Kurzgeschichten in fremde Welten entführt, in denen Krieg, Liebe und Freundschaft existieren. Oder die Außerirdischen erscheinen auf der Erde und lassen uns wissen, dass es sie gibt.
Book cover of Erdschrecken


... was haben wir getan?

by Manu Wirtz, Michael Spiewack, Eugene Hatwas
Language: German
Release Date: October 30, 2017

"Nichts auf dieser Welt kann gerettet werden, wenn es nicht dazu bestimmt ist, gerettet zu werden." (aus "Falsche Hoffnung" von Manuela Wunderlich) Unsere Umwelt ist verschmutzt, die Luft ist verpestet, in den Gewässern schwimmt der Müll, die Wälder werden abgeholzt und immer...
Book cover of Mobile Security Products for Android

Mobile Security Products for Android

(No) Security for the Android Platform

by Andreas Clementi, David Lahee, Philippe Rödlach
Language: English
Release Date: October 27, 2014

We have once again tested security products for smartphones running Google's Android operating system. Our report covers details of the products made by leading manufacturers. Smartphones represent the future of modern communications. In 2013, more than 1 billion smartphones were sold, a further milestone...
Book cover of Das Schachbrett der Macht

Das Schachbrett der Macht

Die Handlungsspielräume eines sowjetischen Funktionärs unter Stalin am Beispiel des Generalsekretärs des Komsomol Aleksandr Kosarev (1929-1938)

by Peter Kaiser, Andreas Umland
Language: German
Release Date: March 1, 2017

Am späten Abend des 22. Februar 1939 verkündeten drei Richter des Militärkollegiums des Obersten Gerichtes der UdSSR mit müden Stimmen und ausdruckslosen Gesichtern ihr Urteil: Todesstrafe mit sofortigem Vollzug. Der Mann, der vor ihnen stand, durch wochenlange Tortur gebrochen, mental ausgelaugt...
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