Pe: 267 books

Book cover of Lost and Found in Chirripo
by Rev J Scott Martin PE
Language: English
Release Date: November 25, 2017

Unconscious He felt instinctively for the back of his aching head. Why was he lying on the ground? How did he get there? What had happened to his head? As his eyes began to focus he could see dark blood mixed with the mud on the hand that he had used to feel his head. "I must have fallen",...
Book cover of Del azul del agave
by Mónica Peñalver
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 11, 2017

En el marco del convulso México previo a la Revolución surge una apasionada historia entre una muchacha de clase alta y un humilde campero. Novela finalista de VII Premio de Novela Romántica Vergara-RNR. En el convulso México previo a la Revolución, tiene lugar el encuentro fortuito...
Book cover of Carpe risum

Carpe risum

Inmediaciones de Rabelais

by Ernesto de la Peña
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 2, 2015

Carpe risum, de Ernesto de la Peña, es un acercamiento, a la vez respetuoso e irreverente, a los festines burlescos de la obra y vida del humanista francés de los siglos XV y XVI. En este hondo análisis, que humildemente su autor describe como "un panorama a ojo de pájaro", el políglota...
Book cover of De los títulos valores
by Lisandro Peña Nossa, Lisandro Peña Nossa
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 21, 2016

Esta décima edición se ajusta al Código General del Proceso (Ley 1564 de 2012) e incorpora la jurisprudencia y doctrina vigentes en cada uno de los temas que componen la obra. La primera parte trata el concepto de título valor y sus principios rectores, los elementos esenciales genéricos, la...
Book cover of Alternative Therapien für Kaninchen

Alternative Therapien für Kaninchen

Sanfte Unterstützung der Heilkräfte

by Sonja Tschöpe
Language: German
Release Date: July 20, 2013

Ist das geliebte Kaninchen krank, so möchte man es bestmöglich unterstützen. Der erste Schritt ist der Weg zum Tierarzt. Daneben kann eine alternative Therapie eine effektive Hilfe bei der Genesung sein. Einleitend geht es in diesem Ratgeber darum, den Blick auf mögliche Ursachen und Störfaktoren...
Book cover of Teoría general del proceso
by Rogelio Enríque Peña Peña
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 15, 2009

El autor se adentra en la materia de la Teoría General del Proce­so entendiéndola como “el estudio teórico de las instituciones, principios y conceptos de aquellas figuras del derecho procesal comunes a todas sus ramas por su estructura jurídica, filosófica, científica, económica, sociológica,...
Book cover of La gran oportunidad

La gran oportunidad

Claves para liderar la transformación digital en las empresas y en la economía

by José de la Peña Aznar, Mosiri Cabezas
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 19, 2015

Todos sabemos que estamos en un mundo que está cambiando de manera irreversible a través de la tecnología, y somos conscientes de que debemos evolucionar con él. Sin embargo, no siempre sabemos cómo hacerlo. Este libro tiene un enfoque sencillo, didáctico e inspirador, al alcance de todos....
Book cover of Manual básico de matemáticas financieras
by Olga Davydkina, Carlos Jesús Sánchez de la Peña
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 5, 2014

El presente manual de matemáticas financieras y seguros básicos es una obra sencilla, concreta, práctica y con explicaciones muy claras sobre todos los conceptos básicos de matemáticas financieras y seguros que todo ciudadano debiera conocer. Se estructura en diecinueve...
Book cover of Qué compran los que tienen dinero
by Gerardo Mendoza Peña
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 1, 2019

¿Quieres llegar a convertirte en el mejor de los vendedores? ¿Quieres conquistar el éxito venta por venta? Gerardo Mendoza, experto y líder en ventas, comparte contigo esta guía invaluable. Una investigación sólidamente sustentada en entrevistas a los negociadores de las organizaciones más...
Book cover of Life With Archie #35
by Paul Kupperberg, Fernando Ruiz, Bob Smith
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Archie Marries Veronica—Life has been rather tumultuous in Riverdale as of late, and everyone has plenty on their minds! Big things are about to happen to some of our favorite pals ‘n’ gals, but it seems as though everyone’s own personal problems might cause them to neglect the ones they love....
Book cover of Archie Marries Betty #29
by Ruiz, Fernando; Amash, Jim; Smith
Language: English
Release Date: May 8, 2013

Archie is lonely for companionship as Betty's crazy busy schedule makes it so he's practically single again. Can his parents reassure him it'll get better? Meanwhile, Jellybean earns more responsibility at her brother Jughead's diner, but is her shifty boyfriend looking to take advantage? It wouldn't...
Book cover of Archie Marries Veronica #33
by Paul Kupperberg, Fernando Ruiz, Bob Smith
Language: English
Release Date: November 20, 2013

Veronicas in trouble, but with a smart legal counsel and SAM HILL, the best detective around, on her side, she cant possibly lose—can she? Jughead struggles to save his Chocklit Shoppe so he calls in the big guns—an old “friend” and business partner. Can the Shoppe survive or will it go under like the rest? And big questions arise—for everyone!
Book cover of Archie Marries Veronica #34
by Paul Kupperberg, Fernando Ruiz, Jack Morelli
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

“Up in the Air!”: Archie and Veronica are doing their best to not let the tumultuous events of their lives effect the love they have for one another. And theyre doing pretty well, too, but is love enough to keep their legal battles at bay? Speaking of love and battles, Jughead and Ethel have some...
Book cover of Archie Marries Betty #35
by Paul Kupperberg, Fernando Ruiz, Bob Smith
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

The dramedy continues in the Archie Marries Betty universe. After a long and stressful nine months (for Jughead, at least!), could Midge finally be ready to bring the newest member of the Jones family to Riverdale? Meanwhile, Archie and Betty haven’t been on the best of terms lately—will they...
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