Oscar Wilde: 993 books

Book cover of Poèmes


( Edition intégrale ) annoté

by Oscar Wilde, Albert Savine
Language: French
Release Date: November 15, 2018

Les Poèmes firent grand bruit dans les cercles littéraires londoniens. Wilde fut très discuté. Pour les uns, son oeuvre n’était que la réunion des informes essais d’un collégien sans originalité, rejetant en hâte dans la circulation ce qu’il avait pu s’assimiler plus ou moins...
Book cover of Il ritratto di Dorian Gray
by Oscar Wilde
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 1, 2015

Con la sua prosa intuitiva ma raffinata, lo stile sferzante e sfrontato, l'uso costante di aforismi celebri e paradossi, Wilde è probabilmente uno degli autori più amati in ogni angolo del mondo. E tutti questi elementi risaltano in uno dei suoi capolavori, 'Il ritratto di Dorian Gray', che fu scritto...
Book cover of L'importanza di chiamarsi Ernesto
by Oscar Wilde
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 27, 2015

Commedia teatrale in tre atti, fu portata in scena per la prima volta a Londra nell'inverno del 1895. Il titolo italiano non rende l'idea dell'arguzia e della capacità di Wilde di giocare con i significati delle parole: nell'originale 'The importance of being Ernest' c'è un doppio significato nella...
Book cover of Favole - testo completo
by Oscar Wilde
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 18, 2015

Oltre ai romanzi, oltre agli aforismi, oltre agli scandali che ne segnarono la vita e ne indirizzarono la produzione artistica, Wilde fu anche un eccellente scrittore di fiabe. In questo caso leggerete quattro favole che il celebre autore irlandese scrisse per i propri figli, con il preciso intento...
Book cover of Mutlu Prens
by Oscar Wilde
Language: Turkish
Release Date: July 23, 2014

Büyük yazar Ocsar Wilde’in zengin düş gücünün ürünü olan masallar her ne kadar masal aleminde geçsede temellerini gerçek dünyadan alırlar. Toplumsal çarpıklıklar ve adaletsizlikleri çok güzel bir dille anlatan Ocsar Wilde, insanın yaşamını iyilik ve kötülüğün, bencillik ve paylaşımcılığın bir savaşı olarak görmüştür.
Book cover of A Florentine Tragedy; La Sainte Courtisane
by Oscar Wilde
Language: English
Release Date: November 24, 2018

*** Original and Unabridged Content. Made available by GOLDEN CLASSIC PRESS*** Synopsis: Two short fragments: an unfinished and a lost play. A Florentine Tragedy, left in a taxi (not a handbag), is Wilde’s most successful attempt at tragedy – intense and domestic, with surprising depth...
Book cover of Intentions
by Oscar Wilde
Language: English
Release Date: March 6, 2019

What makes art wonderful is that it is absolutely indifferent to fact. Art invents, imagines, dreams, and keeps between herself and reality the impenetrable barrier of beautiful style, of decorative or ideal treatment. Wilde was at the height of his form when these brilliant essays on art, literature,...
Book cover of The Nightingale and the Rose
by Oscar Wilde
Language: English
Release Date: April 23, 2015

Oscar Wild was an Irish writer, poet and dramatist. Redundancy is the characteristic that describes his life and creations. He had no limits, not only in his jokes, but even in his tries to be serious. The story “The Nightingale and the Rose” tells us about young man’s clean and ardent love...
Book cover of Der glückliche Prinz und andere Märchen
by Oscar Wilde
Language: German
Release Date: November 29, 2010

Mit dem Werkbeitrag aus Kindlers Literatur Lexikon.Mit dem Autorenporträt aus dem Metzler Lexikon Weltliteratur.Mit Daten zu Leben und Werk, exklusiv verfasst von der Redaktion der Zeitschrift für Literatur TEXT + KRITIK.Mitleid, Hochmut und die Suche nach Glück sind die zentralen Themen von Oscar...
Book cover of Das Bildnis des Dorian Gray (Edition Anaconda)
by Oscar Wilde
Language: German
Release Date: November 20, 2016

Oscar Wildes Dorian Gray ist eine der berühmtesten Figuren der Weltliteratur: So stauneswert schön er ist, so unverdorben und naiv ist sein Blick auf die Welt. Verführt durch den geistreichen Zyniker Lord Wotton, stürzt Dorian sich haltlos ins lüsterne Londoner Nachtleben. Ausschweifung und Genuss...
Book cover of The Selfish Giant
by Oscar Wilde
Language: English
Release Date: March 22, 2018

Christmas is widely considered the most wonderful time of the year for many reasons. Christmas tends to invoke thoughts of Santa, egg nog, snow, gifts and much much more. Throughout the years there have been countless Christmas stories that help everyone feel the joy of the holiday season. This version...
Book cover of Ein Granatapfelhaus
by Oscar Wilde
Language: German
Release Date: June 29, 2012

"Ein Granatapfelhaus" ist eine im Jahre 1891 erschienene Märchensammlung Oscar Wildes, der mit seinen romantischen Märchen eine Sammlung schuf, die bis heute zu den beliebtesten und gelungensten ihrer Gattung zählen. Die Sammlung enthält die Märchen "Der junge König", "Der Geburtstag der Infantin", "Der Fischer und seine Seele" und "Das Sternenkind".
Book cover of The Picture of Dorian Gray
by Oscar Wilde, Reading Time
Language: English
Release Date: February 28, 2019

Enthralled by his own exquisite portrait, Dorian Gray exchanges his soul for eternal youth and beauty. Influenced by his friend Lord Henry Wotton, he is drawn into a corrupt double life; indulging his desires in secret while remaining a gentleman inthe eyes of polite society. Only his portrait bears...
Book cover of 50 Classic Love Poems You Have To Read (Golden Deer Classics)
by Lord Byron, Golden Deer Classics, Christina Rossetti
Language: English
Release Date: July 10, 2019

Lord Byron - She Walks in Beauty 2. Christina Rossetti - I Loved You First: But Afterwards Your Love 3. Walt Whitman - A Glimpse 4. W.Shakespeare - Let Me Not To The Marriage Of True Minds 5. John Donne - The Good-Morrow 6. K.Gibran - Love One Another 7. Robert Browning - Meeting At Night 8. E.Dickinson...
First 45 46 47 48 49 50 5152 53 54 55 56 57 Last
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