Nikolai: 339 books

Book cover of Acceleration of History

Acceleration of History

War, Conflict, and Politics

by Alexios Alecou, Maria Mut Bosque, Juan Luis Fernández
Language: English
Release Date: September 30, 2016

We willingly imagine that the speed of development of events has always remained constant here on earth. This is reflected in the fact that it is generally believed that the rate of natural phenomena is the same today as it has always been in the past and will remain this way more or less in the future....
Book cover of Тарас Бульба
by Nikolai Gogol, Николай Васильевич Гоголь
Language: Russian
Release Date: March 24, 2013

«Тарас Бульба» — повесть Николая Васильевича Гоголя, входит в цикл «Миргород». События книги происходят в среде запорожских казаков, в первой половине...
Book cover of Life Beyond the Temple
by Nikolai Joslin
Language: English
Release Date: March 26, 2015

The Fires of Destiny: Book One Casey Kelley, a powerful young mage, has spent her whole life inside the walls of the Temple. The day she leaves to venture into the real world, the Old Ones task her with killing a dangerous necromancer who is gaining strength. She is joined by knight protector...
Book cover of Die Schokoladenvilla – Goldene Jahre
by Maria Nikolai
Language: German
Release Date: October 14, 2019

Eine Zeit voller Verführungen. Eine Familie, die ihren Traum retten muss. Stuttgart, 1926: Die junge, abenteuerlustige Serafina zieht zu ihrem Halbbruder Victor in dessen prächtiges Familienanwesen, das alle nur »Die Schokoladenvilla« nennen – denn die Rothmanns sind weit über die Stadtgrenzen...
Book cover of Cold Front
by Nikolai Joslin
Language: English
Release Date: April 18, 2017

Sequel to Life Beyond the Temple The Fires of Destiny: Book Two Back at the temple, before completing her Proving, all mage Casey Kelly wanted was a normal life. But now that she has it, along with her fiancée, former knight Regan Cartmell, Casey is restless. The lack of excitement isn’t...
Book cover of Hamburger SV

Hamburger SV

Das Quizbuch vom Volksparkstadion über Uwe Seeler bis Horst Hrubesch

by Nikolai Urbanczyk
Language: German
Release Date: January 4, 2018

Bist du ein Quizgenie? Könntest du bei den Sendungen im TV auch mitmachen? Bist du bereit für die Herausforderung, dein Wissen auf die Probe zu stellen? Teste dein Wissen über den "Hamburger SV"! Wie viele der 200 Fragen kannst du beantworten? Vielleicht lernst du etwas dazu. Du wirst...
Book cover of Sinne


Short-Story Pocket-Book

by Kornelia Schmid, Irene Schwingenschlögl, Hermann Bauer
Language: German
Release Date: April 30, 2019

Der Mensch wird von seinen Sinnen geleitet. Alles, was wir aufnehmen fühlen, schmecken, riechen, sehen und hören wir. Doch oft bringen die Erinnerungen daran so manche Geschichte ans Tageslicht, wovon wir hier in diesem Büchlein deren einige erzählen. Wir wünschen viel Lesevergnügen im Reich...
Book cover of Kissing Iskina
by Nikolai Bashilov
Language: English
Release Date: May 2, 2018

When you sit at a computer and out of the blue some user, that calls herself an artificial intelligence, gets in touch with you — you are unlikely to take it all seriously. But the main character does. Following is what comes out of this…
Book cover of Electrical Contacts

Electrical Contacts

Fundamentals, Applications and Technology

by Milenko Braunovic, Nikolai K. Myshkin, Valery V. Konchits
Language: English
Release Date: December 19, 2017

Various factors affect the performance of electrical contacts, including tribological, mechanical, electrical, and materials aspects. Although these behaviors have been studied for many years, they are not widely used or understood in practice. Combining approaches used across the globe, Electrical...
Book cover of Automotive Antenna Design and Applications
by Victor Rabinovich, Nikolai Alexandrov, Basim Alkhateeb
Language: English
Release Date: December 19, 2017

The steady evolution of wireless communication technologies continues to pave the way for the implementation of innovative services and devices in modern vehicles. These include analog and digital audio broadcasting radio, satellite radio, GPS, cell phones, and short range communication devices....
Book cover of Transesophageal Echocardiography

Transesophageal Echocardiography

A New Monitoring Technique

by Nikolai Kolev, Günter Huemer, Michael Zimpfer
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

Das Buch richtet sich vor allem an junge Anästhesiologen und Assistenzärzte auf Intensivstationen, die die Technik der transösophageale Echokardiographie erlernen möchten, aber ebenso an Kardiologen und Internisten, die Patienten kardiologisch betreuen.
Book cover of Miktoarm Star Polymers

Miktoarm Star Polymers

From Basics of Branched Architecture to Synthesis, Self-assembly and Applications

by Haifei Zhang, Bernhard Schmidt, Nikolai Hadjichrist
Language: English
Release Date: April 13, 2017

The term ‘miktoarm polymers’ refers to asymmetric branched macromolecules, a relatively new entry to the macromolecular field. Recent advances in their synthesis and intriguing supramolecular chemistry in a desired medium has seen a fast expansion of their applications. The composition of miktoarm...
Book cover of le voyageur enchanté
by nikolai leskov
Language: French
Release Date: September 15, 2016

Extrait :  Au cours d’une navigation sur le lac Ladoga, tandis que nous allions de l’île de Konévetz à celle de Valaam,  nous dûmes, pour les besoins du steamer, relâcher dans le port de Koréla. Plusieurs des nôtres descendirent à  terre, curieux de visiter cette dernière...
Book cover of Challenges of Individualization
by Nikolai Genov
Language: English
Release Date: July 16, 2018

This book* *critically engages with a series of provocative questions that ask: Why are contemporary societies so dependent on constructive and destructive effects of individualization? Is this phenomenon only related to the ‘second’ or ‘late’ modernity? Can the concept of individualization...
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