Miguel Campion: 7 books

Book cover of Unhappy Christmas
by Miguel Campion
Language: English
Release Date: December 29, 2018

Natalia, a successful foreign correspondent, travels to Madrid to spend Christmas with her husband, determined to surprise him with her early arrival. However, the surprise is all for her when she gets there and finds him in bed with another woman. Horrified, Natalia runs out, with Miguel hot on her...
Book cover of Flesh of Flesh
by Miguel Campion
Language: English
Release Date: September 28, 2015

Synopsis: Alceán is a teenager who lives with his mother, shut away in an enormous and sinister mansion that he has never left. The only world he has ever known does a one hundred and eighty degree turn when his Uncle Belial makes an unexpected arrival, and pushes him to transgress every limitation...
Book cover of Sunset in Singapore
by Miguel Campion
Language: English
Release Date: April 28, 2018

It’s Mardis Gras, but not for Anna. She’s stuck working all night, serving drinks so that everyone else can have fun. And on top of that, all of her coworkers have disappeared at closing time. They’ve all met someone, except her. As she angrily cleans the bar, Anna remembers the night of Mardis...
Book cover of Carne della sua carne
by Miguel Campion
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 14, 2016

Sinossi: Alceán è un adolescente che vive rinchiuso con sua madre in un’enorme villa sinistra dalla quale non  è mai uscito. Il mondo che conosce cambia totalmente quando suo zio Belial arriva a sorpresa e lo spinge a trasgredire tutti i divieti imposti dalla madre. È così che Alceán...
Book cover of Rosaura has a ghost
by Miguel Campion
Language: English
Release Date: January 8, 2017

 “Katarsis” is an amateur theatre group (to put it as kindly as possible) that just gets by on subsidies and whatever else they can get their hands on. Their leader and director, Beatrice, harbours grand plans to put on ambitious works of theatrical art, but they always end up putting on another...
Book cover of Infelice Natale
by Miguel Campion
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 5, 2017

Natalia è una corrispondente di successo a Washington. Sta tornando a Madrid per fare una sorpresa a suo marito e passare con lui tre giorni durante le vacanze di Natale. Ma è lui a farle una sopresa facendosi sorprendere a letto con un'altra donna. Natalia è fuori di sé, scappa via da quell'incubo...
by Miguel Campion
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 5, 2017

“Katarsis” è una compagnia teatrale amatoriale (per definirla in maniera benevola) operativa in Spagna, squattrinata e per questo sempre alla ricerca di sovvenzioni per sopravvivere. La direttrice è Beatriz il cui sogno sarebbe allestire delle pieces artistiche sovversive e all' avanguardia ma...
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