Michael Schmidt: 101 books

Book cover of Regulating the Web

Regulating the Web

Network Neutrality and the Fate of the Open Internet

by John Nathan Anderson, Jeremy Carp, Benjamin Cline
Language: English
Release Date: December 16, 2012

Since its popularization in the mid 1990s, the Internet has impacted nearly every aspect of our cultural and personal lives. Over the course of two decades, the Internet remained an unregulated medium whose characteristic openness allowed numerous applications, services, and websites to flourish....
Book cover of Appalachian Health and Well-Being
by Carol S. Baugh, Melanie F. Myers, Michael S. Hendryx
Language: English
Release Date: March 15, 2012

Appalachians have been characterized as a population with numerous disparities in health and limited access to medical services and infrastructures, leading to inaccurate generalizations that inhibit their healthcare progress. Appalachians face significant challenges in obtaining effective care, and...
Book cover of Handbuch missionarische Jugendarbeit
by Andrea Bolte, Heike Breitenstein, Robert Erkenberg
Language: German
Release Date: March 12, 2016

Jugendliche zum Glauben einladen - das ist das Ziel vieler christlicher Organisationen und Kirchen. Das Handbuch missionarische Jugendarbeit setzt sich mit wichtigen Grundfragen von Mission unter Jugendlichen auseinander, reflektiert aktuelle Herausforderungen und zeigt auf, wie missionarische Jugendarbeit...
Book cover of Psychische Gesundheit bei intellektueller Entwicklungsstörung
by Melanie Adam, Brian Fergus Barrett, Thomas Bergmann
Language: German
Release Date: November 21, 2018

Das zentrale Anliegen des Lehrbuchs ist die Verbesserung der medizinischen und pädagogischen Behandlung und Begleitung von Menschen mit kognitiver Beeinträchtigung. Im Zentrum des ersten Teils stehen Gespräche mit den beteiligten Familien, die Fragen zu psychischer Gesundheit, Lebensqualität und...
Book cover of Schattenkönige
by Michael Cobley, Natalja Schmidt
Language: German
Release Date: January 29, 2014

Der Auftakt zu einer neuen Fantasy-Trilogie im Stile von Stan Nicholls und Michael A. Stackpole: Lange Jahre nachdem der Dunkle Lord bezwungen wurde, regen sich wieder die Kräfte des Bösen im Reich Kathrimantin. Es ist ihr Ziel, fünf verlorene Seelen zu vereinen, die sagenumwobenen Schattenkönige, um so die Herrschaft an sich zu reißen. Und nur ein Mann kann das verhindern …
Book cover of Paws, Claws, and Magic Tales

Paws, Claws, and Magic Tales

Fellowship of Fantasy, #5

by H. L. Burke, A. J. Bakke, Janeen Ippolito
Language: English
Release Date: October 9, 2018

There's just something magical about cats. Fierce hunters content to rest upon our sofas. Sweet friends but stubbornly independent. Fluffy little murder balls with jellybean toes and razor-sharp claws. It's easier to answer what cats aren't than what they are. In this purr-fect collection,...
Book cover of Therapeutic Residential Care for Children and Youth

Therapeutic Residential Care for Children and Youth

Developing Evidence-Based International Practice

by Hans Grietens, Erik Knorth, Richard Barth
Language: English
Release Date: September 21, 2014

Therapeutic Residential Care For Children and Youth takes a fresh look at therapeutic residential care as a powerful intervention in working with the most troubled children who need intensive support. Featuring contributions from distinguished international contributors, it critically examines...
Book cover of Das Haus am Ende des Weges ...

Das Haus am Ende des Weges ...

Auf den Spuren von Edgar Allan Poe

by Alf Glocker, Angelika Emmert, Andreas Schumacher
Language: German
Release Date: July 18, 2013

Wer kennt sie nicht? Die schaurigen Geschichten von Edgar Allan Poe? 59 Autoren haben sich an die Fersen des großen Meisters des Gruselns gehängt und sind ihm gefolgt, haben Geschichten geschrieben, die es in sich haben. Kaum weniger psychotisch, gruselig und mörderisch. Der amerikanische Schriftsteller...
Book cover of The Philosophy of Recognition

The Philosophy of Recognition

Historical and Contemporary Perspectives

by Frederick Neuhouser, Michael Quante, Ludwig Siep
Language: English
Release Date: December 30, 2009

The theory of recognition is now a well-established and mature research paradigm in philosophy, and it is both influential in and influenced by developments in other fields of the humanities and social sciences. From debates in moral philosophy about the fundamental roots of obligation, to debates...
Book cover of Computational Ocean Acoustics
by Finn B. Jensen, William A. Kuperman, Michael B. Porter
Language: English
Release Date: June 10, 2011

Senior level/graduate level text/reference presenting state-of-the- art numerical techniques to solve the wave equation in heterogeneous fluid-solid media. Numerical models have become standard research tools in acoustic laboratories, and thus computational acoustics is becoming an increasingly important...
Book cover of Relational Topology
by Gunther Schmidt, Michael Winter
Language: English
Release Date: May 31, 2018

This book introduces and develops new algebraic methods to work with relations, often conceived as Boolean matrices, and applies them to topology. Although these objects mirror the matrices that appear throughout mathematics, numerics, statistics, engineering, and elsewhere, the methods used to work...
Book cover of Seelenfeuer


Geschichten und Gedichte über das ganz große Gefühl

by Alf Glocker, Ana Otera, Anja Kubica
Language: German
Release Date: May 20, 2012

. über die Liebe! Geschichten und Gedichte, geschrieben von Frauen und Männern, die die Geschehnisse ihres Herzens, ihrer Phantasie, ihrer Erlebnisse und ihre Gefühle zu Papier gebracht haben. Ein unvergleichliches Kaleidoskop an Emotionen, arrangiert zu einem wunderbaren Strauß von Sinnlichkeit...
Book cover of Commonplace Commitments

Commonplace Commitments

Thinking through the Legacy of Joseph P. Fell

by Kenneth L. Anderson, Scott D. Churchill, Vincent M. Colapietro
Language: English
Release Date: September 30, 2016

Joseph P. Fell proposes that the solution to the problem of nihilism is found in the common experience of persons and the everyday commitments that one makes to people, practices, and institutions. In his landmark 1979 book Heidegger and Sartre, and in his subsequent essays, Fell describes a quiet...
Book cover of Transforming the Academy

Transforming the Academy

Faculty Perspectives on Diversity and Pedagogy

by Michael D. Smith, Eve Tuck, Dela Kusi-Appouh
Language: English
Release Date: May 5, 2016

In recent decades, American universities have begun to tout the “diversity” of their faculty and student bodies. But what kinds of diversity are being championed in their admissions and hiring practices, and what kinds are being neglected? Is diversity enough to solve the structural inequalities...
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