Michael Roach: 14 books

Book cover of The Garden

The Garden

A Parable

by Geshe Michael Roach
Language: English
Release Date: March 25, 2009

With The Garden, centuries of Tibetan Buddhist wisdom are brought to life for readers by one of its greatest Western teachers, Michael Roach. Through a parable in which a young man is brought into a mystical garden by a beautiful embodiment of Wisdom, Roach presents the pantheon of great Tibetan teachers....
Book cover of Der tibetische Yoga des Herzens

Der tibetische Yoga des Herzens

Tägliche Übungen für Körper und Seele

by Michael Roach
Language: German
Release Date: December 8, 2014

Einzigartige Synthese aus indischem Yoga und tibetischer Weisheit Die Praxis des tibetischen Herz-Yoga wird in der Traditionslinie der Dalai Lamas seit Jahrhunderten ausgeübt. In ihr verbinden sich auch bei uns bekannte Yogaübungen aus der indischen Tradition mit solchen, die im Rahmen des tibetischen...
Book cover of The Diamond Cutter

The Diamond Cutter

The Buddha on Managing Your Business and Your Life

by Geshe Michael Roach, Lama Christie McNally
Language: English
Release Date: September 1, 2009

With a unique combination of ancient and contemporary wisdom from the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, The Diamond Cutter presents readers with empowering strategies for success in their work and personal lives. Geshe Michael Roach, one of the great teachers today of Tibetan Buddhism, has richly...
Book cover of The Tibetan Book of Yoga

The Tibetan Book of Yoga

Ancient Buddhist Teachings on the Philosophy and Practice of Yoga

by Geshe Michael Roach
Language: English
Release Date: February 4, 2009

Yoga came to Tibet from India more than a thousand years ago, and it was quickly absorbed into the culture's rich traditions. In this small book readers will discover Heart Yoga, which developed over the centuries in the Gelukpa tradition of the Dalai Lamas. The program presented here combines popular...
Book cover of The Essential Yoga Sutra

The Essential Yoga Sutra

Ancient Wisdom for Your Yoga

by Geshe Michael Roach, Lama Christie McNally
Language: English
Release Date: February 4, 2009

The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali is a classic Sanskrit treatise consisting of 195 “threads,” or aphorisms, describing the process of liberation through yoga. Although little is known about Patanjali (most scholars estimate that he lived in India circa 200–300 b.c.), his writings have long been recognized...
Book cover of The Eastern Path to Heaven

The Eastern Path to Heaven

A Guide to Happiness from the Teachings of Jesus in Tibet

by Christie McNally, Michael Roach
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2008

Geshe Michael Roach and Christie McNally have, for the last ten years, explored together the ancient cities, rare manuscripts, and oral traditions of India and Tibet which bear witness to teachings of Thomas - the disciple that Jesus sent to the east. The Eastern Path to Heaven presents the great...
Book cover of Karmic Management

Karmic Management

What Goes Around Comes Around in Your Business and Your Life

by Geshe Michael Roach, Lama Christie McNally, Michael Gordon
Language: English
Release Date: September 1, 2009

Readable in fifty-eight minutes: Traditional Eastern wisdom and real-life business experience come together in this brief and practical guide, which offers a step-by-step plan that will help readers adopt a more successful way of working and living. KARMIC MANAGEMENT is a little book with a...
Book cover of 當和尚遇到鑽石5:修行者的祕密花園
by 麥可.羅區格西(Geshe Michael Roach)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: February 14, 2017

Book cover of 【當和尚遇到鑽石4】愛的業力法則:西藏的古老智慧,讓愛情心想事成


The Karma of Love: 100 Answers for Your Relationship, from the Ancient Wisdom of Tibet

by 麥可.羅區格西(Geshe Michael Roach)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: November 6, 2014

還在等真愛來敲門? 透過西藏的古老智慧,打造專屬於你的愛侶吧! 《當和尚遇到鑽石》作者麥可‧羅區格西最新力作 安全感、相處慣性、親密關係、控制欲、尊重、承諾…… 每個人都想要解開的──100個戀愛、婚姻課題 Ann擁有一份不錯的工作,只是工時有點長。忙碌的工作之餘,她還得孤伶伶的自己做飯、通勤,日復一日過著靜悄悄、沒有人問她「今天過得怎麼樣?」的生活。盼望有個人相伴廝守的Ann求助於格西:「我該到哪裡去找我的Mr....
Book cover of 【當和尚遇到鑽石2】善用業力法則,創造富足人生


Karmic Management:What Goes Around Comes Around in Your Business and Your Life

by 胡瑞伯(Robet Hou)、克莉絲蒂.麥娜麗喇嘛(Lama Christie McNally)、麥可.羅區格西(Geshe Michael Roach)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: November 9, 2009

Book cover of 當和尚遇到鑽石(增訂版):一個佛學博士如何在商場中實踐佛法
by 麥可.羅區格西(Geshe Michael Roach)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: November 9, 2009

《當和尚遇到鑽石》增訂版 新增38位成功人士現身說法! 一個改變生命的機會: 讓別人快樂,才能賺得財富。用正確的方法,就有回報。 全世界超過一百萬名的讀者每天暫停下來,查閱《當和尚遇到鑽石》的內容,尋找策略以達到財務與個人的成功。在短短十年內,本書以古老藏文版《金剛經》的智慧為基礎,已成為現代經商經典,翻譯成十五種語言以上,被全世界的人用來打造產值高達幾百億美元的新事業。 這本增訂版包含了整本原書的內容,並新增一個部分,包含38則在各行各業中,因運用書中原則而獲致成功的人的親身經驗,這些人包括:                                    ◎...
Book cover of 【當和尚遇到鑽石3】瑜伽真的有用嗎?--身心靈覺醒的旅程
by 麥可.羅區格西(Geshe Michael Roach)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: November 12, 2013

超級暢銷書《當和尚遇到鑽石》作者麥可‧羅區格西最新力作! 有人做瑜伽,身心合一,日益散發光采。 有人做瑜伽,卻常常受傷,不知瑜伽功效在哪裡。 到底瑜伽要怎麼做才有效,才是真正在做瑜伽? 麥可‧羅區格西第一部長篇小說,引領你深入《瑜伽經》, 告訴你瑜伽不只是動作,還有轉化身心靈不可思議的力量! *...
Book cover of Yoga Sutra esencial. Antigua sabiduria para tu yoga
by Gueshe Michael Roach
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 13, 2012

Un sutra es un libro que, mediante aforismos, expone la verdadera esencia de las cosas. Este es un maravilloso libro que nos lleva a las raíces del yoga, a los análisis básicos y a la verdadera esencia de las cosas. El Yoga Sutra es el texto que da origen al yoga y que expone su profunda naturaleza....
Book cover of Transforming Undergraduate Education

Transforming Undergraduate Education

Theory that Compels and Practices that Succeed

by Jann H. Adams, Jerzy Axer, Kenneth R. Bain
Language: English
Release Date: November 16, 2011

For those ready to participate in making transformative changes, Transforming Undergraduate Education provides evidence and case studies that suggest how steps can be taken and progress made. For those who are currently leading their campuses through a change in culture, this book offers support and...
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