Michael Mosley: 15 books

Book cover of The FastLife

The FastLife

Lose Weight, Stay Healthy, and Live Longer with the Simple Secrets of Intermittent Fasting and High-Intensity Training

by Dr Michael Mosley, Mimi Spencer
Language: English
Release Date: September 22, 2015

Finally in one comprehensive volume—Dr. Michael Mosley’s #1 New York Times bestseller The FastDiet and his results-driven high-intensity training program FastExercise combine for the ultimate one-stop health and wellness guide that helps you reinvent your body the Fast way! Eat better and...
Book cover of The 8-Week Blood Sugar Diet

The 8-Week Blood Sugar Diet

How to Beat Diabetes Fast (and Stay Off Medication)

by Dr Michael Mosley
Language: English
Release Date: March 22, 2016

Discover the groundbreaking method to defeat diabetes without drugs using the step-by-step diet plans and recipes from #1 New York Times bestselling author Dr. Michael Mosley. The 8-Week Blood Sugar Diet is a radical new approach to the biggest health epidemic threatening us today... Our...
Book cover of FastExercise


The Simple Secret of High-Intensity Training

by Dr Michael Mosley
Language: English
Release Date: March 25, 2014

From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The 8-Week Blood Sugar Diet and The FastDiet comes a new revolution in fitness. Lose weight and dramatically improve your health with high intensity training—just ten minutes a day, three times a week. Hailed as “a health revolution” by...
Book cover of The Clever Gut Diet

The Clever Gut Diet

How to Revolutionize Your Body from the Inside Out

by Dr Michael Mosley
Language: English
Release Date: September 26, 2017

From #1 New York Times bestselling author of The FastDiet and The 8-Week Blood Sugar Diet, a groundbreaking book about your gut—the “second brain” of the body—and “the life-changing new plan that’ll make you healthier, happier, and slimmer” (Daily Mail). Your gut is astonishingly...
Book cover of A Dieta dos 2 Dias
by Michael Mosley
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: April 19, 2013

Será possível comer o que nos apetecer durante 5 dias por semana, perder peso e ficar mais saudável? Com A Dieta dos 2 Dias sim! O médico Dr. Michael Mosley, premiadíssimo produtor da BBC, tinha um dilema: não queria acabar os seus dias como o pai, que tinha excesso de peso e era diabético. Um...
Book cover of Fast Fitness - Das Original

Fast Fitness - Das Original

Effektiver trainieren mit High Intensity Training - 3 Mal pro Woche nur 10 Minuten

by Dr. Michael Mosley, Peta Bee
Language: German
Release Date: May 16, 2016

Schluss mit langweiligen und zeitraubenden Trainingsplänen! Bestsellerautor Dr. Michael Mosley zeigt, dass es nicht mehr als eine halbe Stunde pro Woche braucht, um den Blutzuckerspiegel zu senken, das Krankheitsrisiko zu reduzieren, die Gewichtsabnahme zu fördern und die Gesundheit allgemein zu...
Book cover of Clever essen für den Darm

Clever essen für den Darm

Darmflora in Balance bringen, Immunsystem stärken, natürlich Gewicht verlieren - Mit 2-Stufen-Plan

by Dr. Michael Mosley
Language: German
Release Date: December 17, 2018

Kaum ein Organ ist so entscheidend für die Gesundheit wie der Darm: Unser Körpergewicht, unsere Stimmung und unser Immunsystem werden von den Bakterien beeinflusst, die sich dort tummeln. Arzt und Bestsellerautor Dr. Michael Mosley erklärt, was den Darm aus dem Gleichgewicht bringt und Allergien,...
Book cover of Die 8-Wochen-Blutzucker-Diät

Die 8-Wochen-Blutzucker-Diät

Der Erfolgsplan gegen Typ-2-Diabetes und Übergewicht

by Dr. Michael Mosley
Language: German
Release Date: December 18, 2017

Leiden Sie an erhöhtem Blutzucker, Typ-2-Diabetes oder Übergewicht? Vielleicht sind Sie ständig durstig oder müssen häufig auf die Toilette. Vielleicht heilen Ihre Wunden nur langsam oder Sie sind ungewöhnlich müde. Oder Sie haben – was wesentlich wahrscheinlicher ist – gar keine...
Book cover of Azúcar en la sangre

Azúcar en la sangre

Un plan de 8 semanas para perder peso y reprogramar tu cuerpo

by Michael Mosley
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 15, 2017

Los alimentos de hoy en día, con alto contenido de azúcar y carbohidratos, no sólo nos están haciendo engordar, también nos ponen en riesgo de padecer diabetes, accidentes cerebrovasculares, demencia y cáncer. Azúcar en la sangre es un libro que rompe los paradigmas sobre una de las más grandes...
Book cover of The FastDiet - Revised & Updated

The FastDiet - Revised & Updated

Lose Weight, Stay Healthy, and Live Longer with the Simple Secret of Intermittent Fasting

by Dr Michael Mosley, Mimi Spencer
Language: English
Release Date: February 26, 2013

The #1 New York Times bestseller Is it possible to eat normally, five days a week, and become slimmer and healthier as a result? Simple answer: yes. You just limit your calorie intake for two nonconsecutive days each week—500 calories for women, 600 for men. You’ll lose weight quickly...
Book cover of Le Régime Fast

Le Régime Fast

Le livre de référence sur la méthode 5 : 2 5 jours sans aucune contrainte et seulement 2 jours restrictifs pour perdre vos kilos en trop et être en meilleure santé

by Mimi Spencer, Michael Mosley
Language: French
Release Date: January 2, 2014

2 JOURS DE DÉTOX + 5 JOURS DE PLAISIR = DES KILOS EN MOINS ET LA SANTÉ EN PLUS ! Pourquoi adopter le Régime Fast ? La règle est simple... MANGE Il n'y a pas d’effort quotidien de contrôle des calories - pas d’ennui, de frustration ou de privations contrairement...
Book cover of The Fast Diet - Das Original

The Fast Diet - Das Original

5 Tage essen, 2 Tage fasten -

by Dr. Michael Mosley, Mimi Spencer
Language: German
Release Date: April 21, 2014

Der Megatrend der 5:2-Diäten sorgt in England bereits ordentlich für Wirbel. "The Fast Diet" ist das Buch, das den Hype auslöste - das Original. Das Konzept ist bestechend einfach: Man legt zwei Fastentage in der Woche ein, an denen die Kalorienzufuhr heruntergefahren wird. An den restlichen...
Book cover of Dead Man's Hand

Dead Man's Hand

Crime Fiction at the Poker Table

by Peter Robinson, Walter Mosley, Rupert Holmes
Language: English
Release Date: November 5, 2007

Hit the jackpot with stories from Michael Connelly, Laura Lippman, Walter Mosley, Alexander McCall Smith, and more superstars of mystery. In “One Dollar Jackpot,” Michael Connelly’s curmudgeonly Harry Bosch finds himself going toe-to-toe with a professional poker player. Jeffery Deaver...
Book cover of Memoirs of a World Traveler

Memoirs of a World Traveler

20 Years of World Travel

by Michael D. Mosley
Language: English
Release Date: July 5, 2012

This is a self-help book as well as book of Memoirs. This book tells the story of a middle aged high school counselor who began to travel the world, fell in love with travel and continued on for 20 more years. The book targets those who love to travel, as well as all those in the travel industry....
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