Michael Gabriel: 30 books

Book cover of Firmament 2050 Ad
by Michael Gabriel
Language: English
Release Date: July 23, 2013

Denver Jenkins is a fifteen-year-old computer-hacking Californian. Big Louis, Turnip, and Dandelion are three accidental-prone aliens who have managed to end up at the wrong end of the galaxy. When Denver encounters the aliens, he discovers that an impending cosmic catastrophe threatens all life on...
Book cover of Motion Capture im semi-professionellen Umfeld
by Michael Gabriel, Andreas Kuenz
Language: German
Release Date: September 12, 2003

Diplomarbeit aus dem Jahr 2003 im Fachbereich Medien / Kommunikation - Multimedia, Internet, neue Technologien, Note: sehr gut, Fachhochschule Vorarlberg GmbH (Intermedia), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Diese Diplomarbeit befasst sich mit der Frage, inwieweit es sinnvoll und möglich ist, Motion Capture...
Book cover of The Battle of Bennington: Soldiers & Civilians
by Michael P. Gabriel
Language: English
Release Date: February 20, 2012

On August 16, 1777, a motley militia won a resounding victory near Bennington, Vermont, against combined German, British and Loyalist forces. " This laid the foundation for the American victory at Saratoga two months later. Historian Michael P. Gabriel has collected over fifty firsthand accounts from...
Book cover of Perfect Love, Emotional Romance: A Heartwarming Collection of 100 Classic Poems and Letters for the Lovers (Valentine's Day 2019 Edition)
by William Shakespeare, Christina Rossetti, Walt Whitman
Language: English
Release Date: February 6, 2019

If a picture speaks a thousand words, a love letter or a poem speaks a thousand more... Even in this age of e-mail, faxes, and instant messaging, nothing has ever replaced the power of a love letter or that of a poem. LIST OF POEMS: 1. Lord Byron - She Walks in Beauty 2. Christina Rossetti - I Loved...
Book cover of Handbook of Embodied Cognition and Sport Psychology
by Lawrence A. Shapiro, Shannon Spaulding, Daniel D. Hutto
Language: English
Release Date: December 7, 2018

The first systematic collaboration between cognitive scientists and sports psychologists considers the mind–body relationship from the perspective of athletic skill and sports practice. This landmark work is the first systematic collaboration between cognitive scientists and sports psychologists...
Book cover of The Weimar Moment

The Weimar Moment

Liberalism, Political Theology, and Law

by Peter C. Caldwell, Christophe Chalamet, Rodrigo Chacón
Language: English
Release Date: January 26, 2012

The Weimar Moment’s evocative assault on closure and political reaction, its offering of democracy against the politics of narrow self-interest cloaked in nationalist appeals to Volk and “community” – or, as would be the case in Nazi Germany, “race” – cannot but appeal to us today. This...
Book cover of Là dove entra la luce
by Gabriel Michael Vosgraff Moro
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 25, 2013

Venezia, anno 1524: il nobile e antisemita Don Gabriel Moro viene condannato a morte per sodomia e decapitato. È la storia di un triangolo tutto al maschile. La voce narrante è quella di Tadzio, un nano ormai stremato dalla malattia che, dal letto dell’enorme palazzo vuoto una volta appartenuto...
Book cover of 50 Classic Love Poems You Have To Read (Golden Deer Classics)
by Lord Byron, Golden Deer Classics, Christina Rossetti
Language: English
Release Date: July 10, 2019

Lord Byron - She Walks in Beauty 2. Christina Rossetti - I Loved You First: But Afterwards Your Love 3. Walt Whitman - A Glimpse 4. W.Shakespeare - Let Me Not To The Marriage Of True Minds 5. John Donne - The Good-Morrow 6. K.Gibran - Love One Another 7. Robert Browning - Meeting At Night 8. E.Dickinson...
Book cover of Morality and Justice

Morality and Justice

Reading Boylan's 'A Just Society'

by Michael Boylan, Robert Paul Churchill, James A. Donahue
Language: English
Release Date: May 16, 2009

This book is a collection of twelve essays devoted to Michael Boylan's important work in moral philosophy,A Just Society. The collection is thematically organized to mirror Boylan's own volume, so the first half explores fundamental issues of justification in ethics while the second half focuses on...
Book cover of Eigensinn und Bindung

Eigensinn und Bindung

Katholische Intellektuelle im 20. Jahrhundert

by Aleksandra Chylewska-Tölle, Angelika Sander, Berthold Wald
Language: German
Release Date: January 5, 2012

Ob in Philosophie, Literatur, Bildenden Künsten, Publizistik oder Politik - katholische deutsche Intellektuelle haben die geistige Landschaft des 20. Jahrhunderts wesentlich mitgeprägt. Sie stellten Fragen an die Zeit und ihre Mitmenschen, die anderen nicht einfielen oder die sie nicht zu stellen...
Book cover of Heroines of Comic Books and Literature

Heroines of Comic Books and Literature

Portrayals in Popular Culture

by Caryn E. Neumann, Joseph J. Darowski, Sandra J. Lindow
Language: English
Release Date: March 14, 2014

Despite the growing importance of heroines across literary culture—and sales figures that demonstrate both young adult and adult females are reading about heroines in droves, particularly in graphic novels, comic books, and YA literature—few scholarly collections have examined the complex relationships...
Book cover of Mindfulness and the Arts Therapies
by Jared D. Kass, Ellen Mullin, Janet Surrey
Language: English
Release Date: October 21, 2013

This ground-breaking book explores the theoretical, clinical and training application of integrating mindfulness with all of the arts therapies, and includes cutting-edge contributions from neuroscience. Written by pioneers and leaders in the arts therapies and psychology fields, the book includes...
Book cover of Derechos y políticas públicas

Derechos y políticas públicas

Desafíos políticos e institucionales en México

by María del Pilar Berrios Navarro, Carlos Ricardo Aguilar Astorga, José Javier de la Rosa Rodríguez
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 15, 2017

Las políticas públicas con enfoque de derechos humanos son las acciones del Estado orientadas a la prevención, protección y garantía de todos y cada uno de los derechos, que de manera explícita se diseñan e implementan para cumplir con obligaciones nacionales e internacionales del Estado en...
Book cover of Baby Greens

Baby Greens

A Live-Food Approach for Children of All Ages

by Michaela Lynn, Michael Chrisemer, Gabriel Cousens
Language: English
Release Date: December 18, 2012

The typical American diet is a major factor in the epidemic of obesity and poor health in the country’s children. Baby Greens helps parents establish healthy eating habits in their children—and themselves—through a diet rich in raw foods. A lively mix of education, philosophy, recipes, and activities,...
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