Max Lucado: 303 books

Book cover of Alabaster's Song
by Max Lucado
Language: English
Release Date: November 12, 2005

A touching story of a young boy who befriends a Christmas angel.  Only a young boy can hear the song of Alabaster, the little angel on the Christmas tree.  This delightful sotry of a boy and a gap-toothed cherub teaches the value and wonder of childlike faith.
Book cover of Facing Your Giants Study Guide
by Max Lucado
Language: English
Release Date: November 21, 2006

Everyone has a "Goliath"-a problem so overwhelming it is seemingly gigantesque in its magnitude. Facing Your Giants Study Guide has the answers that believers need in order to face the giants in life. Whether your overwhelming problem is grief that you just can't deal with, divorce that has ravaged...
Book cover of A Gentle Thunder

A Gentle Thunder

Hearing God Through the Storm

by Max Lucado
Language: English
Release Date: January 21, 2002

How far do you want God to go in getting your attention? Don't answer too quickly. What if God moved you to another land? (As He did Abraham.) What if He called you out of retirement? (Remember Moses?) How about the voice of an angel or the bowel of a fish (Gideon and Jonah.) God does what it takes to get our attention. That's the message of this book: the relentless pursuit of God.
Book cover of Just Like Jesus Devotional

Just Like Jesus Devotional

A Thirty-Day Walk with the Savior

by Max Lucado
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2013

God wants to give you a heart just like Jesus. Jesus felt no guilt; God wants you to feel no guilt. Jesus had no bad habits; God wants to do away with yours. Jesus had no fears; God wants the same for you. Jesus had no anxiety about death; you needn't either. God's...
Book cover of Experiencing the Words of Jesus

Experiencing the Words of Jesus

Trusting His Voice, Hearing His Heart

by Max Lucado
Language: English
Release Date: January 13, 2009

Jesus’ ministry on this earth only lasted three and a half years, yet in that time His words turned heads, turned hearts, and ultimately turned the world upside down. The words of Jesus offer much to those who have ears to hear. They are His legacy. They are our heritage. In Experiencing the Words...
Book cover of Más allá de tu vida

Más allá de tu vida

Fuiste creado para marcar la diferencia

by Max Lucado
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 27, 2010

¿Qué ocurriría si sacudiéramosal mundo con esperanza? Estos son días difíciles en la historiade nuestro mundo. Miles de millones de personas son pobres, y millones permanecenhambrientas o sedientas cada día. Las enfermedades cobran miles de vidasdiariamente. Pero a ti y a mí se nos ha dado...
Book cover of Enfrente a sus gigantes
by Max Lucado
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 14, 2009

Gigantes. Debemos enfrentarlos. Aunque no necesitamos hacerlo solos. Esta mirada profunda a la vida de David cava hondo en las derrotas que sufrió y en las victorias que logró cuando enfrentó a los gigantes de su vida. Cuando se concentró en Dios, los gigantes cayeron. Pero cuando se concentró...
Book cover of Sin Temor

Sin Temor

Imagina tu vida sin preocupación

by Max Lucado
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 27, 2009

Cada amanecer parece traer nuevasrazones para sentir temor. Se habla de despidos en el trabajo,disminución del ritmo de la economía, brotes de violencia en el Medio Oriente,bajas en el mercado de lavivienda, subidas en el calentamiento global. La plaga de la actualidad, elterrorismo, comienza con...
Book cover of Experimente el corazón de Jesús

Experimente el corazón de Jesús

Conozca su corazón, sienta su amor

by Max Lucado
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 27, 2015

La guía de estudio de Experimenta el corazón de Jesús está diseñado de una manera muy particular para traer a las personas más cerca del corazón y alma de Jesús, y para ayudarlas a tener un entendimiento más profundo sobre cómo su evangelio fluye a través de su relación con nosotros y...
Book cover of El Escogió los Clavos

El Escogió los Clavos

Lo que Dios hizo para ganarse tu corazón

by Max Lucado
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 8, 2014

Detente en el Calvario. Pasa tu dedo por el madero y empuja el CLAVO en tu mano. Prueba el sabor del vino barato y siente el rasguño de una ESPINA en tu frente. Toca la aterciopelada tierra, humedecida con la sangre de Dios. Permite que los instrumentos de TORTURA cuenten su historia. Escucha mientras te cuentan lo que Dios hizo para ganarse tu CORAZÓN.
Book cover of Unshakable Hope Study Guide

Unshakable Hope Study Guide

Building Our Lives on the Promises of God

by Max Lucado
Language: English
Release Date: August 7, 2018

This 12-session video Bible study will help you, your group, and your church stand on the definitive declarations of our mighty and loving God who governs the world according to his great and precious promises. This world has a tremble to it. There are things that seem unsteady in this life....
Book cover of 3:16


The Numbers of Hope

by Max Lucado
Language: English
Release Date: September 11, 2007

A twenty-six word parade of hope: beginning with God, ending with life, and urging us to do the same. Brief enough to write on a napkin or memorize in a moment, yet solid enough to weather two thousand years of storms and questions. If you know nothing of the Bible, start here. If you know everything...
Book cover of Prières de Poche pour les Papas (Seulement du texte)

Prières de Poche pour les Papas (Seulement du texte)

40 prières simples pour la force et la foi

by Max Lucado, Mark Mynheir
Language: French
Release Date: September 30, 2016

Les Papas. Tour à tour protecteurs, compagnons de jeu, confidents, conseillers, les papas portent de nombreuses casquettes... Quels que soient leurs rôles, ils sont appelés à diriger leurs familles avec conviction et intégrité. Où trouveront-ils donc la force nécessaire ? Ces...
Book cover of Come Thirsty Workbook

Come Thirsty Workbook

Receive What Your Soul Longs For

by Max Lucado
Language: English
Release Date: November 23, 2004

"Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give will never be thirsty.  The water I give will become a spring of water gushing up inside that person, giving eternal life."  (John 4:13-14 NCV) Like the woman at the well, we recognize our...
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