Matthew Barrie: 42 books

Book cover of Peter Pan

Peter Pan

Contes et Histoires pour enfants

by Il était une fois, Matthew Barrie
Language: French
Release Date: November 20, 2014

Age : 8-9 ans Niveau de lecture : CE2 Les plus beaux contes pour enfants richement illustrés ! Il était une fois une jeune fille prénommée Wendy. Wendy vivait avec ses parents, ses deux petits frères et son chien dans une belle et grande maison. Un soir, alors que les enfants venaient...
Book cover of Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens
by James Matthew Barrie
Language: English
Release Date: November 27, 2011

If you ask your mother whether she knew about Peter Pan when she was a little girl she will say, “Why, of course, I did, child, ” and if you ask her whether he rode on a goat in those days she will say, “What a foolish question to ask, certainly he did. ” Then if you ask your grandmother whether...
Book cover of Margaret Ogilvy
by James Matthew Barrie
Language: English
Release Date: November 27, 2011 thank you for your continued support and wish to present you this new edition. On the day I was born we bought six hair-bottomed chairs, and in our little house it was an event, the first great victory in a woman's long campaign; how they had been laboured for, the pound- note and the thirty...
Book cover of Peter Pan
by James Matthew Barrie
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 19, 2016

Seconda stella a destra e poi dritto fino al mattino: cos si arriva all’Isolachenoncè, il fantastico mondo in cui vive Peter Pan, l’unico bambino che non diventa mai grande. Basta un pizzico di polvere fatata e un po’ di fantasia per prendere il volo insieme a lui verso un’indimenticabile...
Book cover of Stories by English Authors: London (Selected by Scribners)
by Marie Corelli, Israel Zangwill, Arthur Morrison
Language: English
Release Date: November 27, 2011

Frequently I have to ask myself in the street for the name of the man I bowed to just now, and then, before I can answer, the wind of the first corner blows him from my memory. I have a theory, however, that those puzzling faces, which pass before I can see who cut the coat, all belong to club waiters.
Book cover of Auld Licht Idylls
by James Matthew Barrie
Language: English
Release Date: March 8, 2015

THE SCHOOLHOUSE Early this morning I opened a window in my schoolhouse in the glen of Quharity, awakened by the shivering of a starving sparrow against the frosted glass. As the snowy sash creaked in my hand, he made off to the water-spout that suspends its "tangles" of ice over a gaping tank, and, rebounding...
Book cover of Peter Pan - Texte intégral
by James Matthew Barrie
Language: French
Release Date: May 20, 2009

Wendy, John et Michael n'auraient jamais imaginé qu'ils pouvaient voler. Ni qu'ils s'en iraient au Pays Imaginaire, affronter les Indiens et les Pirates du redoutable Capitaine Crochet. Seulement, un beau soir, Peter Pan a fait irruption dans leur vie bien tranquille...
Book cover of Peter Pan nei giardini di Kensington. Peter Pan e Wendy.
by James Matthew Barrie
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 8, 2015

Due romanzi: La storia di “Peter Pan nei Giardini di Kensington” racconta dell’Isola degli Uccelli, dove nascono bambini per metà uccelli e per metà umani. Appena sua madre lascia accidentalmente aperta una finestra, Peter riesce a volare via e si trasferisce nei Giardini di Kensington. Da...
Book cover of Caixa Clássicos Autêntica - Vol. 2

Caixa Clássicos Autêntica - Vol. 2

Peter Pan; A ilha do tesouro; Viagens de Gulliver; As aventuras de Tom Sawyer; As mais belas histórias Vol. 2

by James Matthew Barrie, Robert Louis Stevenson, Jonathan Swift
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: December 13, 2018

Nesta caixa, textos clássicos que empolgam e arrebatam. Peter Pan narra a clássica história dos irmãos Darling – Wendy, João e Miguel –, que acompanham Peter Pan em uma fantástica viagem pela Terra do Nunca, onde convivem com índios e sereias e enfrentam o Capitão Gancho e seus piratas,...
Book cover of Peter Pan
by James Matthew Barrie
Language: French
Release Date: October 31, 2013

Entraînés par Peter Pan et la fée Clochette, la jeune Wendy et ses petits frères font la découverte d'un monde extraordinaire, un monde où rencontrer des sirènes est possible ! Un monde où seuls les enfants peuvent vivre leurs rêves... Mais attention, sur son bateau, le méchant capitaine Crochet veille...
Book cover of Peter Pan dans les Jardins de Kensington
by James Matthew Barrie
Language: French
Release Date: May 28, 2014

Ce livre comporte une table des matières dynamique, a été relu et corrigé.  Il est parfaitement mis en page pour une lecture sur liseuse électronique. Extrait: Le grand voyage à travers les jardins Vous verrez par vous-mêmes qu’il vous sera difficile...
Book cover of When a Man's Single: A Tale of Literary Life
by James Matthew Barrie
Language: English
Release Date: July 29, 2009

ROB ANGUS IS NOT A FREE MAN One still Saturday afternoon some years ago a child pulled herself through a small window into a kitchen in the kirk-wynd of Thrums. She came from the old graveyard, whose only outlet, when the parish church gate is locked, is the windows of the wynd houses that hoop it...
Book cover of Peter Pan
by James Matthew Barrie
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: May 10, 2017

Peter and Wendy – ou Peter Pan –, publicado em 1911, narra a clássica história dos irmãos Darling, Wendy, João e Miguel, que acompanham Peter Pan em uma viagem pela Terra do Nunca, onde convivem com índios e sereias, estranhos animais, enfrentam o Capitão Gancho e seus piratas, além de...
Book cover of Sport and Policy
by Barrie Houlihan, Matthew Nicholson, Russell Hoye
Language: English
Release Date: November 4, 2009

Sport and Policy is the first book of its kind to critically analyse the regulatory role of the state and its impact on sport and the intersections of sport with other areas of government policy. Offering a unique and comprehensive examination of how sport is affected by a range of government policy,...
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