Mary Monroe: 67 books

Book cover of Tagger


Graffiti Was His Life — and Soul

by Mary A. Monroe
Language: English
Release Date: March 23, 2011

Luis, 14, is finding his soul through a dangerous, criminal addiction graffiti Freshman Luis Arteaga, 14, cant stay awake in class at Sunrise High School because hes up most nights until early morning working on graffiti drawings for his Black Book. Once Luis teams up with a crew called...
Book cover of Pegasus: Love Poems
by Mary Jade Monroe
Language: English
Release Date: October 4, 2017

PEGASUS is a deluxe collection of love poems, created specially to celebrate romance in its modern context.  Lyrical, inspired, original; this is the book for soulmates in love and those aspiring to fall in love.
Book cover of Blood in the Rain 4

Blood in the Rain 4

Eighteen Stories of Vampire Erotica

by Cecilia Duvalle, Mary Trepanier, Sara Dobie Bauer
Language: English
Release Date: October 15, 2018

Bite me, you say? Be careful what you wish for… These searing vampire short stories go straight to your unspeakably dark desires. Biting, drinking blood, sucking souls—they do it all in this scorching new collection. Whether they are out for a meal or a good time, the vampires...
Book cover of Mermaid
by Mary Jade Monroe
Language: English
Release Date: December 10, 2017

Mermaid is a collection of poems inspired by the sea. Written with admiration for the aqua life,the classic book flows with a rippling cadence, imbued with the lore and romance invoked by the sea.
Book cover of The Archaeology of Slavery

The Archaeology of Slavery

A Comparative Approach to Captivity and Coercion

by Catherine M. Cameron, Ryan P. Harrod, Debra L. Martin
Language: English
Release Date: December 12, 2014

Plantation sites, especially those in the southeastern United States, have long dominated the archaeological study of slavery. These antebellum estates, however, are not representative of the range of geographic locations and time periods in which slavery has occurred. As archaeologists have begun...
Book cover of Una mariposa llamada Esperanza
by Mary Alice Monroe
Language: Spanish
Release Date: August 10, 2013

Las coloridas flores en el jardín de mamá ponen al descubierto una rara criatura. ¿Qué es? ¿Pica? ¿Muerde? Únete a este viaje fotográfico mientras una niña y su mamá cuidan a una oruga. Observa mientras se transforma en una crisálida de donde más adelante, saldrá - una hermosa mariposa Monarca. ¿Cómo puede una niña joven "afirmar" que le pertenece y aún así, dejarla libre?
Book cover of Les filles de l'été
by Mary Alice Monroe
Language: French
Release Date: February 17, 2017

« Un roman magnifique, empli de mystères, d'obsession, de réconciliation et d'amour... » - Booklist Trois petites-filles. Trois mois. Une maison d'été. La villa historique de Sea Breeze est la demeure ancestrale de Marietta Muir. Jadis, ses petites-filles adoraient venir y passer...
Book cover of Dans l'ombre du secret
Language: French
Release Date: August 1, 2010

Quand sa sœur Merry s’éteint à l’âge de trente-deux ans, Jillian Season, bouleversée, retourne à Evanston, dans la vieille maison familiale, après des années d’absence. Sur place, elle retrouve Beatrice et Rose, ses deux autres sœurs cadettes, dont elle s’est hélas beaucoup éloignée...
Book cover of Métamorphose d'une femme
by Mary Alice Monroe
Language: French
Release Date: June 1, 2019

Victime d’une malformation faciale qui lui vaut le sobriquet de "face de moineau", Charlotte a longtemps nourri l’espoir qu’on l’aimerait malgré le masque repoussant dont l’a doté la nature. À vingt ans, voyant ses illusions s’envoler en fumée, elle décide de confier son visage à...
Book cover of Dem Himmel entgegen
by Mary Alice Monroe
Language: German
Release Date: December 10, 2012

Als Ella einen Job als Pflegerin bei dem wortkargen Harris und seiner kleinen Tochter Marion annimmt, hofft sie, ihr eigenes Leben endgültig hinter sich lassen zu können. Zu schmerzhaft waren die Erfahrungen, die sie als Kinderkrankenschwester in der Notaufnahme machen musste. Doch auch in der wildromantischen...
Book cover of Nur dieser eine Sommer
by Mary Alice Monroe
Language: German
Release Date: December 10, 2012

Zwei Welten prallen auf einander. Die erfolgreiche Geschäftsfrau Cara hat nur ihre Karriere im Sinn. Brett ist ein engagierter Naturforscher, der weiß, was im Leben wirklich zählt. Und dennoch fühlen sie sich unwiderstehlich zueinander hingezogen. In dem Naturparadies "Isle of Palms" erleben beide einen Sommer der Entscheidungen. Für die Liebe, für das Leben.
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