Margarita: 198 books

Book cover of Remedios caseros

Remedios caseros

Sencillos consejos para prevenir y mejorar malestares o enfermedades

by Margarita Chávez
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 10, 2017

Remedios caseros es la guía más confiable para desintoxicar el sistema y reiniciar el organismo a través de las herramientas que la madre naturaleza ha puesto a nuestro servicio. Una obra imprescindible de la medicina natural. Margarita Chávez Martínez, reconocida nutrióloga y defensora...
Book cover of El Universo: ciencia y ficción

El Universo: ciencia y ficción

¡Que no te cuenten cuentos!

by Margarita Schultz Lautersztajn, María Teresa Ruiz González
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 26, 2016

Este libro, primero de la colección Ciencia y Ficción, reúne las respuestas a las preguntas más frecuentes que surgen respecto del Universo y la astronomía. María Teresa Ruiz, Premio Nacional de Ciencias, acerca este complejo tema a todos y Margarita Schultz nos hace viajar por el universo a través de sus encantadores relatos.
Book cover of Ellas editan
by Margarita Catalina Valencia de Lleras, Paula Andrea Marín Colorado
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 27, 2019

Dieciséis testimonios de editoras colombianas que han contribuido con su oficio a la buena salud del sector editorial colombiano. Historias directas sobre el oficio, las luchas por ser mujer en un mundo dominado por hombres, las ideas que han hecho colecciones, revistas, audiolibros o diversos empeños...
Book cover of Evolución del libro electrónico en América Latina y España
by Javier Celaya, Manuel Gil, Margarita Guerrero
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 16, 2016

Este informe elaborado por en colaboración con Bookwire ofrece por segundo año consecutivo una serie de tendencias, indicadores y perspectivas dentro del mercado del libro digital en América Latina y España. El objetivo es ofrecer una herramienta que ayude a editores, libreros, autores,...
Book cover of Spanish markets ebook evolution report 2016
by Javier Celaya, Manuel Gil, Margarita Guerrero
Language: English
Release Date: September 30, 2016

Although publishing and digital cultures are evolving at highly different speeds in the Spanish markets, technology and the ebook both offer a broad spectrum of business opportunities for publishers in Latin America and Spain. The soaring number of ebooks published in those countries, the growing importance...
Book cover of Hurricane Dancers

Hurricane Dancers

The First Caribbean Pirate Shipwreck

by Margarita Engle
Language: English
Release Date: August 4, 2015

Quebrado has been traded from pirate ship to ship in the Caribbean Sea for as long as he can remember. The sailors he toils under call him el quebrado-half islander, half outsider, a broken one. Now the pirate captain Bernardino de Talavera uses Quebrado as a translator to help navigate the worlds...
Book cover of Tropical Secrets

Tropical Secrets

Holocaust Refugees in Cuba

by Margarita Engle
Language: English
Release Date: March 31, 2009

Daniel has escaped Nazi Germany with nothing but a desperate dream that he might one day find his parents again. But that golden land called New York has turned away his ship full of refugees, and Daniel finds himself in Cuba. As the tropical island begins to work its magic on him, the young...
Book cover of Drum Dream Girl

Drum Dream Girl

How One Girl's Courage Changed Music

by Margarita Engle
Language: English
Release Date: March 31, 2015

Girls cannot be drummers. Long ago on an island filled with music, no one questioned that rule—until the drum dream girl. In her city of drumbeats, she dreamed of pounding tall congas and tapping small bongós. She had to keep quiet. She had to practice in secret. But when at last her dream-bright...
Book cover of The Wild Book
by Margarita Engle
Language: English
Release Date: March 20, 2012

Fefa struggles with words. She has word blindness, or dyslexia, and the doctor says she will never read or write. Every time she tries, the letters jumble and spill off the page, leaping and hopping away like bullfrogs. How will she ever understand them?But her mother has an idea. She gives Fefa a...
Book cover of The Lightning Dreamer

The Lightning Dreamer

Cuba's Greatest Abolitionist

by Margarita Engle
Language: English
Release Date: March 19, 2013

“I find it so easy to forget / that I’m just a girl who is expected / to live / without thoughts.” Opposing slavery in Cuba in the nineteenth century was dangerous. The most daring abolitionists were poets who veiled their work in metaphor. Of these, the boldest was Gertrudis Gómez de...
Book cover of All the Way to Havana
by Margarita Engle
Language: English
Release Date: August 29, 2017

So we purr, cara cara, and we glide, taka taka, and we zoom, zoom, ZOOM! Together, a boy and his parents drive to the city of Havana, Cuba, in their old family car. Along the way, they experience the sights and sounds of the streets—neighbors talking, musicians performing, and beautiful, colorful...
Book cover of Madrigal's Magic Key to Spanish

Madrigal's Magic Key to Spanish

A Creative and Proven Approach

by Margarita Madrigal
Language: English
Release Date: September 26, 2012

Learn the basics of the Spanish language with this easy-to-use guide by one of America's most prominent language teachers. Anyone can read, write, and speak Spanish in only a few short weeks with this unique and proven method, which completely eliminates rote memorization and boring drills....
Book cover of Bravo!


Poems About Amazing Hispanics

by Margarita Engle
Language: English
Release Date: March 14, 2017

Musician, botanist, baseball player, pilot—the Latinos featured in this collection, Bravo!, come from many different countries and from many different backgrounds. Celebrate their accomplishments and their contributions to a collective history and a community that continues to evolve and thrive...
Book cover of Mary Cassatt: 109 Paintings
by Margarita Esters
Language: English
Release Date: September 29, 2014

Mary Cassatt was an American impressionist painter who depicted the lives of women, chiefly the intimate bond between mother and child. Degas and Pissarro would later become her mentors and fellow painters. She began studying art seriously at the age of 15, at a time when only around twenty percent of...
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