M D : 4040 books

Book cover of Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom
by Christiane Northrup, M.D.
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2010

When it was first published in 1994, Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom quickly became an international bestseller, and for the past fifteen years it has remained the veritable bible of women’s health. Now, in this revised and updated edition, world-renowned and much-beloved women’s health expert...
Book cover of The Unfeeling Thousandaire

The Unfeeling Thousandaire

How I Made $10,000 Indie Publishing and You Can, Too!

by Melissa Yuan-Innes, M.D.
Language: English
Release Date: September 2, 2014

In my first few months of indie publishing, I made zero dollars. That's right. The big donut. But by the end of my first year, I'd grossed over $10,000, making me not a millionaire, but a thousandaire. How? Hard work and a bit of good luck. In this essay, I break down the recipe of how I made five...
Book cover of 教孩子跟情緒做朋友:不是孩子不乖,而是他的左右腦處於分裂狀態!(0~12歲的全腦情緒教養法)
by 丹尼爾.席格(Daniel J. Siegel, M.D.),蒂娜.布萊森(Tina Payne Bryson, Ph.D.)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: August 18, 2017

**★父母必讀,**腦科學教養經典代表作★ 你教養的方式,決定孩子大腦的發展 跟著腦神經權威╳兒童發展專家**,輕鬆學會12個腦科學教養大關鍵** 12****歲前教會孩子整理情緒右腦,連結理性左腦, 完成全腦均衡發展,成為創意理智兼備的孩子。 ◎****教孩子學會跟情緒好好相處,是父母給孩子最好的生命禮物 孩子吵著要買玩具,賴在地上怎麼勸也不肯走? 跟孩子說不到兩句話就吵架,怎麼講都講不聽? 當孩子的情緒亮紅燈,表示他的左右腦跟上下腦都處於分裂狀態! 教孩子學會運用左腦安撫情緒,鍛鍊上層大腦、培養同理心,用運動改造大腦、化解怒氣。 整合上、下、左、右腦,孩子就能正確處理情緒,變得更加明理懂事,更有能力創造出美好的未來。 **◎光講理還不夠,要先同理孩子的情緒,**再理性引導 美國腦神經權威和知名兒童發展專家,結合最新腦科學、兒童發展心理學與臨床個案經驗, 提出整合左右腦的「全腦情緒教養法」,...
Book cover of Iraq Quo Vadis

Iraq Quo Vadis

What America Should Do

by Heskel M Haddad M.D.
Language: English
Release Date: March 5, 2008

Is the war in Iraq over, or is it just beginning? What does the future hold for Iraq? How do average Iraqis feel about the U.S. occupation? Iraq Quo Vadis, What America Should Do will answer these questions and others, as it delivers an urgent warning about Iraqs future to an increasingly anxious...
Book cover of Medicine Under Attack and Other Essays
by Clyde W. Johnson M.D.
Language: English
Release Date: February 28, 2013

This book is about my experiences, observations, and opinions during my fifty year career. Also included are other essays and anecdotes of interest. We are all entitled to our own opinions and this is mine. I'm sure there are those who see things differently and have different opinions.
Book cover of The Transformation of Academic Health Centers

The Transformation of Academic Health Centers

Meeting the Challenges of Healthcare’s Changing Landscape

by Steven Wartman, M.D., Ph.D.
Language: English
Release Date: March 30, 2015

The Transformation of Academic Health Centers: The Institutional Challenge to Improve Health and Well-Being in Healthcare’s Changing Landscape presents the direct knowledge and vision of accomplished academic leaders whose unique positions as managers of some of the most complex academic and business...
Book cover of Healing with the Arts

Healing with the Arts

A 12-Week Program to Heal Yourself and Your Community

by Michael Samuels, M.D., Mary Rockwood Lane
Language: English
Release Date: November 5, 2013

Heal yourself and your community with this proven 12-week program that uses the arts to awaken your innate healing abilities. From musicians in hospitals to quilts on the National Mall—art is already healing people all over the world. It is helping veterans recover, improving the quality...
Book cover of Do We Still Need Doctors?
by John D. Lantos, M.D.
Language: English
Release Date: September 2, 1999

Written with poignancy and compassion, Do We Still Need Doctors? is a personal account from the front lines of the moral and political battles that are reshaping America's health care system.
Book cover of The Prostate Health Program

The Prostate Health Program

A Guide to Preventing and Controlling Prostate Can

by The Reference Works, Daniel Nixon, M.D.
Language: English
Release Date: November 1, 2007

What foods should you eat if you want to keep your prostate healthy? How does sexual activity affect the health of your prostate? What are ways you can prevent prostate cancer? What should African-American men know about prostate cancer? What are the best alternatives to radiation and surgery in treating...
Book cover of The New Feminine Brain

The New Feminine Brain

How Women Can Develop Their Inner Strengths, Geniu

by Mona Lisa Schulz, M.D., Ph.D.
Language: English
Release Date: July 16, 2013

Ever wonder why most women can handle the kids and careers and the renovation but men can concentrate on either the newspaper or a game on TV? This is because female brains have more interconnections that allow them to multi-task and split their attention. The New Feminine Brain is the first book...
Book cover of Impaired Health - Its cause and cure
by M.d., J. H. Tilden
Language: English
Release Date: July 14, 2016

Table of Contents Introduction CHAPTER I: Medicine-as a Science, as an Art CHAPTER II: Disease-What Is It? CHAPTER III: The Study of Medicine I. Pathology A. Etiology Environment in Its Relationship to Health and Disease Physical Agents Chemical...
Book cover of Solidarity


The Great Workers Strike of 1980

by D M. D Szporer
Language: English
Release Date: July 6, 2012

In the summer of 1980, the eyes of the world turned to the Gdansk shipyard in Poland which suddenly became the nexus of a strike wave that paralyzed the entire country. The Gdansk strike was orchestrated by the members of an underground free trade union that came to be known as Solidarnosc [Solidarity]....
Book cover of Heal Your Mind
by Mona Lisa Schulz, M.D./Ph.D., Louise Hay
Language: English
Release Date: October 11, 2016

Many of us grapple with how to stay happy, calm, and focused in a world that seems to get more complex by the minute. How do we keep our wits about us, our mood stable, and our memory intact when our brains and bodies are bombarded with information and influences from every side? This one-of-a-kind...
Book cover of Biokinetics and Biodynamics of Human Differentiation
by Erich Blechschmidt, M.D., R.F. Gasser
Language: English
Release Date: May 15, 2012

Fifty years ago the field of human embryology was incomplete; prior to that time the anatomy of early human embryos was still unknown, and there was much to be learned about the older stages of human embryonic development. It is now understood that human organs result from step-by-step differentiations...
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