M A : 3759 books

Book cover of Ferien Auswahlband Liebeswirren am Nordseestrand 2019 - Romane und Kurzgeschichten großer Autoren
by Alfred Bekker, Sandy Palmer, A. F. Morland
Language: German
Release Date: March 3, 2019

Mal romantisch, mal spannend, mal heiter mal besinnlich - so sind die Geschichten, die in diesem Band zusammengetragen wurden. Aber unterhaltend sind sie immer! Ideale Strand-Lektüre! Dieses Buch enthält folgende Geschichten: Sandy Palmer: Liebeswirren am Nordseestrand A.F....
Book cover of Trigonometry '...the way to do it'

Trigonometry '...the way to do it'

Trigonometry Revision eBook

by R.M. O’Toole B.A., M.C., M.S.A.
Language: English
Release Date: April 12, 2014

Trigonometry Book (98 pages) is designed for students from GCSE Level (approximately age 16 years) to GCE Advanced Level (approximately age 18 years). It contains teaching text, worked examples, exercises (with full worked answers) - ideal for examination revision. Trigonometry revision, Maths...
Book cover of Mechanics of Liquid Nano- and Microdispersed Magnetic Media
by V. M. Polunin, A. M. Storozhenko, P.A. Ryapolov
Language: English
Release Date: August 10, 2017

This book offers unique coverage of the mechanical properties of nano- and micro-dispersed magnetic fluids. Magnetic fluids are artificially created materials that do not exist in the nature. Researchers developing materials and devices are keenly interested in their "mutually exclusive"...
Book cover of Key Stage 2 & 3 Maths Weights & Measures, Shapes, Angles & Bearings , Statistics & Probability

Key Stage 2 & 3 Maths Weights & Measures, Shapes, Angles & Bearings , Statistics & Probability

Key Stage 2 & Key Stage 3 Maths Revision eBook suitable for 11 plus

by R.M. O’Toole B.A., M.C., M.S.A.
Language: English
Release Date: May 7, 2013

Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 3 Maths Book 2 of 2 (113 pages) provides in-depth revision study of Weights and Measures Shapes, Angles and Bearings Statistics and Probability. Its content material is appropriate for pupils from Year 5 to the end of Year 10 approximately....
Book cover of Handling Food and Drinks When Losing Power
by Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service
Language: English
Release Date: April 17, 2012

This brief guide explains what is ok to eat or refreeze and what should be thrown out after loss of power to the home. Do not rely on taste or smell to decide if something is safe to eat!
Book cover of Fuori dalla crisi
by Corriere della Sera, Forum Idee per la crescita, M. Bordignon
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 15, 2013

La prima puntata di un rapporto innovativo sulla crisi dell’economia italiana. Un gruppo di economisti, giuristi e manager si confronta con gli esperti e guarda alle esperienze di altri paesi proponendo soluzioni concrete per superare la spirale negativa tra il riequilibrio dei conti pubblici e...
Book cover of The Electron Glass
by Professor M. Pollak, Professor M. Ortuño, Professor A. Frydman
Language: English
Release Date: December 20, 2012

Presenting an up-to-date report on electronic glasses, this book examines experiments and theories for a variety of disordered materials where electrons exhibit glassy properties. Some interesting mathematical models of idealized systems are also discussed. The authors examine problems in this field,...
Book cover of Current Topics in Clinical Radiobiology of Tumors
by K.K. Ang, M. Baumann, S.M. Bentzen
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

The impact of basic science radiobiological research is now being recognized of significant importance in clinical radiation oncology. Observations made in the laboratory using animals as'well as tissue culture have led to a better biologic understanding of techniques for altered fractionation, techniques...
Book cover of Practice of Intramedullary Locked Nails

Practice of Intramedullary Locked Nails

Advanced Techniques and Special Applications Recommended by “Association Internationale pour l’Ostéosynthèse Dynamique” (AIOD)

by A. Grosse, H.J.T.M. Haarman, H. Seidel
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

This book focuses on the internal fixation of long bones by using intramedullary locked nails in a closed technique. Intramedullary fixation fulfils the biological requirements for fracture healing and minimises surgical trauma. The text illustrates the use and relevance of this technique in orthopaedic...
Book cover of Alcoholism


A Guide for the Primary Care Physician

by A. Abrams, Julius B. Richmond, M.D. Aronson
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

Based on the Commonwealth Harvard Alcohol Research and Teaching Program, this clinically oriented work is designed to give internists and primary care practitioners the knowledge and skills necessary to recognize and care for patients with alcoholism.
Book cover of Conflicto colectivo del trabajo de los empleados públicos
by Adriana Camacho-Ramírez, Mónica María Cuervo-Aparicio
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 31, 2017

"El derecho de sindicalización, de negociación colectiva y de huelga como herramienta de presión son los derechos colectivos más importantes dentro del derecho de asociación, y se encuentran garantizados en nuestro país en los artículos 39, 53, 55 y 56 de la Constitución Política de...
Book cover of Conception, naissance et petite enfance au Maghreb
by Dominique Tabutin, Collectif, Hélène Pagezy
Language: French
Release Date: January 10, 2014

Les comportements associés à la fécondité sont révélateurs des manières par lesquelles les sociétés assurent au mieux leur pérennisation en gouvernant la succession des générations. Leur étude minutieuse découvre un ajustement inattendu de la fécondité aux conditions ambiantes lorsque...
Book cover of Grace Harlowe's Junior Year At High School
by Jessie Graham Flower, A.M
Language: English
Release Date: February 5, 2014

Grace Harlowe's Junior Year At High School by Jessie Graham Flower, A.M.
Book cover of Poesias esquecidas
by Alexandra Vieira de Almeida, Alexandre Pamplona, A. T. Sérgio
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: March 18, 2019

Figuras desconhecidas, paisagens inacabadas, vozes adormecidas. Tudo, absolutamente tudo neste mundo é fugidio, intangível e inexpressivo. Só se conhecem as faces do que resta após o fim das palavras: a poesia.
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