M A : 3759 books

Book cover of Witchy Poo's Cursed Hat
by A M Sheldon
Language: English
Release Date: July 29, 2015

Witchy Poo's hat is mean and grumpy and likes to cause trouble.What will she do with him. This little story explains all.
Book cover of Sammelband 7 Grusel-Krimis: Rhapsodie der Monster und andere Horror-Romane
by Alfred Bekker, Wolf G. Rahn, Hendrik M. Bekker
Language: German
Release Date: March 6, 2018

Sammelband 7 Grusel-Krimis: Rhapsodie der Monster und andere Horror-Romane Dieses Ebook enthält folgende Romane: Wolf G. Rahn: Die Hexenrippe Hendrik M.Bekker: Nights of New York - Aufstand Alfred Bekker: Seelenhunger Alfred Bekker: Die Insel des Magiers Alfred...
Book cover of Somebodies Diary
by A.M. Phillips
Language: English
Release Date: February 14, 2017

The paranoid conclusion to my murderous diary. After the murder of Stanley things have gone from bad to worse. He may be gone but the good feeling was short lived. Struggling to cope with what I am becoming how will it end!? After all this, at least I'm now a somebody.
Book cover of Disaster Recovery Services Available to You
by Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service
Language: English
Release Date: August 6, 2013

When disaster strikes an area, the services that assist the population can be affected. Know what resources are available to you so you can recover from the adverse circumstances you are facing.
Book cover of This Bridge We Call Communication

This Bridge We Call Communication

Anzaldúan Approaches to Theory, Method, and Praxis

by Alexandrina Agloro, Edmundo M. Aguilar, Luis M. Andrade
Language: English
Release Date: January 15, 2019

This Bridge We Call Communication: Anzaldúan Approaches to Theory, Method, and Praxis explores contemporary communication research studies, performative writing, poetry, Latina/o studies, and gender studies through the lens of Gloria Anzaldúa’s theories, methods, and concepts. Utilizing different...
Book cover of Cardiac Nuclear Medicine
by W.E. Adam, F. Bitter, U. Buell
Language: English
Release Date: June 29, 2013

Book cover of Achieving sustainable cultivation of potatoes Volume 2

Achieving sustainable cultivation of potatoes Volume 2

Production, storage and crop protection

by Dr Ilkka Leinonen, Hongyan Chen, James A. Taylor
Language: English
Release Date: September 10, 2018

Comprehensive coverage of improvements in cultivation techniques across the potato value chain, from yield modelling to post-harvest storage Detailed review of the main fungal, bacterial and viral diseases affecting potatoes Assesses the environmental impact of potato cultivation
Book cover of Baking, Bourbon, and Black Drink

Baking, Bourbon, and Black Drink

Foodways Archaeology in the American Southeast

by Rachel V. Briggs, Stephen B. Carmody, Aaron Deter-Wolf
Language: English
Release Date: August 28, 2018

Archaeological case studies that explore the rituals and cultural significance of foods in the southeastern United States   Understanding and explaining societal rules surrounding food and foodways have been the foci of anthropological studies since the early days of the discipline. Baking, Bourbon,...
Book cover of Small Mercies: Short Stories
by A.M. Brosius
Language: English
Release Date: October 11, 2016

A.M. Brosius writes fiction and nonfiction: “history, real or feigned”; political-economic and cultural theory; and the history and techniques of swordplay. He is an amateur historian, with varied interests including: Pristine Civilizations, Hellas and Byzantium, Medieval Europe, the Labor Movement,...
Book cover of Witchy Poo and the Haunted House
by A M Sheldon
Language: English
Release Date: September 4, 2016

Witchy Poo didnt believe in ghosts and so called haunted houses, and she would prove it.
Book cover of Invade
by A. M. Ellis
Language: English
Release Date: September 18, 2015

It's all come down to this: the alpha of wolves must take his place as the head of the pack if he and Kira are to survive.
Book cover of Arcadia


Eiskalter Horrortrip aus der Feder von "The Rising" - Autor Felix A. Münter

by Felix A. Münter
Language: German
Release Date: January 27, 2015

Verborgen im ewigen Eis hat es überlebt… Gelockt vom großen Geld und der Aussicht auf die sprichwörtliche Story seines Lebens schließt sich der Journalist Nigel White der Antarktisexpedition des Milliardärs Bailey an, der im ewigen Eis den größten Meteoriten gefunden haben will, den es auf der...
Book cover of The Rising 3 - Neue Fronten
by Felix A. Münter
Language: German
Release Date: December 8, 2015

THE RISING - NEUE FRONTEN DRITTER TEIL DER POSTAPOKALYPTISCHEN ROMANSERIE VON FELIX A. MÜNTER Der Kampf um die Zukunft der Menschheit geht weiter! Es ist das Jahr 7 der neuen Welt. Der Neubeginn für die Menschheit ist zum Greifen nah. Die Zeiten, in denen um das nackte Überleben gekämpft wurde, scheinen...
Book cover of Lincoln County Lockdown - Tödliche Fracht
by Felix A. Münter
Language: German
Release Date: July 30, 2015

LICOLN COUNTY LOCKDOWN Es ist geflohen… …doch es darf nicht entkommen! Im beschaulichen Lincoln County ist nicht viel los. Ausnahme bildet der Konvoy des Rüstungskonzerns "Leal Industries". Gepanzerte LKW und bewaffnete Spezialeinheiten sichern die gefährliche Fracht. Was genau befördert wird,...
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