M A : 3759 books

Book cover of A caça
by M. A. Bennett
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: February 4, 2019

O ano letivo começoue Greer ­MacDonald está se esforçando ao máximo para se adaptar ao colégio interno onde ela entrou como bolsista. O problema é que a STAGS, além de ser a escola mais antiga e tradicional da Inglaterra, é repleta de alunos ricos e privilegiados – tudo o que Greer não é. Para...
Book cover of Never Stop

Never Stop

Finnish Science Fiction and Fantasy Stories

by Saara Henriksson, M. A. Tyrskyluoto, Jussi Katajala
Language: English
Release Date: June 18, 2018

Always look for the unexpected. From the high seas to strange histories, from dystopian milieus to galaxies that cry, we invite you to explore the rich landscape of Finnish speculative fiction. Never Stop brings you fifteen diverse stories from up-and-coming Finnish authors. Humor, hurt, love and loss. Spaceships and science. Old lore reinvented.
Book cover of Einführung in die Naturphilosophie
by Michael-Andreas Esfeld, Wolfgang Malzkorn M.A., Enno Rudolph
Language: German
Release Date: December 1, 2017

Was ist die Natur? Seit der Antike gehört diese Frage zu den Hauptthemen der Philosophie. Eine philosophische Gesamtsicht der Natur muss zunächst von den Ergebnissen der Naturwissenschaften ausgehen. Allgemeine und spezielle Relativitätstheorie sowie Quantenphysik werfen vor allem die Frage nach...
Book cover of Einführung in die Philosophie des Geistes
by Dieter Teichert, Enno Rudolph, Otfried Höffe
Language: German
Release Date: February 1, 2012

Beginnend mit klassischen Denkformen zur Philosophie des Geistes bei Aristoteles und Descartes führt dieser Band in ein schnell wachsendes Forschungsgebiet ein. Die Philosophie des Geistes ist ein Schlüsselbereich, der mit vielen philosophischen Disziplinen in Verbindung steht: der Ontologie und...
Book cover of La Verdad acerca del Aceite de Oliva

La Verdad acerca del Aceite de Oliva

SP-Food and Nutrition Series

by Joyce Zborower, M.A.
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 21, 2015

La Verdad Acerca del Aceite de OlivaBeneficios – Métodos de curado – RemediosPrefacioPor Jim HenryPresidenteTexas Olive RanchDirector Ejecutivo Texas Olive Oil CouncilNo es un libro de cocina.No hay recetas para cocinar al estilo mediterráneo.No hay recetas de pizza.Si algo...
Book cover of Neck Injuries
by Syed M.A. Babar
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

Over 100 of the authors hand-drawn diagrams, based on his own observations, provide non-specialist surgeons with the vital aspects about almost every conceivable neck injury, allowing precise surgical diagnosis and management. No other handbook provides such comprehensive inter-speciality information in such an accessible format.
Book cover of One Year

One Year

Sons of Solomon, #1

by M.A. Stone
Language: English
Release Date: April 25, 2019

As the front man and founder of the metal band, Sweet Mercy, I lived a life most men (and women) dreamt about. Booze, women, parties, sex and drugs. Everything that I wanted and things I didn't even know I needed, were mine for the taking. No one ever told me not to take things for granted, no one...
Book cover of Quick Justice
by P. J. Gammarano M.A. J.D.
Language: English
Release Date: February 6, 2007

To date, it's still the only 'fortunately-fiction' book written about the Staten Island Ferry. Hollywood liked an essential part of the plot so much they "borrowed" it, for this author's feeling of "DEJA VU", as that now-famous movie title would suggest!
Book cover of Di chi la colpa dell'arretratezza del Mezzogiorno II parte

Di chi la colpa dell'arretratezza del Mezzogiorno II parte


by Concetta M.A. Malcangi
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 4, 2018

Questa II parte del saggio, che comprende la storia d’Italia dall’inizio del XVI secolo alla pace di Amiens - 25 marzo 1802 - non evidenzia sostanziali disparità di evoluzione economica e culturale tra il centro-nord della penisola ed il centro-sud. Inoltre alla fine del XVIII secolo e agli albori...
Book cover of Lebenslauf und berufliche Entwicklung

Lebenslauf und berufliche Entwicklung

Spezifik psychotherapeutischen Arbeitens im Gewaltkontext am Beispiel der Sekundärtraumatisierung

by Gaby Marske-Power M.A.
Language: German
Release Date: July 8, 2011

Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2011 im Fachbereich Psychologie - Beratung, Therapie, , Veranstaltung: Fortbildung: Opfergerechte Tätertherapie, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Wie gelingt es PsychotherapeutInen, trotz widriger Einflüsse die Freude an der Arbeit nicht zu verlieren, sich Routine und Desillusionierung...
Book cover of Perfekt
by M.A. Church
Language: German
Release Date: November 20, 2018

Fortsetzung zu Unbezahlbar Buch 2 in der Serie - Die Göttlichen Der abgeklärte Milliardär Jeff Mayfield liebt nur das, was er mit seinem Geld und seiner Macht kaufen kann, aber das Schicksal hat andere Pläne für ihn. Zuerst gewinnt ein Spieler in Jeffs Casino einen riesigen Jackpot und...
Book cover of Fliegende Fellbüschel
by M.A. Church
Language: German
Release Date: July 11, 2017

Buch 2 in der Serie - Fell, Fangzähne und Feliden Ein kühler Morgen, ein Garten voller Vögel und eine Katze mit einer Mission. Was könnte eine Werkatze sich sonst noch wünschen? Beta Heller Wirth hat alles, außer einem Gefährten – einen Gestaltwandlergefährten, um genau zu sein. Das...
Book cover of The Superheroes Movies Trivia Quiz Book: Unofficial and Unauthorized
by M.A. Cassata
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2017

Who portrays Jor-El in the Superman (1978) film?What character in the Suicide Squad film can summon flames?Are you the ultimate superhero movie fan? If so, you will enjoy this entertaining and equally as challenging 160 question quiz pop culture book. Test your knowledge on Batman, Superman,...
Book cover of Fruits
by Debbie Shiwbalak M.A. CCC-SLP, Alpin Rezvani M.A. CCC-SLP
Language: English
Release Date: January 21, 2015

As speech pathologists, we often engage in cooking activities to encourage spontaneous language.  Over the years we were searching for a book that depicts the fruits we use the most, so we decided to create our own!  These vivid images will encourage both children and adults to label, comment, answer...
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